Hello bant, I hope you are doing well. I thought it would be fun to have another embassy thread with s4s...

Hello bant, I hope you are doing well. I thought it would be fun to have another embassy thread with s4s. If you want anything sent over just ask!

Attached: bant_Embassy.png (800x800, 19K)

Ask them whos their favorite dwarf-horse is

Attached: 1528872239244.png (600x600, 162K)

ask them if they like animals
i've already asked and the answer is usually no but i have no better questions to present to a dedicated shitposting board

Attached: Purple-girl.png (804x905, 289K)

Will ask!
You got it Hong Kong!

Ask which dragon is their favourite and why it is Kanna. Also ask if they knit.

Attached: 2A2AFB46-D710-4DF2-B774-090DB9FDBF75.jpg (538x768, 115K)

sent. also if i get b& because of rule 15 it's your fault.

Two people say to, "go back"
And a poster called Bumstead says, "I have a confession to make.
My real name is Winston Brundleback.
I am a 47 year old real estate broker with a wife and two kids.
Last week I had sexual relations with a prostitute and then ran her over with my car to get the money back.
I need your help on how to remove female face shaped dents from bumpers please and thank."

jack ruselel crazy fan sends this and got time quads and says, "jack ruselel"

Attached: 1545521181896.jpg (640x426, 21K)


Attached: 1539377057111.gif (360x263, 623K)

Tell them Jow Forums is /chen/

Attached: 3591.png (279x270, 89K)

Will send!


Attached: 1545502009816.png (807x1435, 1.32M)

Attached: Garnish.jpg (958x900, 123K)

ask them how many cans of dog food they feed doremiposter per month

Someone sends this.
will do.

Attached: 1545521181896.jpg (303x300, 3K)

tell the guy who posted that image that he's ebin beyond words

will do.

they say, "wtf i l*ve canada now"

Attached: 1545521181896.jpg (360x360, 33K)

Taco Kid says, "fight my champions"

Attached: 1545521181896.jpg (1290x1821, 842K)

jungle is massive says, "suck a fart outta my ass"

someone says, "Ask drawfriends to draw more cute stuff with Keksandra and leaf girl’s big boobs"

do they have any dogs

Attached: no dog.jpg (720x960, 59K)

s4s more like clowns fuck them all LMAO

will asko but the answer is yes, look here will tell.

tsxd calls you, "the f word"

they really wanted this sent.

Attached: bird_eats.jpg (1024x768, 118K)

Well done.

will tell them.

I formally request you ban Dandy and contain him to [s4s] so that I may punish him with vagina daily.

Attached: 0770ed9c0f115bf4d1ea86c9b78c5cde.jpg (1280x1617, 247K)

strange... But i'll inform.

Tell 'em your credit card numbers and the 3 digit code on the back.

Tell them mine?

Yeah, go for it. They'll like that.

Alright, fine. If you won't, then send this instead I guess.

Attached: 1543884670216.png (266x382, 69K)

Here you go m8

Attached: Screenshot 2018-12-22 at 7.09.29 PM.png (424x116, 13K)


It appears that there is some kind of filter in place. At least you tried. You are a honest and upstanding individual who would not deceive me.

yes never deceive.

tell them to fug my prolapsed hairy Hole


Yes do it

Ask if they want to play 100% Orange Juice in a few hours.

Attached: 5c172c58d708ec68621e5b50b24cfa6ff166b62a.png (172x237, 78K)



I'll see if I can manage it.

Yuiposter says bant "smell[s] nice"

Attached: smile_anime.jpg (950x1055, 156K)

Tell him taht's fucking GAY
(typo included)

Attached: cmere.jpg (700x786, 175K)


Yuiposter says, "whattttttttttt"

Attached: 1545521181896.jpg (409x705, 44K)

This girl wants to fight s4s. What do?

Attached: doom_1541716072884.jpg (1080x1080, 87K)

Will do.

They say, "wtf i l*ve canada now"

Attached: 1545520892608.png (200x300, 8K)

tell him "no one is affectionate on my watch"

Attached: nerd.png (241x200, 46K)


Someone says, "I am interested in their tribe, and I will make an expedition in a few days"

Attached: 1545521181896.jpg (351x650, 37K)

Could you ask them to bring a religion to replace that kot shit?

i'll ask.


jack ruselel crazy fan says, "them down bottom my champ up top"

Attached: 1545520892608.png (298x335, 100K)

Hey gook moot yeah how you doing? Oh that's great that's great to hear wow man I hope you're doing fantastic while that's that sounds great hey I really like the new ideas you put on to the new website especially with the separation of the channels I really really good stuff you're doing. Hey so you have a question for me is that right wow well I think it is a good idea I think we should ban anime on Jow Forumsand no gay posting man you really are a treasure trove full of good ideas aren't you I totally agree! Oh what's that you want me to take you to dinner? Well you want me to have sex with your wife? Well let's just say I won't disappoint you or her hahaha man do I sure love catching up with you. alright well I think I have to go now I have to chop Allen's f****** head into oblivion what's that? Oh yeah for sure I'm going to play Huey Lewis and the News oh yeah what track do you want? It's hip to be square? Good choice. All right talk to you later yeah okay what will do for sure for sure yeah absolutely all right all right okay talk to you later bye-bye.

Attached: k3Akdy0.gif (427x182, 978K)

will send

tell them I'm going to say the nigger word

I like how incorrectly you've done this.
You're my favourite.

n word - word

told and the post got 666

You summoned black Satan. Hope you're pleased with yourself.

Attached: Bumstead invoked.jpg (594x774, 387K)



they say, "ebil has fugging won"

Attached: bury_ebil.gif (210x210, 1.97M)

tell them I got dubs to banish him

88 is heil Hitler. If anything, you made it worse.

munch crunch munch crunch munch crunch munch crunch munch crunch munch crunch munch crunch munch crunch munch crunch munch crunch munch crunch munch crunch munch crunch munch crunch

Attached: monch.png (148x140, 24K)

will send

To all Canadians.
"Leaf Girl needs to masturbate Keksandra’s futa cock with her boobs'

Is the embassy still open for business? If so, please post this image with the following message:


Attached: 5e4183bfacaf0f3d85b987fdcbc0f45bd2bd1dff.png (1500x1500, 1.33M)

Tell whoever said that, that if they don't shut the fuck up that I'm gonna come over there and then they'll be sorry

My spies in /s4s/ tell me that the embassy is abandoned.

Works for me

Tell them to join bantcraft.

Fucking hell thanks to whoever set this thread up is based god speed brothers over at s4s. Wish you all good fortunes and luck.

Attached: giphy-2.gif (428x318, 1.89M)