What will it take for you to stop using Google?

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It's too fucking late. And if this type of shit became widespread it'd be good for humanity, we could all stop pretending that we're not fucked and jus b rselfs.

1984 was not a manual

GDPR would never allow this. So proud to be a European.

Cool does this mean i could sue them for invading my privacy?

>GDPR would never allow this. So proud to be a European.
Same here
I wish

A better alternative

>blindly believing in Russian propaganda
I bet you use Yandex search lol

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What's propaganda about it you retard? Glad I also have GDPR desu cucking the technology companies.

>Relax, this company recently ousted as literally skewing information results to fit their political agenda won't do this blatantly evil thing that they absolutely will do

1984 is a history book brought back from the future

> not having a professional google account in 2019

>believing veritas hoaxes

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Will they do a full disclosure on Yandex literally prohibited by law to disclose any information about search removal or data request?

>trusting western media

Just don't sign in. How are they going to prove it's me? Are you fucking retarded?

>i-it's a hoax! s-see you conspiracy nut!

google tracks you even when not logged in

But it's 2019 bro

I have exclusively fapped to NTR doujins for the last four months. I use incognito mode and HTTPS everywhere. Will they still know? Or just that I visit Nhentai for a few hours each evening but not what I'm looking for. Either way I'm still fucked.

HTTPS doesn't hide your browsing history.
HTTPS doens't hide what site you are accessing.
DNS Over TLS doesn't hide what site you are querying
Only a VPN can and that's assuming they won't share the logs to show where you went.

>trusting Russian media
Even Russians aren't that retarded

I don’t have an office job so I’m good.

This fuck google

>Will they still know?
yeah, your ip is still the same

I don't see what everybody is complaining about. When they see my excellent taste in doujins and porn, they'll be sure to hire me.

>my excellent taste in doujins
I'll be the judge of that. Yep five, no googling. Go.

*Top five

>boss added me in normiebook
>turns out he's based and redpilled
I think I'm good

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Companies never ignore laws, companies are lawful.

I'm afraid that information is off-limits unless you're an employer on Google Hire.

I need something so sync bookmarks between PC and mobile but I don't use Firefox on mobile because it's shit

RT is a Russian propaganda arm. Dum dum.

> he doesn't use icognito mode

Just through chrome or Google search? Literally nothing then.

Remember to keep your DNS queries unencrypted. It's for your safety goy.

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In Soviet times people like you were called "useful idiots".

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>i could sue them for invading my privacy
It's an immediate Labour code section 1050 in California. Fuck knows how many other states.
Google knows this. They know blacklisting employees is illegal but they also know it will take the law 5-10 years to catch up and they can sell a new services to corporate american in the meantime, and "clean it up" after the court cases and congressional hearings.
Make no mistake: This is 100% illegal for both google and companies using the service, and their only defense is the word "Cloud".

>This is 100% illegal for both google and companies using the service, and their only defense is the word "Cloud".
Pretty bad move going into anti-trust proceedings.

>that one employee that knows I fapped a dozen of times to TSF Monogatari
I won't stop, Steve.

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Jesus Christ

now even Mozilla seems somewhat appealing.

Remember those rogue Google employees that would stalk and seek out teenagers' photos from online storage? This is not surprising.

Doesn't matter, it's your own damn fault if you use the same credentials online for normal browsing and job related shit.

>not even logged into google on smartphone
>dont use google store, use fdroid and manually download apk's
>dont use gmail (have one for work but havent logged in for ages), use protonmail
>use DDG
i stopped using Google a while ago, OP. thanks for the heads up, though.

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>veritas is a completely believable source even when they have so far presented fuck all in terms of evidence
I don't like Google either but have some fucking self respect at least.

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They have been taken to court for slander and they came out free from charges, they're legit

The west is copying Brave new world though.

>could allow

That's been a thing for a long time.

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>They have been taken to court for slander and they came out free from charges
where did you read that? on concept veritas?

>state social score

>corporate social score
>fatburgers will defend this

This. Huxley was right.

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This is going to be a disaster because EVERYONE has something to hide on the internet. Unless the people make this are magically an entire team of goodie two shoes?

There is plenty of evidence retard, you can even see some of it yourself by googling certain terms they manipulate.

