Cigarettes are the official drug of the white race! How can any self respecting white man go without a pack of high...

Cigarettes are the official drug of the white race! How can any self respecting white man go without a pack of high quality cigarettes from the Marboro Company? The decline in smoking has been correlated with a decline in masculinity worldwide. You dont believe (((their))) propaganda, do you?

Attached: marlboro1[1].jpg (482x526, 78K)

Cigarette companies are all owned by jews.

This is a Jewish lie. Jews also smoke like chimneys whilst simultaneously encouraging goys to never ever touch a cigarette because even one can kill you. Bullshit. Cigarettes and Cigarette smokers are a scapegoat they blame cancer on so they can continue putting asbestos in your baby powder.

Don't try to legitimize your degenerate habits.

Attached: 9715209-38-519240591.jpg (350x285, 24K)

Stop smoking, start lifting.

native american drug

cigs are disgusting but also a little based I will admit.
Ever wonder why the guys that do smoke them tend to be manlier? They have more T.

>cigarettes are the official drug of the white race
I thought it was meth

>Fucking dogs is natural and not degenerate
>Smoking a cigarette is degenerate
mapleniggers gon nig

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Is Philip-Morris now shilling on Jow Forums too?

I've never met a red-pilled non-smoker. Most red-pilled folks i know are smokers.

They want it gone for a reason. Sure of it.

Based Greco-Roman man

>b-b-b-but jews tell us they are bad for you
Because they fucking are
I know this is Jow Forums and all but fuck you for thinking cigarettes today and the tobacco smoking of our forefathers is even remotely similar.
Jews loaded the cigarettes with chemicals intended to addict you to their deathsticks just so you'll keep buying them like the good little goys you are.

Also you should be ashamed for putting the words "high quality cigarettes" and "Marlboro" in the same sentence

Attached: pall-mall-cigarettes.jpg (436x650, 101K)

You’re literally repeating the anti-smoking propaganda Jews shoehorn into every commercial break, advertisement, and public school lesson they can so if anything you’re the goodest goy of them all

Unless you go back to the non-filtered era and before
Check out Steve1989MREInfo if you haven't yet

This thread. AGAIN.

finally a decent thread from pol

Nice image user I had that as my wallpaper and used it as a reminder that I'm not consuming the cigarette... It's consuming me!

But what about a nice refreshing Natural American Spirit? Marlboro is a bit too Normie Tier don't ya think?


tobacco is the indian drug. Alcohol is the white man's water.

>Red man's revenge
>Good for the white man
pick 1 and only 1

Marlboro is what the pooftas smoke. They like it because it tastes like cock.

i don't wanna feel smoke or get high from a cigar so no

Clean cock doesn't really taste of anything until pre starts comming out.

Parliment is better

A true patrician only smokes from a pipe.

Attached: Varg.jpg (734x729, 91K)

You're a fucking retard. It doesn't matter what you smoke from. The only thing that matters is what you smoke. You fucking african fuck.