>nvidiots pay 500$ for a windows XP looking control panel lmao
Nvidiots pay 500$ for a windows XP looking control panel lmao
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i don't spend hours looking at the control panel
When can we ban brandwar cancer?
When AMD puts out a decent product
Ain't broke, don't fix it.
At least it works
the nvidia control panel and geforce experience are truly pathetic and outdated for such a money grubbing company. thats one big reason i bought amd recently, the radeon control are night and day better.
>I bought an inferior product because the package looks better
i didnt buy the inferior product though the 580 was better than the 1060
Left looks like typical minimalist pajeet UI
Right looks like patrician functional UI and focus resources into making driver optimizations that matter rather than re branding the software suite every month
It uses OS native chrome, which means it's faster and lighter, unlike your bloated piece of shit. Kys ayymdfag and go seethe
I haven't owned a nvidia product since having dual 6600gt's in SLI and this looks exactly the same. Is this honestly what it looks like?
100€ for an 570 here
Leave it alone. They'll fuck it up and integrate it with GF Experience for sure.
yes, it literally never changed
I had an old GT 7600 and I chuckled that even the modern panel looks exactly the same
I got a rx 480 for 75 bucks used, just replaced the thermal pads and paste. So I guess I paid like 90 in total for it. Works great.
Wow. That was 14 years ago. I am not brand fan boy in the least but that is ridiculous.
Don't get either one on linux
it is
Also maybe it's a good thing they are spending time where it matters instead of the UI. I have a vega 56 atm and I think the UI is great but it certainly isn't the best card I have ever owned.
i hate nvidia but the control panel works pretty good, its only missing custom presets with the ability to bind them to keys
Seriously. Fucking /v/ has better rules against console war garbage threads
>faster and lighter
Obviously someone who hasn't used both. Because Geforce drivers are absolute garbage performance-wise compared to Radeon Settings. They were about even if not slightly better than the old Catalyst though.
mods don't fucking care, it's all ogre
Nothing wrong on either my laptop or my desktop. Maybe your PC is shit :3
fucking hell I remember this panel from the FX 5500 era
Yeah, I had to go back to my rx480 while my 1080Ti was getting repaired for the second time of the year, and AMD's thing is even better than before.
Now I miss Radeon Chill.
>Windows XP looking
It's not "Windows XP looking", it's just the same panel than during the XP era. Nothing changed
>Nvidia control panel
Click Apply
10s lag.
It's not even fast. Stop lying.
Holy shit, I remember this trash from my GeForce2 MX on win98.
Now I get the NGreedia meme.
Yeah, I think your PC is shit :3 Mine works instantly.
Just tried it, it took 5 seconds to load.
Totally irresponsive while changing options, like 1 second delay.
6 second to apply a setting.
Do it at home.
it werks on my comp :3
Well it werks on my comp too.
It's just shit.
Those Nvidia fonts are disgusting. Cheap AMD is cheap tho
i think it's good :3
i love sucking cock :3
I think you're lying, because my brother on a totally different system is shitting at this too.
I remember this shit being very responsive and fonctional.
Nvidia uses the most basic Win common controls library, Comctl32.dll, which is a DLL included with any Windows operating system. They dont need re--invent the fucking DLLs for dark mode or other autistic GUIs
i think your pcs are shit :3 because it works fast on both my systems :3
Considering how slow that shit is maybe they should
Unfortunatly, it's most likely going through layers over layers of retro-compatibility, which explains third world performance.
4670k 1070
2700x 1080Ti
The only reason it would run fine is if you're under linux or some shit.
What language did AMD use for it's Radeon settings?
I think it's running on C#. Don't quote me on that. But it works, and even has feature you didn't know you wanted until you tried them.
Now if only they could sell some decent GPUs...
It will never stop. I think Bulldozer being so shit pushed this board past the point of no return. A simple fix is IDs in this board, it would make shilling and shitposting much more tedious.
Same. Vega 56 > RTX 2060 especially when both are OC'd. The RTX meme isn't even useable on the 60 cards anyways.
no i use windows 7 and 10 ltsc and it works fast :3
desktop: 6950x Titan Xp
lappy: 8750h 1050ti
You also stated you suck dicks, so I'm only gonna rely on my sole experience.
well, you're wrong :3
I fear the day nvidia changes their control panel. I've seen the minimalist designs of catalyst and that weird geforce experience program and I am not impressed.
Minimal design fucking sucks, they take out all the options, and manage to distract you more than a computer-style design made to give you all the power you need, and then some.
