With tomato sauce, sour cream, egg, pineapple and s o y. I wanted to add some carrot as well but figured that was too many ingredients. Thanks for reading my blog
I'm cooking some pasta
Now I'm doing some pork with potatoes with plenty of garlic and onion and a bit of tomato sauce.
My sister complained about the pasta being too sweet. This is the first time I fail to balance the flavour when cooking with fruit.
>mfw I actually read your blog
How old are you & your sister?
Cute Apu pic. What is Koler?
You should walk in on her doing fortnite dances in her thong. A cook as fine as you would probably not lose their job at Burger King.
I'm 27 and she's 23.
Fortunately she does not know much about Fortnite. Neither do I for that matter.
Does she have nice feet? I'm 22 btw, so me & her are very close age-wise.
She says she does. She refused to show me though.
yuck, cooking noodles..... u monster
You've never see them or something?? Does she walk around the house barefoot much?
I've seen them but never paid any attention. I think she's only barefoot in summer.
sounds gross desu
Were they polished much? How tall is she? Sha have nice legs?
He's really determined to see her feet, isn't he?
I mixed it with the cream and sauce. You couldn't really tell it apart when the food was done.
what isnt koler
>Were they polished much?
What does that even mean?
Anyway she's around 5'1 or so.
I'd say he wants more than just to see them.
hmm I'd be interested to see what it taste like. is it a recipe or something you came up with?
German misspelling of cola
Does she polish her toes much.
Oh she's small, bet they're cute little feet.
>I'd say he wants more than just to see them.
What are you thinking?