Which is superior, Master's degrees from low tier universities or Bachelor's degrees from high tier universities?
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Which is superior, Master's degrees from low tier universities or Bachelor's degrees from high tier universities?
What is Jow Forums's opinion on this topic?
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you'll never know our ages, faggot.
Cheap decent uni >>> expensive ivycuck school
Same education both ways
That's a tough one. If I had to hire a programmer and one candidate had a B.S. in comp sci from stanford, and the other candidate had a M.S. in compsci from like, Kansas State, it would really come down to the interview to determine who gets the job.
>$till falling for the crypto kike degree
Master's degrees are almost universally a waste of time anyway.
Equally worthless
Anything with a M is looked at as higher than anything with a B.
How is this political?
Field is very important. A lot of city/state/federal positions give you some sort of flat bonus % based on level of degree, varying wildly by organization. I've seen 3/6/9, and I've seen ones cap out the bonus at b/a at 20 fucking percent extra
Bachelor degrees from high tier get relevant experience which trump everything.
Masters degrees from low tier universities are hit or miss. Sometimes they can lead to bigger things but most time don't.
Big 10 Engineers are the best Engineers.
Good thread.
My opinion is that, wait what?
Degree in what?
a degree in STEM
Going to a elite university matters a lot, so the bachelors from the great university is better
Not even a furry. Sage.
Being a nigger, kike, woman or tranny is the most important qualifications in the modern world
Anyway, no. That is a sweeping statement to make - and there are hundreds of fields you are talking about.
Having a big dick beats education any day as long as you are white. Theres tons of nerds with letters behind their names. Only the guys with massive throbbing cocks can be leaders.
Hiring manager in biomedical engineering here.
Here's a hint: university is useless as far as your education for STEM related fields. It's a test. An endurance test. Can you make a long-term commitment, and finish it? You will need to be completely retrained anyways.
Master's students just need to unlearn more shit while having a bigger Dunning-Kruger deficit. Their sense of self-importance is horseshit.
You're better off using the extra time to get real world experience and a head start in learning to be professional.
Jews get no affirmative action you anti-semitic turd.
bachelor's degree is a total meme, literally equivalent to a high school diploma
>B.Sc in chemistry from a top tier burger university
>Come home to finish my masters
>Semi-jokingly apply for a part time position at an investment bank while I wait for the semester to begin
>"We'd like to offer you the job, except we want you full time. During your 6 months of training, you'll be traveling between our offices in London, NYC, Singapore and Oslo."
And thus I became the Jew. The money is just way too fucking good to pass up.
Having said this, a B.Sc in burgerland is a fucking joke. Even at the top tier uni, more than 50% of the curriculum consisted of things that that is part of the high school curriculum in Norway. Meaning I'm not much more qualified as a chemist now than I was when I graduated high school.
Oh yeah can you tell me the molecular geometry and valence state of your mother's pussy?
I would say that university tier becomes largely irrelevant when it comes to post-grad stuff.
Masters tend to be more specialised and is where otherwise unremarkable/poor schools as a whole can shine (some departments are carrying entire universities)
Dumb fucking question.
>does your degree open job opportunities?
If the answer is no you are stupid and got recruited into the democrat party.
I chose not to report this thread after reading this comment, but everyone else should.
He already explained that! Because he said so!
Though I would argue the best combination to have is a bachelors from an elite uni and then a niche (to a degree) masters from an otherwise unremarkable uni.
Nobody cares about education as soon as you have experience
It's a piece of fucking paper. I don't know of any employer that only wants high tier university students.
Depends on the country, if youre in us, uk, france its very important, here in germany you can fuck off with your oxford degree, or youre at least not better off than someone from the university of bochum.
it's obvious
master's degrees
AX2E3 My nigro
no one cares about undergraduate degrees
It's not important in Germany that's true, but it's not completely irrelevant either FYI
>Which is superior, Master's degrees from low tier universities or Bachelor's degrees from high tier universities?
It mostly depends on the industry you want to get into.
Academia and R&D? You'll need a PhD, and your institution matters a lot too in certain hard sciences
Want to get into hedge funds, fancy law firms? Prestige matters
Wanna be a highly paid code monkey for Facebook, Google, Amazon? You can theoretically get in without a degree if you competed in some kind of international programming competitions (and got a high rank)
masters, no contest
Unless it's in a technical field, I'd say it's worth as much as a high school diploma. If you're one of those people that are lucky enough to get into those inner gender studies circles and write race baiting articles for 10k a month, then good on you.
You sound like a feminine faggot who falls for shiny, meaningless, prestige. Take note: all undergraduates and bachelor's are retarded.
self-employment > universities
In Belgium employers don't even consider you if you only obtained a university bachelor's degree
what a retarded response of an user that has never been in hiring decisions ever? the only correct answer is after evaluating their submitted projects. Have hired programmers with no bs degree that have been 10x better than degreed programmers.
High tier wins every time.
>interview white guy
>knows his shit. Would be good asset.
>masters degree from shit tier TV college
We will be in contact with you when we have finished interviewing candidates.
Now... for the same job...
