Ate so little... sux to be poor

Ate so little... sux to be poor

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I'm gonna make a big bowl of rice and put some barely cooked, extremely runny eggs in it. Want to see?


and yet you have access to the internet and a device to do it with

ate so little... sux to be too self-conscious about my weight

I'm going to make my lunch soon, I'll put a pic

Poverty in the US means you're fat bc mostly junk food is available.

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Doesnt look very fulfilling for a lunch

>chocolate covered balls
Hey, gay

Tastes good though

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Is that meant to be a pig? Pigs are haram.

Sorry brother, it is indeed a pig, please pray for my forgiveness

ur mum a haram

dumb russian skellington

Oh lord

Does it look as good as it tasted?

hey, I just want to look better, thats all


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The veggies look tasty. Im craving on rice and canned tuna rn.

Get a job brah capitalism is life

I'm most likely older than you, бaтя.

a мoй бaтя тpaвы пьeт

Actually i want to eat something now. Fug:((

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I think the solution is obvious

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nah dude, he is a faggot

Onions id

I eat so much prosciutto and drink so much good wine that I am fat as a pig.