Whats your excuse for not using kakoune?

Its the most comfy IDE that currently exists

Attached: kakoune.png (960x1063, 43K)

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I do like how the command syntax was altered, and I do like various other bits.

Unfortunately it doesn't have all the vim plugins that I use.

that's not an IDE, this is:

Attached: [email protected] (2016x1410, 290K)

>using IDE
>Be retarded

Attached: 15605035685110.png (604x382, 228K)

I was thinking of learning it, but I use vscode for almost everything and for the little conf editing that I do nano or my limited knowledge vim are enough.
10 or 15 years ago I would have loved to have it, nowadays is irrelevant for my workflow

I'm glad that I've never used vim so extensively, so the switch was easy for me.

learn vim lad
it'll change your life

no this is botnet

Attached: 1562188528676.png (1883x819, 167K)

Kakoune plugins for Sublime and VSCode when? The grammar and multiselect are objectively superior to Vim.

already learned vim but kakoune is better

I'm a bitch for daddy intellisense. I know I can do it in vim too, but vscode just works

no this is botnet

Attached: 1562188528676.png (1883x819, 167K)

sowwy wong quote

sublime is better

>not knowing the difference between IDE and editor
>uses kakoune
How the hell did you get here?

you may use it as an editor but I use it as an IDE so since its capable of being both theres nothing wrong to call kakoune an IDE github.com/mawww/kakoune/wiki/IDE

Do you know what I in IDE stands for?


"Command line" is the best and most comfy "IDE".
What you learn one time on one place, works as expected on any computer at any time.

Using cat and echo is the only way to program

Vi-toddlers BTFO!!!

Attached: itoddlers BTFO.gif (498x278, 1.69M)

Sure it looks neat.
Do people here actually create anything though?
All this time arguing over tools when nothing is actually achieved.

How long did it take you to switch from vim?

Attached: 5ee184.png (411x339, 152K)

using it for 2 weeks now, still getting used to it. luckily I've never really mastered vim, so its kinda easy for me.

Now that I've finally found a decent editor, I'm gonna create something, yes.
I just cant be productive when I'm not satisfied with my development environment.

vis is also good, as a better vim alternative, similar to kakoune

It has the same nigger name than Ubuntu.

Attached: pqafkb6d9ba01.jpg (645x729, 57K)

I don't work on projects large enough to need an IDE.

Everyone should know vim commands then just get a vim plugin on whatever you're writing in.