My SD card stopped working

So, my SD card started malfunctioning where it could read data, but couldnt write it to the card.

tried formatting it, no luck
tried various app tools to correct it, no luck

I ran a powerful magnet across it and now PC doesnt even detect the card.

Is it kaput?

Attached: micro SD.jpg (350x350, 18K)

>talking about SD
>posting microSD

bump for trump


1. This is bait
2. It's flash. Limited write capacity
3. I'm a dumbass for responding

sorry, I didnt notice untill I made the thread, it's actually a micro SD.

Yes, it becomes read only when it enters the fail state so you can copy off your data.

install gentoo

no, youre a retard for not giving me a correct answer, the card had 1 year of use in my phone, my other cards still work after 4 years.

SD cards are shit mate. You will be fucked if you rely on them.

Get the endurance ones. Also newer SD card use QLC which has even lower write cycles. But it has higher capacity so general masses buy them up.