Thoughts on lubuntu?

Thoughts on lubuntu?

Is it a good distro for my old computer with 4gb ram and a dual core intel cpu?

I'm making a PC that works as an emulator hub.

Attached: 1555200982893.webm (720x1198, 2.86M)

Help me, brothers.

Attached: 1560381580591.jpg (1373x1116, 684K)

OK this is somewhat realistic. How was this made?

give it a shot, what's the worst that could happen? it's all reversible

Attached: cuteanimegirl.jpg (758x543, 147K)


with lots of love. you should check out selfdrillingsms' stuff

LXDE is a great lightweight DE, although Ubuntu's not necessarily for me.

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-07-06 23-48-55.png (1287x779, 242K)

I used a lubuntu box for a home media server/torrent downloader/steam streaming box for a while. It was an old core duo that was powering a display at the place I worked and they were upgrading all the displays so they were tossing the old computer controllers and they have me one when I asked for it, so it was literally a little bookshelf POS. But it worked fine for my usage. It should be fine for an emulator hub.

Yeah just use the LxDE version, the LxQt version runs like absolute shit on older hardware.

I use lubuntu for my main machine. Which is the laptop I use for uni. Nothing wrong. Works fine. No problems with dual-screens and laptop dock stations at all.

based loli poser

mind posting a top screenshot for comparison to ? It's been awhile since I've been away from Ubuntu. Since it sounds like OP is building his own PC, proprietary drivers shouldn't have to be a problem.

I always have issues with wifi for some reason, every time I need to reinstall lubuntu I need to also install basic internet packages that for whatever reason were never included in the installation.

is it iwlwifi?
I would assume it'll stay on a hardwire anyway if it's a desktop, so wifi shouldn't be an issue.
and I just meant a screenshot of `top` for resource usage, since it sounds like he mostly wants the OS to stay out of the way.

He made that?

>dual core
You want to run modern full featured os on 15+ old hardware?

I have a first generation Pentium laptop and LxDE Lubuntu runs perfectly good on it.


Lubuntu or LXLE are great for low end systems. LXLE is a lot cooler though.

lxqt is shit
lxde slowly turns into an unmaintained mess

lubuntu uses LXQT

oh neat - it was LXDE last I paid attention, but looks like they switched in 2018

Try it for your self, or install Ubuntu and all your DEs you want to try and switch them at logon


Only the "official" version.
It does, there's basically two versions of Lubuntu.

>Only the "official" version.
you can use any DE on anything so..

Sure, here it is

Attached: 2019-07-07-013545_1920x1080_scrot.png (1920x1080, 1.11M)

sauce pls

I'm talking about the out of the box distribution ISO's that are available.

>Thoughts on lubuntu?
I use it and it works fine on an old HP Pavillion machine.