It's not about how old it is but how much it's being used. There must've been something on your phone that was literally raping your card with writes
Logan White
Never. They're just bridging the connections from the SD contacts to the micro SD contacts anyway. Nothing really going on in them.
Cameron Price
This is actually a SanDisk mode of the controller.
They have done this for over 7 years now before anyone else.
When lots of cell failure is detected at a catastrophic level the controller will halt all action and shut down writing capabilities to prevent furthur damage. This works to signal you that the card is on it's last legs so that you have time to do a copy to another drive.
This has saved me lots of times over the years because previously when I used kingston or samsung SD cards they would just die without any warning.
Now the thing is if you happen to reboot a couple times assuming it's just a error after it goes into read only mode it might not recover because they use the lost directory to load anything else into working memory.
I'm not sure if any other OEMs now include this in their controllers but it was a godsend to me during android KK days.
Don't even remove the flash from you phone just connect your phone to your PC and copy it all over. If you can't access it as a removable storage device then use adb (android debug bridge) or gsconnect/kdeconnect on linux.
Keep it powered on till you back it up.
Oliver Wilson
Also if it's still in the 3 year warranty hit that up.
Aiden Anderson
And yet the top2 are becoming harder and harder to obtain, with the top being damn near impossible from years ago
Tyler Peterson
>I ran a powerful magnet across it
Why would you do that? It's not magnetic storage you know?
Noah Ortiz
>sandisk Found your problem. Buy kingston or samsung