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how long did it take you to write fizzbuzz solution the first time? is it even a valid interview question because after doing it once it becomes easy and a matter of memory recall rather than actual programming skill? So lets say a brainlet can spend several hours figuring it out and then it will take him 2 minutes in the interview to type it out?

Attached: 156390114982crop.jpg (1163x907, 221K)

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god I wish that was me

Both are guys btw

Same. Me on the left

### Operators
eq = $(filter $1,$2)
slice = $(wordlist 2,$(words $1),$1)
repl = $(if $(call eq,$(words $4),$1),$3,$(call repl,$1,$2,$3 $2,$(words $4) $4))
map = $(if $2,$(call map,$1,$(call slice,$2),$3,$4 $(call $1,$(firstword $2),$3,$4)),$4)
rotate = $(call slice,$1) $(firstword $1)
zip3 = $(if $2,$(call zip3,$1,$(call slice,$2),$(call rotate,$3),$(call rotate,$4),$5 $(call $1,$(firstword $2),$(firstword $3),$(firstword $4))),$5)
inc = $(words $(call repl,$1,_) _)

### Program body
count = $(words $3)
cycle = $(call slice,$(call repl,$1,_)) $2

fizz := $(call cycle,3,fizz)
buzz := $(call cycle,5,buzz)
numbers := $(call map,inc,$(call map,count,$(call repl,100,_)))

select = $(if $1,$1,$2)
fizzbuzz = $(call select,$(if $(call eq,$2,_),,$2)$(if $(call eq,$3,_),,$3),$1)

result := $(call zip3,fizzbuzz,$(numbers),$(fizz),$(buzz))
println = $(info $1)

### Targets
.PHONY: all
all: ; $(call map,println,$(result))

>how long did it take you to write fizzbuzz solution the first time?
Maybe a minute or two? I had already been programming for a few years by that point, so I were familiar with modulo.

>is it even a valid interview question
For entry-level positions, sure. But they will usually have different variants, such as fizz buzz jazz, or buzzfizz etc.

>So lets say a brainlet can spend several hours figuring it out and then it will take him 2 minutes in the interview to type it out?
They will usually ask other questions too though.

Is that a meiow[rustle] ripoff style?

Attached: 67hv5.jpg (400x300, 19K)

I don't believe you, post full image.

full image is cannot be posted

rp([case N of N when N rem 15==0 -> fizzbuzz; N when N rem 5==0 ->buzz; N when N rem 3==0 -> fizz; _-> N end || N

can somebody redpill me on fizzbuzz are there really people applying for tech jobs that can't fizzbuzz, what do they think they're going to be doing on the job and how could they expect to survive

i hate to disappoint you but it's hetero

>are there really people applying for tech jobs that can't fizzbuzz
yes, women

>what do they think they're going to be doing on the job and how could they expect to survive
maintain CoC fior their entire department

Attached: fizzbuzzed.jpg (1260x910, 380K)


I wish I was born a woman and could live life on easy mode

my code from prev thread
var felix = 3;
var astolfo = 5;
var threesome = astolfo * felix;
for (var trap = 1; trap

Attached: astolfo_chan_wa_kawaii_na.png (1178x1694, 2M)

>checking for threesome in addition to Felix and Astolfo
Never going to make it.

god yes



Kill yourself

>wants me to disable the ad blocker
Hah, nice try

sauce in danbooru

>Can't even block a cheap adblock killer

Attached: dxl2ui5v2r611.jpg (900x900, 83K)

Not to sound like a SJW or anything, but I'd say women experience difficulties of their own.

we will never experience young love, right Jow Forums?

replace sword with computer

Attached: 88-Lufia_II_-_Rise_of_the_Sinistrals.175.png (512x448, 68K)
