Be Yuropoor

>be Yuropoor
>be tremendously butthurt that America exists

Attached: laughs in american.jpg (600x606, 32K)

>be Ameriturd
>be tremendously butthurt that Europe exists

Attached: This Needs.jpg (850x1200, 182K)

Attached: Garnish.jpg (958x900, 123K)

Nice proxy. You didn't end you message with "have a nice day" and thus are not American.

Attached: 1545415634929.png (242x262, 57K)

Well done gentleman
He cute

Suck my dick and balls whitey

Attached: 1545249933247.jpg (907x680, 56K)

Attached: 25442919_158642241563188_392570888790020245_n.jpg (500x500, 28K)

A black person made fun of me for asking why black people needed sunscreen..

european american cuisine

Attached: 1545129811519.jpg (612x822, 79K)

They don't, the sun only makes them more powerful

He is a good boy.

Hong Kong cuisine

Attached: 1545177819063.jpg (960x716, 70K)

No she said she gets sunburnt and then she laughed at me

prove it

*shlop* *shlop*

Attached: .png (588x391, 689K)

perro do the caca

Shu Xingqiao, Pat Heung.

Attached: c4b7a198-b5ec-11e6-a8ef-4657c68d1ed0_1280x720.jpg (980x551, 101K)

Also a good boy.

Attached: 1533580228216.jpg (370x450, 59K)


Well played, saved.

Americans don't care about Europeans

So we see from all the threads about not caring.