Emacs is getting its own os

meanwhile vim is fighting itself

neovim/vim/vi will never catch on

Attached: 1024px-EmacsIcon.svg.png (1024x1024, 153K)

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link to the os?

Emacs was already its own OS

But when is it getting an editor?


Is over, Emacs won

Attached: this is Emacs with org-mode.png (900x1010, 451K)



Wait, is this a preview, or a kind of wysiwyg edit mode?

wysiwyg, I knew it was possible but when I saw in action I was surprised too

You can do it too lepisma.xyz/2017/10/28/ricing-org-mode/

zip it, you dumb memesters

You were supposed to work with the underlying OS, not make your own.

Attached: obsd_acme.png (1130x930, 55K)


Excuse me, am I in the Emacs General?

What package do I need?


>neovim/vim/vi will never catch on
they already did, retard. not that emacs doesn't offer superior customizability.

Maybe one day I can run GNU/Emacs on GNU/GuixSD on top of a GNU/Hurd kernel. Hopefully Stallman will live to see the day.

Is Emacs ever going to be rewritten in Scheme?

am torn between emacs and vim , which one should i master !!!!

am for real, everytime is see this shit post about them , i want to INVEST my time and effort in one of them for real.


Emacs is a fairly decent OS. Too bad it lacks a proper editor, though.

Start with vim until you're comfortable editing stuff, then Spacemacs.

Vim might be easier to start with, and you should definitely learn the vi(m) editing scheme before anything else. But I think starting with Emacs and installing evil (vim emulation) straight away might be better for you, because otherwise you might get stuck with vim - it's less capable even though it's simpler as an editor.

Vim keybindings are probably the most comfortable to use, but you have evil for that. Emacs can improve your productivity in ways vim can't.

org-mode, this is pretty basic stuff in the GUI version of emacs, I don't think they've done any heavy plugin installing or moding besides the theme

It already has been but it’s very slow.


Attached: 1552391730028.png (1919x981, 120K)

> needing to use a mouse for tabs instead of using buffers.

ow snap, thanks user, In currently on awesome-tab but its not in any of the repos
I just use them as a visual indication, use the keyboard to switch between them

>emacs is getting its own os
wow sounds cool, is there going to be some tricky 5 key combo just to open the start menu, I can't wait to spend hours of endless pain just to learn an unnecessarily complicated interface.

It's pretty much M-x guix, which is six entire characters. You might break a nail.

Start using magit.

Attached: 1556437084782.jpg (242x355, 65K)

But org mode on it's own is not wysiwyg, there have to be other packages for this?

Holy fuck I recently started using IntelliJ for work (because I pretty much need to). I took a look at their version control thingy and started up Emacs just to access Magit there. Whew, back at comfy.

no, org-mode is wysiwyg, you can inline latex equations and display them like that by default, and you can have different font sizes for headers and levels in org files, you can have a non monospacefont for org-mode.

the only thing I'm not entirely sure is images, I think that might require something extra but I'm not sure

(use-package org
:ensure t
:mode ("\\.org\\'" . org-mode)
:bind (("C-c a" . org-agenda))
:hook (org-mode . visual-line-mode)
(setq org-agenda-files
(directory-files-recursively "~/org/" "\.org$"))
'org-babel-load-languages '((shell . t)
(python . t)
(ruby . t)
(C . t)
(haskell . t)))
(add-to-list 'org-export-backends 'taskjuggler))

my org config btw


yes, its slow but if guile(scheme) keeps this rate of improvement by next year guile-emacs will run faster than emacs

>link to the os?

Wait till you learn about org-babel and ESS.

>still can't into threading
>better add even more bloat

Fuck off Rob, nobody gives a shit about Bell Labs memes anymore.

People who wank over Guile Emacs don't know either Guile or Emacs.
What would really be killer is a Common Lisp Emacs: Elisp is much closer to it, which would make the transition way easier.

vi is a tool, emacs is a way of life.

People who wank over Guile Emacs don't do it because they like Emacs Lisp.

to bad that they dont integrate a search engine inside org exportation scripts by default, it could replace fucking google(not a joke).

you're behind the times, grandpa. Learn to read changelogs

Vi(m), because it's fucking ubiquitous and runs on pretty much everything. Emacs is a bloated joke that got out of hand and stopped being funny decades ago.

Friendly reminder vim needs more dependencies than Emacs, thus, vim is the bloated here.

>because it's fucking ubiquitous and runs on pretty much everything
Great reason to choose some software to run on my personal machine.

I'm a Vim guy but org-mode is based.

Emacs runs on everything too.

>half a dozen plugins and it's fully functional
>starts up instantly
>just install 200 packages to have basic functionality
>5 second start up or run a literal daemon all the time for your text editor

Big fat lie, Emacs is the one with advanced functions ootb

Ah yes, who could forget the advanced features such as towers of hanoi and a screensaver.

what the fuck

Attached: bloatmacs.png (366x484, 15K)

>Windows user complaining about bloat

None of that is built in to Emacs. They're lisp programs. You don't have to run those programs if you don't want to.

quote the changelog you mistakenly believe refutes what I said

Congrats, some idiot lurker may think this is the basic version of Emacs and not the full library of packages included in the windows version.

expecting any meaningful and informing conversation in nu-Jow Forums is your problem. go ahead and try asking a real question, you won't get any decent answers. everyone is saying random garbage to get (You)'s.

yeah, this is actually quite slim compared to the base version.
