It's now the 7th of July in some parts around the world. What are your plans on ordering/picking up, or will you be waiting another week or so for reviews and benchmarks?
Zen 2 Scouting Thread
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want to see how they perform on the older itx boards before i buy. i get a bit nervous about buggy a bios
It's 7 july already even in GMT-1 you fat asses Americans are always behind the rest of the world
The launch isn't until 9AM GMT-5 anyway.
Trying to decide if I want to join this trainwreck or pick up a cheap 8700k combo
inb4 "muh vulnerabilities"
waiting to see what reviews and new threadripper are like, got a 1950X now so i could upgrade it or maybe go normie socket with a 3950X instead
>6 cores for $350 is a good deal
>A 8 core ryzen 7 2700x costs $270
>still new ytube reviews out
>been 7th for like ever
>still behind in single thread
>still worse latency
>still unoptimized for
imagine my shock
Reminder that the NDA drops at 9AM on the east coast of the US.
though has an image that basically has the R5 3600 ($200 MSRP) going neck and neck with the 8700k ($360) in both single and multi-thread.
Don't forget overpriced now.
Intel is now defunct. Buy zen 2.
t. launch 9900k owner
>than processors twice the price
>than processors twice the price
>than processors twice the price
FTFY. You're welcome.
I'll be waiting for a better BIOS. The beta's suck ass.
How so?
Well MSI changed the layout entirely to make it fancy tabs. It takes up more memory on the BIOS chip. I preferred the original UEFI advanced layout. I read there are bugs (black screens) and missing features.
seriously? I better inject some cocaine gotta stay up
Probably going to give it a few days at least to see how it do, and I wanna see x570 board prices/quality before buying into that. Mostly need to see how fast they really are and then buy based on what I'll use rather than budget.
>obligatory cope
>cope lake
>3900X already sold out
I'll just pick one up at work tomorrow
>Ryzen 5 3600 can't even beat 9900k
it's a meh from me
I'm sticking to my i7 8700, it's great for gaming. AMD is not for gamers.
>the Toyota Corolla can't beat the Ferrari Monza SP2
pic related is you, Intcel.
>8700 = 8700K
Imagine being this retarded.
Ausfags where do we know is going to try and drop orders on 11pm tonight?
>maybe mwave?
I didn't get the 8700k, I don't need to overCOCK, why should I get that? Games will run fine on my 8700 for another 3 years easily.
Remember lads, if you can wait, it's best to wait. Don't just listen to the hype and buy because everyone's talking about it. Don't just buy it because it's good value and high performance. Wait, and then buy it when you need it. Yours truly, Common Sense.
>I didn't get the 8700k
yikes. with how cheap AIOs are these days, combined with both intel and amd putting out brainlet tier OC software, it would be foolish not to buy K/X.
you need to go back to /v/ with that non-K shit.
Skipping 3000 series maybe getting a 4000 series when 5000 series comes out, I ain't fucking paying near $600 USD for a 3900x and the 3950X will for sure be $800+ where I live.
Zero reason to buy it if you won't overCOCK.
Will be getting one in 2 hours but still undecided in whether to get 3700X or 3800X
Help me decide Jow Forums
the question at hand: why wouldn't you?
literal elementary school children know how to install an AIO and raise their base clock. i'm sure you're mid 20s to early 30s, buying a non K. how fucking pathetic is that?
what do you plan on using your rig for?
Games and some light encoding
I don't need to overCOCK it. Why would I? I'm a gaymur. When the time comes when I'll have to overCOCK to get some edtra frames out of it I'll just upgrade my whole system. Quit coping, I don't get what I don't need.
Imagine being locked, pozzed and cucked, the true intel experience. Sell it retard.
>not buying at MSRP while you can
>not buying multiple and selling them at a premium to pay it off
It's like you hate money
It works great, I got it for a discount when Ryzen came out.
Are you seriously implying the prices of these chips will artificially shoot up? Come on. You won't be able to resell them so easily.
Of all the X570s in the low-mid range this one is the most aesthetically pleasing one. Is there any reason not to get Gigabyte's Aorus Pro Wifi over MSI and Asus' X570 wifi offerings?
Gigabyte is great now, can't go wrong with em. I use one myself.
>the cheapest MSI 570 on newegg costs more than a 3700x alone
completely shit the bed, what other manufacturer is worth giving a shot? I'm tempted to just opt out of 570 mobos altogether right now
I just want to know if I should go 3200 cl16 or cl14 for a 3600x, the price gap is huge.
>aesthetically pleasing
>Not disabling RGB from the get-go so you don't get flashing junk from the corner of your eyes
>Not admiring the slick and rich silver/light black scheme
There are people who don't do this
Low end boards are unironically the most aesthetically pleasing because they don't have all that plastic junk
>the price gap is huge
Problem is it's doubtful that any reviews are going to compare cas latency at the same clocks. They are all going to compare frequency only. If the price gap is huge, I would go with the cheaper ram. Unless you are doing something specialized with ram disks or something, you won't notice the difference between cl14 and cl16 if both are 3200mhz. But that's just my opinion.
Where the fuck can I buy Zen 2 in the UK? It's 7/7..
Fucking nowhere mate, no-one is listing them
Why do you think they didn't let you preorder?
Novatech had them in listings, but not available to reserve one. I heard something about amazon etc going up at 2pm, will see soon. Some boards and cpus are appearing on other country stores
x570 boards up for sale in UK's newegg
I'll just leave this here.
>OC software
Imagine being so much of a brainlet you don't know how to use the UEFI.
You're funny. Their shit makes no sense.