Desktop Thread: Weeb edition

Attached: nerv.png (1920x1080, 90K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 2019-05-29-171642_1920x1080_scrot.png (1920x1080, 499K)

yo fubuntu pass me the crack pipe, i need to take the edge off

Attached: 1459893147888.png (2880x1800, 2.61M)

Attached: fjfjdfjdfjdfkf.png (1920x1080, 776K)

So nobody ever sees your computer, I guess?

nope :)

Attached: 01-01-58_2019-07-07_1920x1080.png (1920x1080, 1.59M)

Attached: .png (1920x1080, 1.48M)

let's all love lain!!!

Attached: 2019-07-06-230507_1366x768_scrot.png (1366x768, 509K)

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-04 at 12.39.06 PM.png (1440x900, 1.81M)

Attached: 4chan2.jpg (1920x1200, 595K)

Nice digits jnelen22

might wanna blurr the titlebar there, jnel

I'm fucking retarded, pls no dox

how could we doxx you off a random username kek dude don't worry about it

Because I've used it for fucking everything like a dunce. Although all you are going to find out is that lurk on reddit and play warframe.

I use the same name for everything too man, honestly don't worry about it, as long as you don't put your face or full name with it like a retard it's fine

What's funny is that I only even looked for your username because you tried to block it out. But I'm not mean, fren, I have no reason to try and find you... That'd be a waste of time. It's not like you're some antifa fag or something.

Can't get doxxed if you use root

Attached: 2019-07-06-145820_1680x1050_scrot.png (1680x1050, 154K)

not to derail from my own stupidity, but that is one old ass laptop.

Cute wanna be friends
Butt looks kinda weird desu

Attached: dekstop.jpg (2560x1440, 545K)

idk, maybe show me your full playlist

Do people still play Minecraft? On this board no less?

dude why are you still on 14.04

How do I get the nerv logo in neofetch? Pls no bully.

save that, then in the neofetch config under ascii where it says "distro" instead do /home/username/Downloads/motd.txt or wherever you put it.

Why, do you want to see my drain gang? I mostly use Spotify because I got sick of tagging and giving shit proper cover art. I'm downloading some stuff that isn't on Spotify rn though
Not really, I often play for like 30 minutes and delete my world after I get bored, happens every now and then though so I keep it around

Attached: dekstoppu.jpg (2560x1440, 588K)

based underage found out about eva from netflix

nope, been watching long before that and I'm far from underage

Attached: fancydesktop.png (1920x1080, 160K)

zoomer cope

millenial, actually, not that it's much better

based zoomer

it actually is much better


Attached: IMG_20190705_100952~2.jpg (2545x3393, 1.47M)

How's this?

Attached: snap.png (1920x1080, 1.02M)

bloody hell, a challenger

have you made your own gtk theme though

Attached: colors.png (748x544, 20K)

KDE uses Qt for theming.

Didn't ubuntu drop support for 32bit some time ago? That's probably why.

Naw they backtracked on that when a bunch of shit broke. Turns out a lot of proprietary shitware still uses a lot of 32bit libraries, e.g steam.

Attached: dtop.png (1920x1080, 957K)

Ubuntu still supports 32bit. Even 18.04 supports 32bit. IMO they should be using a tiling WM like i3 or dwm to save on resources, but openbox is close enough.

someone last thread asked what I was using, term is st, font is b612 mono, and the bar is polybar

Attached: rice-2019-07-06.png (1920x1080, 1.92M)

would you post files pls
i like this setup

>i3 config
>wallpaper (OC) pic related

Attached: evablack.png (1963x1246, 84K)

So close

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-16 at 7.35.04 PM.png (1440x900, 1.56M)

rei is best girl, wallace

Incorrect, Steven

Attached: waves.gif (1366x768, 188K)


where'd you get that

also asuka a bitch

i hate niggers (?)

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-07-07 03-44-41.png (1920x1080, 249K)

who rice-free here?

2 years going strong. Though I will have to spin up my dwm laptops when I get back to my field of work next year.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-06 at 9.52.18 PM.png (2880x1800, 2.29M)

wheres my fuckking deSKTOP S

Attached: Plan_9_from_Bell_Labs_(with_acme).png (640x480, 12K)

1000 gecs

Attached: 2019-04-29-180450_1366x768_scrot.png (1366x768, 211K)

Rice-Free here. Also, what are the cloud icons next to the top two icons on your desktop?