>be porch monkey
>absolute blithering retard. Speaks like jigaboo and would painfully embarrass the company
>bachelors in totally useless unrelated field from ivy league university
Here's your benefits package booklet, you're gonna want to fill that out and drop it off with HR to start your health coverage going... and here are the keys to your corner office. Welcome to the firm son.
The absolute state.
that is not high-tier, that is affirmative action bs
In the real world no one cares where you got your degree as long as it wasn't online. Masters will always out rank bachelors.
-HR person here
>pr0s and drug dealers has more money than an avg uni educated individual
>degrees don't mean shit unless you have an inside link in the company you would apply for
My advise: if you want to learn something learn it so u can apply it to your business not so u can get a job at a specific company
affirmative action ruined Ivy league
100% agreed, just get a job in the field*, they might make you get one though, even in sociology if the job requires one - that is if you hop the corporate ladder good enough
just learn welding, get some certs (in that order) and you're set, there ain't a single whamen nor kneegrow showing off vertical stick-welding with 7018 on kikeltube - the reason is they can't, it's akin to masterful driving skill**
*with exception of engineering, medical specialties and such
** Shmitzer is one track pony, impressive, but outside the loop she's just another driver
Unless you absolutely need a masters for the job than they are the same. It’s all about how you come off as person and sometimes who you know. The difference between Ivy and cheap schools is very little unless you’re Brilliant in the field which is rare. Nobody cares if you’re from an Ivy school now. It just means you can afford it
In my country there are no good or bad universities, they're all deemed about the same, and are tuition-free on top of that.
lol Americans are so retarded.
Jews get nepotism though
Unless it is an Engineering education. Degree is worthless.
In fact having no education is better than having non real science (engineering, chemistry, biology, maths) related degree.
Because at least you are not dumbed down by retarded propaganda for a couple of years, which would brain damage you.
Um no, every school has breadth requirements. You can’t get out of it based on degree
They do. Patrick little does the stats. Although they have lower average scores than Asians and whites they make up 86 percent I think of Harvard despite not getting the scores
that's because the programming tasks you're given as an undergraduate in a BS degree are fucking useless. They're designed to assess students against a set of learning objectives rather than giving students the opportunity to solve realistic real-world problems.
I remember taking a unit on developing multi-threaded applications and we had to implement these shitty little programs to demonstrate race conditions, how context switching fucks up the order of execution across multiple threads etc etc, but we never actually learned how to utilise thread synchronisation techniques in a meaningful project.
>Degree is worthless.
Sure, you can just walk into an investment bank with no degree and get a well paying job
>Because at least you are not dumbed down by retarded propaganda for a couple of years
I think youre confusing "social sciences" with "all educations"
Fix that
jew spotted
It depends on a field/subject. Finance degree is almost always better from high tier university purely because people you get to know and connections you build there
If you have a correct connections and related experience.
A nigger with a degree is the same as a not having a degree.
Ok please point out to me how you can get into a finance position while not having a degree of any sort in this day and age
And how do you expect to get experience when you cant get work in the field because you lack a degree?
I work for a finance firm and we have people with a bachelors for our goddamn call center because its so easy to find these days, relevant fields too
Easy, you just have to be born in to a family of finance firm owner. And work under your father there.
>A degree is worthless, not worth getting
>Just make sure your born into the right family bro
Ah yes, much easier to do than just attending college for a few years
something like this. your bachelors can be general; if you dont immediately follow into your masters, then take some time off to work and go back to specialize in something that will bump your pay grade for something you know you want to be doing
I don’t understand why, but obviously 10/10 bait
Give this cianigger a raise.
Many jobs are more about networking - That is, who you know - than actual knowledge.
Someone willing to vouch for you at a company will do more for you than a masters degree, assuming of course that your currently held degree still meets the minimum requirements for the job.
high math is a barrier to entry, but when you get there what will you do - fuck over pensioners as financial adviser? execute orders for high net worth customers fucking over everybody else - it's kind of immoral
either way, the field is overcrowded, bloated beyond imagination for no other reason than central banking largess, longest "expansion" in history, bubbles in every asset class (sovereign debt, private debt, corporate debt, real estate, stawks), not to mention algo's taking their jerbs - future does not look bright in that field
You will suffer in college because you have to listen a lot of nonsense there which would dumb you down. You will be listening lies forced on you for a long time which fill force them to be imprint in your brain causing psychological brain damage or dumbing down effect.
But if you work under your father in investment firm, your father will supply you with best field related information and strategies from his own experience, and he will not likely have any reason to lie to you.
>You will suffer in college because you have to listen a lot of nonsense there which would dumb you down
Again, this depends on what fucking field you study
Gender studies major? sure
Finance major? not likely
Math major? hell no
Also you dont exactly make a good case for not going to college because you seem fucking retarded since you base your alternative on BEING BORN TO THE RIGHT PARENTS and im not exactly sure you know we cant control these things so im gonna tell you slowly
We dont get to choose what parents we are born to, there is no choice that is given before you are born to customize your dad to make sure he owns a successful business
>Finance major? not likely
keynesianism is basically marxism beyond basic introduction, you're wrong