>EVERYONE has something to hide on the internet.
Uh no, we are presently in a full sexual liberation era. Bosses don't give a shit if you fap to feet, scat or bareback gay sex. It's all acceptable so long as it isn't illegal and the bast majority of people never do anything illegal on the internet.

so start your own business
this is what i dont get about a lot of the people on this site. none of you have the dickes and or balles to just go out and start your own shit. all these fucking weak pussy-lip basedboy niggers coming out of university doing 'computer science' degress because they want to work in 'tech' but none of you are willing to nut up and work for yourself, and start some shit on your own. being a slave of wages will never give you the life you want, and going to suckle on master employers BBC is just a cop out for not having the will or confidence to do you own thing. youre not some nigger with children to raise are you user? you didnt fuck up your lives already did you? if not, then youre only responsible for yourself and you should strive to suppport yourself, not be supported by some BBC.

It's more of a mixture though. We get censorship from the vast majority of online websites and distractions from people selling us stuff.

Whatever dude

That'd be great and all if only existing companies didn't do everything in their power to stop new people from entering the market. Have fun if you actually manage to make a product that people want to use but you get lynch mobbed off of all payment processors.

We have kind of a mix. The government hiding the truth from us while corporate interest drowning us in a sea of irrelevance but recently they've been trying to change it tho. They now want to censor ideas and have people consume curated content. 1984 seems mote appealing to the powers that be

And that article is supposed to show that they are credible as a source because a court decided their video was protected by the first amendment how exactly?
That article has literally nothing to do with anything but I'm sure they are totally reliable and trustworthy because it turns out the first amendment holds up in court.

>jill stein
>muh russian puppet
Didn't this bitch tried to do a recount when Trump won? Yes, she did.

there are ways around this, if you side yourself with the powers at be. reguardless, i'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees. youre not living on your knees are you user?

An IP doesn't identify a person. There could be many people in that household that will all use the same IP.

tell that to the judge

Did you even read the GDPR?

Do you even know what libel means? Or is your vocabulary that limited?
It would be libel if it was fake dumbfuck, lrn2basic law
Most judges don't take an IP address as a reliable way to identify people


Shit like that would only fly in a silicon valley tech giant

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Relax--we good trust me goyim

If someone actually did that in that png it would be easy to spot and open a flurry of lawsuits.

Yeah, people were debating Trump's ties to the Russian government and the use of paid trolls to influence results and she derailed the whole conversation with talk about "Russian hackers tampering with results" (that was not what sensible people had claimed) and demanding a recount. The whole issue got derailed and buried under a pile of bullshit.

She is a traitor serving foreign interests, no doubt about it. Their goal is to undermine faith in the democratic system. It doesn't matter if what wins out in the end is far left or far right as long as it is anti-NATO and pro-Russian.

Hence why Putin can get away with backing both the Venezuelan communist government and the European far right. None of these scumbags gives a shit about ideology.

>muh russian trolls
Lies, you Hillary shill. She tried to have Hillary elected by way of a re-count.

Maduro is a democratically elected government. You're now effectively holding both Trump and Hillary rethoric at the same time.

>RT is a Russian propaganda arm. Dum dum.
and NYT, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, CNBC, Forbes, Bloomberg are the US propaganda arms. infiltrated by the CIA, directly paid for by US corporations that work hand in hand with the NSA, which is a proxy for military intelligence services.
but I don't see anyone complaining about them.
also, foreign media are totally allowed to criticize your government, as much as your govt criticizes foreign govts. don't claim high moral ground.

>What will it take for you to stop using Google?
A superior alternative

He's retarded.

an alternative. I know that they are n-word faggot kikes, but without an alternative it is like me arguing with a female friend about going vegan - yea, ok, you win - veganism is cool, but unless there is a viable alternative to meat ( some lab grown, non cancer giving meat that also is cheap) , you may continue to harass me with your vegan sandwiches and I will continue to buy meat.

I have needs and even if n-word faggot kikes are satisfying them, I will continue to use their services, while looking for an alternative. Just because you have better arguments does not mean that you can convince people to abandon their lifestyle.

You are free to call me Jow Forums , meat eater or Jewish slave.

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>She tried to have Hillary elected by way of a re-count.
No she derailed the conversation and is on the record for saying "My recount effort does not intend to help Hillary Clinton". There is a reason Obama and Hillary discouraged the recount efforts while she was screaming about it. It made democrats look like a bunch of tinfoil hat retards and sore losers.

>Maduro is a democratically elected government.
Elected through fraud, owns all the media, shut down congress, and imprisioned and tortured opposition members. Some democracy.

