Is there a more retarded programming language than Golang?

go-core dev team even brags about the retardedness of the language. They seem to see beauty in mediocrity and elegance in verbosity and repetitiveness. Everything in this language is done so wrong that I suspect that this was nothing but an intentional troll operation by Google to test the stupidity of next-gen developers.

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You are wrongly attributing Go to Google.
It's project of Plan 9 devs the project broke up and they just happened to get emplyed by Google and get a green light for it.
It's a continuation of a designs and retardation that was frequently appearing in Plan 9.

Plan 9 has nothing to do with Golang, retard. Probably you may have had a point if you compared k8s with Plan9, but this is nonsense


It's more bloated than Golang, it has GIL, it is completely incapable of parallel computing, it is slow as fuck.

after a few years golang will be considered to be an esolang

>Plan 9 has nothing to do with Golang
It's designed by the same people and same broken "UNIX philosphy". There's a reason why Go is basically C 2.0 with all the same flaws.

Go, like many that have tried to take on C++ end up just making it for retards.

Golang core design decisions are in the hands of that retard called Russ Cox

>developed by rob,rsc and ken
>all core devs former plan 9 devs
>CPS was highly used in plan 9
>coroutines design similar to libtask and Limbo
>concurrent GC from Inferno
>reused regex engine design
>totally not related to plan 9
oh ok

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>rustfags butthurt that bigger, more important projects have been written in Go than Rust
Enjoy your theorycrafting while men get the real work done

>beauty in mediocrity and elegance
who cares about this shit
haskell is the worst language because it's all style over substance and attracts tards like OP

>more important projects have been written in Go than Rust
because most of those important projects were started before Rust 1.0. Also Rust has a steep learning curve so it will require months of training for juniors in order to become productive. But from my experience Go is a liability as projects get bigger.

>Rust has a steep learning curve so it will require months of training for juniors in order to become productive
So it's useless then. Academics love to ignore reality. Fact: you are going to have to work with people who are not capable of learning Rust. Fact: you cannot wait months to train new devs or you're going to be driven out of business by your competitors (like Rust was by Go, or like Mozilla was by IE when they decided to rewrite Netscape from the ground up. Oh hey look, Mozilla keeps making the same mistakes.)

Rust is most certainly not for junior devs, Rust is for long term projects with strict performance and safety requirements. Go """seems""" easy as it's a very small languages, but it isn't until the project gets serious until you discover the pain in the ass of this language and by then Rust would have made your codebase much more robust, correct, easy to maintain and resource-wise efficient

>Rust is for long term projects
i.e., Rust is for projects that don't ship

>Attacks Go (and probably C, along many other minimal languages, in the past)
This smells like... Some cultists, religious...
Rust shills! Oh yeah, the memes write themselves!. It's like poetry.
Let me guess, are you some woke upset hipster SJW? Right? Also a trannie/furry/gay nigger?.
It takes so little to describe a rust shill.

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I'm happy to read the anti-Go sentiment here. Proves that you are not complete retards after all. I picked up a book on Go (I'm trained in C++) and could not believe what I saw.

As expected of software made by communists. They dont learn from their mistakes and think "this time it will work!"

>gotards buthurtted everytime one go project is rewritten in rust

rust, fixing the gopocalypse one program at a time



It's no forth.

Official tier levels -
Low level (i.g. assembly, C) - wizard
Mid level (i.g. C++) - autist
High level (i.g. Python) - codelet
Golang - retard

>trying to take on C++

>t. Python 2.7 academic expertise

rustpython is fixing the shortcommings of cpython

Too many retarded languages have been spawned over the last couple of years. Kotlin is the only newer language that is actually good.

it's the job security language.
It's so unexpressive and dull that everything is both slow to write and wastes tons of resources, ensuring steady employment.

Colorforth fitted a self contained OS in 1440 blocks on a floppy, the size of Go's hello world.
Its crazy like that.

there's always one of these threads active on Jow Forums at any time. what's the fucking point?

kill yourselves

It's great if you take the time to learn it properly.

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>no generics

>this time it will work!
Plan9 is an research operating system. They were playing around with ideas when they made it. Nobody's forcing it down your throat.

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Don't need 'em if you learn the language.

I think Go is great for open source projects.
But I want to build a cathedral, not a bazaar.

C is assembly for retards. C++ is the actual elder wizardo tier.

What the hell am I supposed to use for a server-side language then? All the the alternatives are equally retarded. Does a good/sane server-side language even exist?


Lol no. Python is even worse than go.

>like bro what if instead of writing statements we write a bunch of facts and let the computer figure everything else out?
Go is for lazy faggots.

Rust is only getting a solid concurrency primitives 4 years after first stable release. To this day it was pain in the ass to have multi-threaded event loop and state machines with timeouts.
Go has sufficient and stable feature set from day 1.


Go is pretty good. Jow Forums just gets triggered by everything and anything. Aways do the opposite of what Jow Forums says.

I unironically think every golang/rust dev should join uriel and every 30+ year old trannies and kill themselves.

Wants generics, needs hand held to borrow memory. Lol

>lmao who wants generics when we have interfaces

I don't know who's worse: Go shills or Rust trannies.
Go is an useless language.
Rust is a cuck cage.