Sometimes, often... bloat is good.
I don't want to be diving around the windows registry looking for settings removed by the "simple designs"
This is technological newspeak, and it hurts me to the core
Minimalism plusgood
Functionality double plus ungood
>justifying being poor
so? phuck off zoomer, if it works, it works. this doesn't matter to most people because the average gamer doesn't even go to in-game settings, let alone the nvidia config panel normies just press play. it's fine how it is. if nvidia ever touches it, they will fuck it up by integrating it with geforce experience and requiring an account.
left: doesn't work or resets randomly
right: works
Imagine being this much of a cuck
The amount of utterly brainwashed Nvidia retards defending this utter piece of shit control panel proves beyond a doubt that they are not to be taken seriously. It lags like it's going to crash every single time you fucking do anything. Switch menus? Lags. Apply a setting? It's going to have a fucking seizure for the next 5 seconds before it finishes applying a single setting. The visual design is straight out of the Windows XP era along with all the frustrating UI usability issues that comes with it. Settings are often in places that are completely unintuitive. Nvidia inexplicably refuses to add the option for capping FPS despite the fact that the function exists. Nvidiots DEFEND this. They not only defend it, they say it's better like this. And Nvidia will continue to feed everyone a giant steaming pile shit because their fans love the taste.
You're right, the nVidia control panel is outdated but at the same time I absolutely fucking hate how every single GPU/CPU/whatever related software uses those hideous custom skinned interfaces, absolute fucking dogshit.
People seem to confuse Nvidia voodoo driver magic with good software. Truth is that AMD has offered parity if not better a interface for their GPUs for years now. In features, AMD has actually surpassed them as well. I don't know if Navi has a better hardware encoder, but that's about the only thing Nvidia has over AMD right now.
left (amd) doesnt reset randomly, it resets when theres a crash. this means you dont have to restart the system, which is what happens with nvidias low quality software. this means you can keep ocing until crash without restarting every time. youre a marketed nvidia goy that doesnt know very basics. trust me, i'd love for nvidia to update that piece of shit to a modern standard but they invest all the money in marketing to goyim like you instead.
AMDrones pay $300 for a rebranded card
what the fuck is that seriously still the nvidia driver control panel?
it's the same fucking shit I had on my 4600ti and that was 17 fucking years ago
>I bought an inferior product because I don't know what ray tracing is and how scummy upscale is.
Call me when AMD doesn't outright remove features from their control panel.
No fucking clue why they removed 3200x1800 support from VSR but it's cancer.
Whats the point of redesigning it when it works and people have gotten used to it?
The appearance of the Nvidia control panel doesn't bother me so much as that they don't remove legacy features that will break everything when used with your card.
Like having 3 different versions of adaptive vsync where you need to figure out which one won't turn everything into a stuttering mess.
Let me know when any of the things in that suite actually work.
You're lying. I spent $600 on my graphics card and the control panel runs like dogshit. Takes 20 seconds to open, 20 seconds to select a program, 5 seconds to change any settings, and 20 seconds to apply. Post a video because I've literally never seen the NCP run like anything except dogshit. Maybe you've got a 8 GHz 9900k and a Titan RTX or something though.
>Jow Forums when shit is changed for the sake of redesign
omg, i hate these new flat shit bloated UIs
>but when green bad company has a functional, actually good control panel
i LOVE flat UIs
AMD user her
I prefer native UI on the right than some faggy pajeet HTML5 interface
>Vega 56 > RTX 2060
You are funny
>Still no individual rgb color settings.
Honestly thinking of selling my vega 56 just because of the pure garbage drivers.
Does AMD have an equivalent to Nvidia Inspector?
I love being able to mess with graphics and driver settings like choosing exactly what kind Vsync I want to use, forcing different types of AA, forcing Ambient Occlusion games, choosing FPS limits and Vsync targets, basically something that really lets me change advanced stuff.
I haven't heard of such third party software existing for AMD, something that exposes a lot more stuff that the Control Panel doesn't show.
when novideo cancer cards cease to exist
the nvidia control panel looks like something from 20 years ago but i hardly ever have to use it unlike the fuckery i had to go through trying to tame a radeon vii. the it just werks meme is real. it could still use an update though and geforce experience is dogshit.
>what the fuck is that seriously still the nvidia driver control panel?
at least it's functional
Idiot spending time sharing screenshot of something he probably uses
>build high end gaming PC
>worried about how "light and fast" a settings program is