>release new products on sunday
>no one can buy it
what did she mean by this?
Release new products on sunday
>never buy day 1
thanks Lisa
I don't know what country you live in or what shitty religion you follow but here in America you can purchase whatever the fuck you want on Sunday. Also in this country that you live in is the internet closed on Sundays? Most people will buy online in the first place so Sunday makes no god damn difference
Here in Europe stores are closed on Sunday because we have an actual culture & tradition.
>we have an actual culture & tradition
you can LARP about your perverted form of "christianity" (which is really just a jesus fetish) all you want, it doesn't change the fact that America is not a legitimate nation and has no tradition besides liberalism and freemasonry
You shouldn't buy that shit anyway.
release dates on amd is 6 months behind
it doesn't matter what nation you represent, you are our bitch, they all are. now bend over faggot.
Speak for yourself, westoid, not everyone on this continent went full-retard like eg. Germany and practically shut down the entire country once a week.
US sales week begins on Sundays. Perfect time to reorganize shelves, print price tags, give morning meetings before opening.
Thats discriminatory against working people. Sunday is my primary grocery shopping day. Your eurocucks just want to starve while I drive my SUV to Target.
the actual launch is monday but the meme launch is 7/7
also, is there an intel version with cores?
Dont reply to bait posts. Not all of europe is tha same country. Where i am shopping on sundays is a non issue
Sorry to break it but we are the bitch of a handful of your people. And this handful of people certainly does not include you.
America is good if you have an income of monthly at least 30k. Anything under (which all of you are below) makes you entirely relevant and someone like that saying "our" just proves he is on the very low socioeconomic end.
This is pathetic in general, if you want to buy hardware on release (inb4 just wait lmao) you should be allowed to know your country's price and which suppliers will have stock, not this scrambling game but it goes to show just how stupid this industry is.
Netherlands has stores open onmost sundays from 12-17 or 18.
yes but i dont have it. i love this meme though
>he thinks he's in control
>arabs open their stores on sunday, close them on friday
>white christian europeans close their stores on sunday, close them on friday
Diversity is our strength.
>we have an actual culture & tradition
Yeah, a stupid one.
In Christian America they work on Sundays as God intended
>what did she mean by this?
She knows California will be hit by a magnitude 9 earthquake on the 7/7
Jews don't work on the Sabbath but they make sure you do
You can't buy something that is free
Firstly, I hardly doubt you are part of the group of people in charge in your country
Secondly, even if you were, it doesn't change the fact that no one is your bitch, because we actually all are the bitches of the chinks or the jews