>You're now effectively holding both Trump and Hillary rethoric at the same time.
Maybe because I'm not a sheep that follows and retweets blindly what some politician says but instead I read a lot of different sources and form my own opinions of things. Shocking in this day and age, I know.


depending on the time of the day I have found that I can be banned from simple stuff as the n-word to stuff like "gas the kikes, race war now". I just do not want to risk it and I try to be somewhat PC. This does not mean that I think in a PC way. Anyway, I just wanted to give my take on the OP question - I will replace any google service the moment I see a better one.

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>>She tried to have Hillary elected by way of a re-count.
>No she derailed the conversation and is on the record for saying "My recount effort does not intend to help Hillary Clinton". There is a reason Obama and Hillary discouraged the recount efforts while she was screaming about it. It made democrats look like a bunch of tinfoil hat retards and sore losers.

Jill was lying through her teeth. She wanted Hillary to win. She is controlled opposition.
Democrats are a bunch of tinfoil hat retards and sore losers. Where the fuck have you been living?

>>Maduro is a democratically elected government.
>Elected through fraud, owns all the media, shut down congress, and imprisioned and tortured opposition members. Some democracy.

The UN oversaw their elections. Maduro won democratically. We have Gitmo and we persecute and kill democratically elected governments before you were even born.
>>You're now effectively holding both Trump and Hillary rethoric at the same time.
>Maybe because I'm not a sheep that follows and retweets blindly what some politician says but instead I read a lot of different sources and form my own opinions of things. Shocking in this day and age, I know.
No, but because you're a fucking retard who holds the worst rethorical devices from both parties. Kys.

>Jill was lying through her teeth.
Yes she is.

>She wanted Hillary to win.
No she didn't.

>Democrats are a bunch of tinfoil hat retards and sore losers. Where the fuck have you been living?
Not an argument.

>The UN oversaw their elections.
No it didn't. The UN hasn't overseen Venezuelan elections since 2008.

>We have Gitmo and we persecute and kill democratically elected governments before you were even born.
Whataboutism. You sound like an RT shill or extremely misinformed about the BS you are spouting.

It doesn't follow that because two or more entities do bad thing x, they therefore do it to the same degree and thus are equally bad. Of course you and your St. Petersburg colleges know that since that is the core of whataboutism.

it does, because most company policies explicitly ban you from using company computer for personal things. due to this, nothing on that computer is personal. if it is, it is you who's at fault

>It doesn't follow that because two or more entities do bad thing x, they therefore do it to the same degree and thus are equally bad.
no, your country does much worse. that's what I'm saying.
do you think the level of control the US has over other governments was born out of the support of their nations?
go read a history book John, you fat half nigger

I'll believe that if it happens.

If it does happen, I'll grab the popcorn and watch Google get the ever living shit sued out of existence from a bazillion class-action and personal civil suits.

nigger you have laws and legislation against posting memes what the fuck are you even talking about


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Ah yes, moving the goalpost; the true connoisseurs' fallacy of choice.

Thank fuck i'm a neet.

>video of a jewgle cunt stating they're doing it
>the case against veritas was thrown out of court
>l-l-le conspiracy
How is it possible to be this ignorant? Do you get your news from buzzfeed or are you simply retarded?

also, as I said, you are criticizing people for taking RT seriously, yet you don't care about your own media. don't you see your own hypocrisy here?

>muh whataboutism
that's the whole argument of your government for attacking random countries
>hurr durr they bad, we good!

Progressives might have instated a calendar rollback, you never know.


>implying we aren't getting the worst of both worlds

True. US media is far worse and poses a global threat

Truth is the first defense against libel suits. If they had faked the video, they wouldn't have thrown out the suit.

Dude go clean your penis.

Few things are as cringe as
>Not an argument.
You aren't being clever and logical, you are being a atheist hattipper.

Let me spell it out for you. This isn't a tu quoque fallacy (what your atheist utubers call "whataboutism"). He isn't claiming RT is unbiased because the western media is biased... He is claiming the western media is biased as well. And it is very much, verifiably so. What you have been watching is propaganda, and the "russian interference" plot is all smoke and mirrors.

Just picking vaguely fitting fallacies to throw at people does nothing, guy.


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Take your meds

>I don't see anyone complaining about them
Nigger you must be fucking retarded, where do you think you are?
Technically any country with freedom of press has the ability to criticize any world govt (including its own) within its media. Whether it takes advantage of that...