How do we fix the problem of the internet becoming centrally controlled by large corporations who then push their...

How do we fix the problem of the internet becoming centrally controlled by large corporations who then push their ideological bullshit on us?

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Cry about them to your political hugbox, aka Jow Forums

By being a small private entity and trying to push your ideological bullshit on anonymous imageboards?

Wait until every device turns into a pirate radio station.

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Remind them that they have names and addresses.

>who then push their ideological bullshit on us?
It's not actually them, it's their advertisers. Corporate whores like Google would air beheadings if McDonalds would buy ad time for it.

The internet is not dying. It is being killed, and the people who are killing it have names and addresses.

>It's not actually them
No, it's both.

Awesome, a new proprietary communication standard!
How much time for it to die?

Sounds like it would cause cancer.

THis sounds like a literal botnet

How much time for it to be reverse engineered by people who are interested in completely independent lines of communication?
It's not as if a cartel would have no use for this shit. They could hook a few hundred burner phones up to a car batteries and leave them in the walls of some Mexican or southwestern town, for example.

You say that about everything.

It sounds like Tor multiplied by a million.

Depends, how much money do you have?

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iden has a better chance at coming back

Support open source

The fact that we'll never be able to sniff a loli's butt irl makes me sad sometimes.


Overthrow your plutocratic government. You have guns, don't you? Why not use them for something other than ideological masturbation?

Nationalize it, turn the internet into a public utility like China with an official social media platform, search engine, etc. and integrated social security like Korea

wait for its inevitable collapse

With satellite internet, why would some lumbering relic like a government be involved at all? You may as well have the internet managed at the county level, or at the parish level with the aid of the Parent-Teacher association and a council of elders.

>make the internet more like china's
This could not possibly make things worse

America is chaotic but very sturdy. You'll wait forever but unless you do something, nothing will happen.

wow, that's actually the dumbest thing I've heard all year.
Fucking kill yourself my dude.

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I thought you fuckers were finding the solution to this
something about dishes

but also this

>You have guns, don't you? Why not use them for something other than ideological masturbation?
We have guns, but they have trillions of dollars of yearly military research and modern weapons our cucked weaponry couldn't even scratch and thousands of nukes to top it off.

Who gives a shit about idealogical bullshit as long as software is as decentralized as possible and preferably open source?

Firefox is the solution.

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Google is pretty based


Use federated protocols

1) Intranet. Create a lan within your community where access is bound to physical presence.

2) Authentification. Make sure everyone you wish to take part gets a key, a tan generator or something similar.

3) Ideological resistance. Find common loopholes and contradictions within Ideological narratives and expose them.

Support decentralized services


Start making your own independent websites. The gov't protects your free speech on the internet at large, not on privately owned platforms.

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Bypassing filtering obligations is supposed to be a violation of security? I'd understand RSA decryption, bruteforce, ddos, social hacking...

But bypassing censorship? Are those people moms and dads now?


They also have bodyguards, i mean those that fund it.

White people are cucks.
Afghans would have killed every jew and leftist by 1950 with the guns that you have.

>b--but w-we don't like being barbarians who massacre civilians!

>Start making your own independent websites.
I have one. The problem is, not many people want to use it and so I have a small tech-literate audience. I once saw my link posted on facebook and people asking "huh, what's that, is that link dangerous?". The normies are afraid to click the link if they do not already know what that link is. Ideally they should have heard about that new website on the mass media. That means it is known and safe. They also don't want to leave the comfyness of their facebooks and whatsapps and whatnot.

Plus, if you are doing it solo or in a small team it is somewhat hard to compete with large companies or corporations who (if they liked your idea) can hire yet another army of pajeets and outdo you within a week.

who do you think sits in social responsibility and diversity departments of the big cooperations. Its mostly people with degrees in human/social studies, which are already ideological biased. Dont underestimate the power of these departments, they can change the enire company culture over time.

ratirl is human trash

r8 this proposition

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Create a browser with ublock origin built in and invisibky enabled. Market it to dominance. Advertising industries will be killed. Shitty sites with nothing to say will die off. Better sites will stop caring about whether or not advertisers like what's being posted there.

Alternatively, create a chan on Tor and count on the small number of users keeping costs low.

Actually, Jow Forums isn't the hugbox, Jow Forums is. The OP is just your average 2016 NPC who comes here to commiserate on being a useless slob with snowflake identity issues.

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Get a job. Have sex.

>just have sex goym no need to worry about anything

brave new world

Give sex


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Then stay cucked, goy.

