You are my family anons

You are my family anons

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I disown faggots

How did you disown yourself then faggot?


All europeans are brothers

Who else is going to be spending Christmas day posting on Jow Forums here

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You have a fucked up family norbro

i sometimes am glad that this site exists, but on the other hand a lot of you act like fucking faggots that deserve to be gunned down in the streets

anyone got any redpilled families

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I love you frog. Come home, you are welcome.

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These digits have blessed this union!

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Op showup.

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Based Beterson poster.

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that's sad

Juden Peterstien

Being alone does suck. However, not feeling lonely is the result of becoming the 1337 hacker known as 4chinz

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He probably fucks the kermit doll whilst watching home shopping network. If you spent even two minutes watching an eceleb or livestream of someone playing vidya, than you are an absolute cuck faggot

What do you know about the l337 hacker that is 4chum? I hear it's all one person.

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except for...

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His name is Robert Paulson