Bongs mad because they can't censor the Internet more effectively.
Bongs mad because they can't censor the Internet more effectively.
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Interesting. Makes me wonder who are the people here making negative posts about a FOSS browser as capable as Firefox. And isn't Chromium.
I honestly hope Mozilla doesn't cave and remove it.
Fuck the British.
Oy stop using Firefox goy
>DNS handled in the browser (or other application)
This kills the Pi-Hole and several phone adblockers
They shitty DNS blocking.
Based Mozilla
Doesn't matter
but... muh trannies
I’m against it solely because it’s a shit idea. It seems in $CURRENT_YEAR we’re not allowed to have protocols anymore. Everything has to be disgusting webshit. No (S)FTP, no DNS, no SMTP/IMAP, everything has to be assimilated into the massive and overgrown HTTP(S)
Imagine being a fucking Bong.
It's optional. It's not replacing anything. Having more options is good. And DNS-over-DNS is actually good. You are glowing.
I wouldn't wish that on my own worst enemy.
If you install Intra on an Android phone you can use the dns-over-https of Google, Cloudflare, Adguard. Doesn’t matter what browser you have on it.
Just like Firefox’s telemetry and shady behavior are “optional”
Fuck you user, the current Mozilla are lefty libtards that destroyed Firefox. This new quantum pile of wet dog shit is lazyness incarnate! They keep getting shit from Google. It sucks ass! I am hopping between Waterfox and PaleMoon. I might try IceCat, see how it goes.
you're glowing
Chad uses Lynx.
Great, fuck UK.
>he/she doesn't know
i laff :)
>pretending to know something
explain yourselves britcucks
it's a man sucking a penis you fucking retards
>he doesnt block 3rd party globally
Not gonna make it
Why a man, user? Is that what you immediately think of?
I had one job
Forgot my DNS loicense.
mozilla is ditching the current firefox on android and replacing it with fenix.
Pî-hole manage doh, but in local it's almost useless.
Use blokada or root
You know that's actually bad, if they keep caring they might get worked up enough to actually go and implement some real blocking. I don't want to have to use a VPN like some fucking chink
Glow harder.
The ISPA are a joke led entirely by the big four. If you're on Jow Forums and you aren't using either Zen, Andrews and Arnolds (who aren't a member of the ISPA), or another ISP that understands what you mean when you ask them to add a PTR for your IP - you deserve what you get.
A lot of people don't have a choice in ISPs.
>muh glownigger
I use DNSCrypt you mong, but if there's one thing out shitty government is good at it's making a show of being secure then letting anyone with any mild technical knowledge to whatever. Like the joke DNS blocks, or the absolutely laughable copyright enforcement - most ISPs let you torrent anything and everything and never bat an eye.
But they still care enough that if you take away their boomer tier safeguards, they're liable to put in actual effort for once. So yes, I'm a CIA nigger for not wanting to potentially face packet filtering and russia or china level blocking.
It's called medium mode. And makes it easier on mobile because you don't have to constantly noop new domains as much but still provides good protection and performance.
This is probably the first good news that I heard in years about protocols
In my experience breakage happens when one blocks inline and 1st party. 3rd party rarely breaks anything. At least for me.
3rd party frames rarely breaks anything of worth. You should generally block all 3rd party frames even if you think you need them, just noop sites that use them.
3rd party scripts will break some functionality but it tends to be stuff like posting comments and content to websites. If you only passively view websites it usually doesn't change a whole lot for you.
3rd party will break quite a lot because a lot of sites use 3rd parties or alternate domains to host css and images and media and it also blocks scripts and frames which can break all of the above as well. Generally not a great idea to block 3rd party globally but its occasionally helpful on a site by site basis.
If only they weren't lefty libtards too, I'd support them. It's just anotha goolag.
Yes user you are right. I for one use MQTT on my stingrays.
This is really dangerous from Mozilla. Without rhe police being able to monitor and block our Internet traffic, how are they going to ensure our safety
Do you even know what the glow meme means newfag?
you have to go back
>t. Constable Bukhari
I been block 3rd party frames and scripts along with 3rd party globally for years. Rarely breaks something.
Censors BTFO. Internet development tends to work around censorship. DNS lookups encrypted, URLs visited encrypted. Best they can do now is block access to specific IPs, but that breaks other sites hosted at the same shared server as a censored site.
Until Firefox kills support for that which they already plan too as soon as Google does it for chrome
Chrome never supported addons on mobile
I block everything, including 1st party, globally and just enable whatever I need on site by site basis.
I'm talking about Chrome killing adblockers ability to block ads
But the new firefox will also have some blocking itself
Mozilla is implementing extension support in Fenix.
Why are there so many tinfoil hat retards on Jow Forums? There is no reason to believe what you've stated here.
are you sure? afaik it's not on their priority list.
A lot of people on Jow Forums are paranoid because of retards like using stingrays to spy on people. Now trace the parallel to big companies who are used to wiping each other's ass on a daily basis and what they would do to make sure we are fed endless amounts of ads, some of which are displayed on their own platforms.
just accept your homosexuality. You no longer have to live in denial. Embrace it. Be happy with it.
And to think, people think this is a bad thing.
Are you talking about virgin or the dark fiber providers? They're not that big outside of certain places in cities. The phoneline coverage in the UK is pretty expansive at from that point you are free to choose whoever you want. The problem is that most of the smaller companies just got bought out by bt, sky and talk talk.
Plusnet used to be good and the only remaining one I like is zen because they're business focused.
being the least shit out of all browsers doesn't stop it from being shit you know
The only thing police really do on a large scale is check every search request and forward anything suspicious off to either suicide prevention or anti-terror units.
ISPs are the ones making this claim and it's probably just making a noise so it seems like they're concerned about people breaking laws using their services. The only thing they're legally obliged to block is pirate bay kind of shit because hollywood actually has money to lobby. I don't think it's actually in law for them to block other illegal content and that's done willingly by them for cp and shit.
"You mean you're closing holes we use to see what you're doing? But think of the children who need us to monitor them!"