IPFS is more reliable but less safe, it's a better way of storing info but it's easy to track. Once they figure out how to track who hosts what, nobody will be safe. They'd be tracking literally everyone because technically everyone is hosting. IPFS is honeypot central.


Bro I can host anything on the web my self. They are only controlling their platform.

>push their ideological bullshit on us?

Well, for a start, you'd need to want to fix the issue instead of just whining that your in-group isn't being catered to by the Big Five.

It's weird how quickly conservicucks stop worshiping the invisible hand of the free market the second they don't get their way.

>We need the government to protect us because only the most qualified people get into power.
>-You, 2015
Baffling that you statists ("leftists" and "rightists" as some would say) still think big organisations do anything other than serve themselves.

Outside of political hitjobs, and the occasional meme word getting banned, the internet is much much more free, open, and faster than it was, when left in the alternative of sweaty, angry, turbo spergs whose only form of communication was banning everyone from their gay niche forced hugbox hobby sites that nobody cared about anyway

you lost and it's your own fault get over it

who's gonna pay for the satellite?

>spend less time on internet, more time offline on computer
>pay for your own videohosting with vimeo
>gnu open source software
>ad blockers
>read books that support your beliefs to harden against influence bullshit
>vote for anti trust laws
>sue them
>sue the government
>run for office
>pack the fcc
>pack the supreme court
>remove the legislative filibuster
>redraw the districts
>outlaw lobbying
>new privacy laws
>heavy fines for tech companies
>outlaw stock buybacks
>mandatory privacy classes for all public schools

After that the ISPs start cucking and we'll make wireless meshnet

Private ISPs who essentially sell access to their uncrackable global wifi password. Something like a captive portal available for free, crypto payment, nothing under any country's geographical jurisdiction.

>if we get rid of everything we could use to prevent the powerful abusing the weak, the powerful will stop abusing the weak aaaaalll on their own!

So a private entity that is beyond meaningful oversight and enforcement if it abuses its position?

What do you mean by abuse? If they do something not within contract, I hold the right to sue them. It's quite literally govt intervention that gives corporations their power to "abuse", corps are just playing by the govts rulebook. You think it's wise to give even more regulatory power to the same guys that have gotten us to this point with all their regulations in place?

What would constitute abuse? Forcibly taking a percentage of their customers' income and blowing it on substandard services allegedly for their benefit, and imprisoning them and seizing their property if they don't pay for that worthless shit (and the salaries of the humble servants who tirelessly work to bring it to you)?
Most of the abuse you're afraid of is national in origin.


stop using corporate controlled websites. There are many other websites out there.

lmaoing at this statist. raise prices, you're price gouging. keep prices the same, you're price fixing. lower prices, you're using predatory pricing. this is the result of anti trust laws, read a book or listen to a lecture to know more about how anti trust is in fact the opposite of what you think it does and is just another tool for corruption and govt coercion

Censorship, suppression of alternatives or criticism, price gouging, breach of privacy. A lot of the same shit you're worried about now, generally. You yourself said that this entity would not be under any state's geographical jurisdiction; how exactly do you intend to sue them if there's no third party you can go to who can force them to play along? Even if you win, how do you intend to force the entity to abide by the ruling?

As to the rulebook portion, that's only the case because they've sidestepped the regulations to place their own men in positions of power (Ajit Pai, anyone?) or hire lobbyists to ghostwrite laws for them. In many cases the regulation is not "in place" so much as "co-opted when it isn't worked around or ignored".

>muh taxes!

Decentralized software like peertube and mastadon

Also pogroms in silicon valley

Conservatives in 2010:
>REEEEEEEE Naturally forming monopolies are a consequence of the free market, regulating them is socialism!! Socialism bad!!!

Conservatives in 2020:
>REEEEEEEEEE Why is everything consolidated in a few handful of companies that are limiting our speech!!!!!

>browses youtube 24/7
>uses exclusively
>uses gmail because its free
>uses google play store
>*buys shit on amazon cuz its cheap*


That only solves the Instatwitbook portion, though. ISPs and Big Data remain intact. Much as I like the Fediverse idea, that's like dealing with the giant lead spike through your skull by taking an ibuprofen.

Federation alone doesn't solve the problem.

Round up some genius comp-sci, programmers, and IT techs, plus an army of lawyers, then start a kick-start campaign to bring about a new ISP that respects your freedoms.

You'll only need to raise about a billion bucks to get started. Half of which will be going to your law team when every fucking ISP on the planet sues you to prevent your company from growing.

create your own internet fag