This begs the question, are similar types like trait objects in Rust also sensitive to data races?

You got your pic from anime thread about a video filter?

C plus equality
>inb4 that is a parody language made by Jow Forums
Well it is the dumbest language ever.

Found the faggot.

good question, but I think Rust always put checking code even if it's in runtime

But it at least have a purpose in its retardness.

ITT: seething virgins hating on Python and Go

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Very based and redpilled, maybe you're way too smart for this board, take care user, watch your back, you don't want to be raped by a nigger tranny with his big black CoC

PHP symfony

There's literally nothing wrong with PHP, node, python, or Go. Use whatever the fuck you want. Honestly, these threads are so dumb.

>There's literally nothing wrong with PHP, node, python, or Go

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it's based off pascal/modula/oberon with c like syntax.

c# and the .net platform is also based on oberon ;)

whole plan 9 was a lot inspired and based on oberon, that's no secret


Wow, now that you mention it, you're probably right. This is Rob's troll response to Bjarne's troll.

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what wat?

>programmer """humor"""

Any functional programming language

Learn LISP, fag.

>The key point here is our programmers are Googlers, they’re not researchers. They’re typically, fairly young, fresh out of school, probably learned Java, maybe learned C or C++, probably learned Python. They’re not capable of understanding a brilliant language but we want to use them to build good software. So, the language that we give them has to be easy for them to understand and easy to adopt. – Rob Pike 1

>It must be familiar, roughly C-like. Programmers working at Google are early in their careers and are most familiar with procedural languages, particularly from the C family. The need to get programmers productive quickly in a new language means that the language cannot be too radical. – Rob Pike 2

Go was designed for novice programmers.

They aren't using rust though

What the fuck are you even on about?

> References a blog from 4 years ago that references a known safety issue from 9 years ago
Is this even still the case?

You're really just going to lie about something this esoteric just for the attention?

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The Go compiler uses the same design as the Plan9 C compiler in regards to cross compilation.

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I forgot the part when they originally used C compiler toolchain from Plan 9 for Go (because they could not read the manual on implementing segmented stack)

what does an operating system have anything to do with a programming language?

go is awesome

You retard

a lot
same developers
reused research
reused tools
reused designs
claiming same inspirations

>with all the same flaws
vague non-criticism
just Jow Forums being Jow Forums. next time try to actually make a point kids.

>reused research
>reused tools
>reused designs
why are you retarded? what "tools", "research" and "designs" are you talking about?
>claiming same inspirations
ok so you are trolling

oberon is a programming language you fucking retard. plan 9 is an operating system(built mainly in c)

Name a good language OP

oberon is both name of programming language and operating system

>what "tools", "research" and "designs" are you talking about?
lurk more, I've already listed them in this thread

go away zoomer


Python and go users are frogs

Go is just Alef with GC and more C like syntax. Before they ported things from Alef to C, Alef was a bulk of what Plan9 was/is.

>what "tools", "research" and "designs" are you talking about?
The entire Go standard toolset is literally just the Plan9 tools. You're being retarded on purpose, probably just to keep the thread bumped. Stop that.

thx for the bumps fren

befor Alef it was Newsqeak
after Alef it was Limbo
and Plan 9's C libraries, not to mention that they use files for crippled message passing in Plan 9, the same way channels/mailboxes are intended in CSP
Pike literally tried 3.5 times before Go
libthread nearly the same way as the context switch for green threads is implemented in Go (with the exception of Go being multi-OS-threaded and uses different native non-blocking IO select() alternatives per platform)

I'm happy for the webdev people to see that Go is displacing PHP, Python, Ruby and a bunch of other languages that don't belong in their field from there, but that's about it. Might also be suitable for simple I/O and parsing tasks where you need more performance than a scripting language but don't want the boilerplate of most other compiled languages.

golang for WEB DEV? doesn't that makes you want to kys because of the verbosity? how about libraries, web dev requires compatibility with so much shit it's not even funny. Does it have sane database drivers for mysql, postgres, oracle, ms shit?

Where do I find reliable benchmarks?
Just to have an idea of how good go is. Don't bother mentioning that trashpile called techpower or something.

just wait till my lang is ready

kotlin is like a crippled scala

i want to fuck a rust tranny

>doesn't that makes you want to kys because of the verbosity?
verbose != nil, but Golang is hardly verbose.
>web dev requires compatibility with so much shit it's not even funny
I found writing adapters for APIs and services especially simple in Go. As a result, I rarely bothered trying to find and pull in libs. That said, I'm sure most or all of my use cases were covered by some projects on GitHub or even by a package and I was just "reinventing" a more purpose-built (read: shitty and unflexible) solution than what already existed. The scope of just the officially supported libraries is quite impressive, actually, and they tend to work fairly well.
>Does it have sane database drivers for mysql, postgres, oracle, ms shit?
EZPZ for Postgre, somewhat annoying for MS SQL, not sure about anything else but probably on the simple side.

It's probably what I'd use if I ever fell down the stairs, banged up my head real bad and consequentially desired to work on webshit.

yeah, no
id like to know about real world development not neetsystems
maybe one day it will get big there

united states? if you're going to appeal to authority at least link to a first world country