Attached: Screenshot 2019-07-06 at 22.00.58.png (1440x900, 1.55M)

thank you sir :-)

Based weeb user, thank you

I have a gtk theme with colors based off the wallpaper as well, but it refuses to zip for some reason and I can't upload the entire folder. if someone figures out why I'll happily share that too

soon soon my drives are in the garage and my garagee is a mess rn

It means the file is being uploaded to iCloud

ok ill wait
sorry ive just been waiting for a while now lmao
and im kinda hype
yo let me post my laptop gimme a sec

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-07-06 22-06-01.png (1600x900, 46K)


Attached: desktop.png (1366x768, 100K)

Which font bruv?

i would really like this too if you manage to work it out

What is /dtt/ drinking tonite?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-04 at 12.29.00 PM.png (1440x900, 1.66M)

Attached: πŸ†‚πŸ…½πŸ…°πŸ…ΏπŸ†‚πŸ…·πŸ…ΎπŸ†ƒ.png (1600x900, 2.25M)

scotch. an old friends favorite. yourself?

Attached: laphroaig.jpg (156x322, 11K)

ggin and juice

Attached: IMG_20190706_175330~2.jpg (2527x3370, 935K)

.99 cent off brand cola

Laphroaig is pretty good, what year?
Bourbon manhattans for me, also had a paulaner hefeweizen but I ran out of beer

Debating whether or not 4.0 will be good enough to warrant watching the rest of the rebuilds


Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-06 at 9.49.06 AM.png (1440x900, 832K)

How do you get that translucent window?

No idea what that means. I'm drinking pic related

Attached: serveimage.jpe.jpg (225x225, 7K)

It's the default for macOS's finder preview

RC Cola, the best off-brand cola there is

Attached: 2019-05-15-203919_800x1200_scrot.png (800x1200, 57K)

>It's the default for macOS's finder preview
Oh, macOS has a nice look then.

'98. friend passed in a motorcylce accident and he introduced me to his fathers sotch when i was a kid. i swear the lock on the liquor cabinet was weak on purpose. i like a dry manhattan. was big on hefeweizens back in school. blue moons with orange slice. ayyyyyyyyyyy

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Attached: rice.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

Trying really hard to not do any duplicates. Also was some accidental overlay on one anons desktop, I'm sorry to that user in the event that they even slightly care.

Attached: 1562239880722.png (1920x1080, 792K)

impressive win98 theme


Based collage user

Attached: collage.jpg (1920x1349, 820K)

Been up all night feeling like shit. I hope I get better very soon.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-07_05-13-43.png (1366x768, 1.22M)

still haven't been able to get it to upload right. I'll post another desktop thread with a link if I do.

Ok so I've been 7 months know on the vanilla Ubuntu experience (GNOME) and I'm starting to grow bored of it. I'm installing Budgie Desktop rn on top of the default Ubuntu 19.04. Any protips on what should I do first when I switch to Budgie?

I just watched 10 minutes of it live and it seems to be the same affiar as 3.33
just rewwatxh original and eoe imo

Attached: IMG_20190706_215647~2.jpg (2493x3324, 1.17M)

Should configure your foobar

Attached: 1560187294187.png (1920x1080, 1.8M)

how u do this shit

can hardly rice a mac anyway, so of course you are

Did they release part of it?
Also, I'm doin that right now, after way too many drinks
EoE os the best to watch drunk

they showed the first 10 minutes
you can see a french version with subs online somewhere
theres probablyh a thread on /a/

go watch it rn and give your impressions lol

Attached: Naganohara Mio Third Folder 193 (YW).png (1920x1080, 1.17M)

How should I improve it?

Not hyperweeb, but it's got a comfy summer feel.

Attached: Desktop.jpg (2560x1440, 933K)

Attached: speccy.png (1280x800, 1.43M)

og nigga, i like your game collection

Attached: black.png (1920x1080, 11K)

thanks, ive been migrating away from my desktop and most of the newer titles i played before
running on my laptop kinda restricts what i can play from a performance standpoint
tf2 and csgo and shit got really boring after you do the same shit for 500+ hours
having a blast with that selection there, been playing mostly quake 2 and mdk for the past few days

a bit of an old shot but it still looks the same

Attached: wmaker.png (1440x900, 469K)


same person here's current desktop setup, haven't done much ricing, just wanted something that justwerkz first to fall back on

Attached: dwm.png (1920x1080, 231K)

Hey desktop anons, I use Ubuntu and want to achieve those Win 98 feels, what should I install and what desktop use?

And before someone says it because someone always does
I'm just a degenerate social loser
I've played that shit for 11 years and I've simply devoted too much time and effort into the game to give up on my 50+ unfinished projects now, even in my mid 20's
Beta 1.8 all day every day, not 1.8.1, that's the update where the game became ezmode for plebs
>sims 3
I actually only downloaded that off my steam to see if it would even run on this latitude, it does, I like making the houses

I don't think any other games on there are too controversial
The photo editing and painting software with sketchup is for architectural print cosmetic mock up, take a 2D print, make a basic 3D object, paint it into a picture that looks like it isn't just a soulless flat rendering

Attached: 1554206802894.jpg (1500x1300, 694K)

The best old windows recreations I see are usually using xfce or openbox. Also fvwm can do a pretty darn good impersonation of almost any wm and there are presets for win95/98. Just look up chicago95 themes for any of those.

Excellent desktop. What's the font?