why would anyone buy this when steam links were $30 brand new?
Why would anyone buy this when steam links were $30 brand new?
because a steam link doesn't let you play games from Nvidia hosted servers
also steam links can't emulate while the shield tv is literally the best ARM based emulator on the market
Steam link is absolute shit, lol, even an RPi is much better looooool
This does more shit than a steam link could ever do
what emulators does it run? ones from android app store?
that and any ones you can side load
you can literally install RA on a steamlink
Arc, and yes you can use the ones on the app store as well I believe
>can't even run Mupen
that's a hard 'No'
not like n64 has shit worth playing
if it can't handle fucking N64, what makes you think it'll handle PS2? the post you replied to stated that the Shield is the best ARM based emulator device out right now, I could give a fuck if you can install RA on a steam link, it won't perform anywhere near the level of the Shield
>moves from n64 to ps2, of which actually no good emulators exist in a playable fashion
yeah we get it you want to replay the same games for the 50th time.
keep your "big boy" emulation to a big boy machine, get your pea shooters out of here.
A billion times better hardware. Steam Link is literally geared towards streaming only, this is actually made to run shit locally too.
You can't even do PS1, Dreamcast or Dolphin without lag or horrible performance on a Steam Link.
Can't even do RPCS3, Xenia, Cemu, Yuzu, cxbx, qemu, Citra on either lmao
Why bother
>Why bother
Because that depends in what you want to do.
If you just want 16-bits, sure the Steam Link is gonna be "OK".
If you want more, Nvidia Shield is a must.
Even more? A PC.
Don't like emulation at all? Just buy the consoles.
Etc, etc.
It's called using the tool for the job, no more, no less.
It doesn't help emulation has been in a rut until the past couple years where the emulators I listed all popped up.
Other than bringing older 3D emulators down to lower end devices (PCSX ReARMed) comes to mind, low-end emulation has been relegated to up the GC/Wii and only those of theirs gens at best.
I feel it's going to be a long while until anything I listed reaches that tier, except maybe 3DS with Mikage on Android being announced.
For the most part we're still in that loop of "games that can be emulated on almost anything anyway so why this device in particular".
>If you want more, Nvidia Shield is a must.
I already have a PC that can emulate everything the Shield can and more.
My Xbox could emulate most of those things in 2005, except for the consoles that came out afterwards.
Steamdrones need to COPE that their link is shit, deal with it
Android TV
Every app you can think of
Steam link
GeForce NOW
I'll give you a reply just so the thread can live a bit longer.
Enjoy your overpriced toy that plays the same things you were already and maybe a "little" bit more.