Norn Iron
Norn Iron
i want to have sex with northern ireland
No thanks, give it back to them.
Northern Irish boys...
thank you Romania
donnu wha u mean ima dorty fenian
Based fenian
saoradh an Sé Chontae
HEOLDdo frens how you doing [
Whats up dan
based, there is no NI only occupied 6 counties
>not pronouncing it like 'no eye'
Scottish and Irish nationalists are insufferable desu. oh yeah the English are oppressing you so hard in 2018 foh
not pronouncing it home
I agree socialist pansies. I genuine hate em. Actual nationalism is rising here now tho.
look at this actual submissive skeleton HAHA
I'm serious, they're worse than quebecqueers. at least they have some reasons to want to leave in that they have a totally different culture. but with the scots and irish their whole reasoning is "they were mean to us a long time ago and now they don't let us be germany's bitch which we desperately want for some reason"
also at least Quebec largely stfu after a failed referendum or two
where all in the same boat, every other country in the EU also seems to want to be Germany's rape baby. You country is arguably further down this road than my country
mm-hm yes! tell me more!
I can sort of sympathize with the Irish, they didn't have a great time before the English decided they didn't even want to bother anymore in the 20s, but even after that the people of northern Ireland democratically chose to stay in the union. but the Scots literally formed that union and were perfectly fine with it until like 5 years ago and even then they chose to stay. what I don't understand is the Welsh who have the highest percentage of Celtic speakers but they're chill. these people need to act more like the Welsh, which is a sentence that's never been said before
what school did you go to lad
you have to understand the people who chose to stay in the uk where brits in NI (loyalists), descendants of English and Scottish settlers. So to the Irish already there discarded their opinions as they where seen as a foreign presence in their land. The Irish rebels/IRA where based af, until the Troubles when they where infiltrated by Marxists. Then the whole Brits out niggers in thing took hold. I also like the Welsh.
a good one. we have great schools. the best.
yeah I totally get that, it's much like how it's understandable why the french are so pissed off here, they were here first after all. but they both also have to understand that the English consider this their home too, and have just as much of a right to be here than them. I also have no problem with the southern IRA too, like I said I think the Irish had real reasons to be pissed. Wales may be sheep shaggers but considering their colleagues (nz) sheep shaggers aren't too bad
>we have schools. the best.
tell us more about how the english have a right to be in the north of ireland
Give it over lad. That's an old forgotten fight no one gives a shit about. All western countries are in the same boat as we are. Creating infighting is useless
I haven't forgotten. I will not stop fighting until Ireland take those ugly-accented Ulster fuckers back.
just saying it's a forgotten fight won't actually make it true, despite what you may believe. The north of Ireland is not british and never has been, we do not belong to the gibbe land empire
I agree, we have bigger fish to fry though. Irish are a soon majority in NI anyway so its only a matter of time.
aye a united ireland is inevitable, NI is an artifact of a more colonial time when people actually respected britain
Don't people respect britain now that it's full of dangerous arabs?
opens a philosophical debate on "what is britain?"
nope Britain is British, Ireland is Irish. Japan is Japanese. They now know the pain of having foreigners infest their land.
>Britain isn't a country
>NI is demonstrably not British
but then again, no true scotsman argument
The world would significantly improve if Britain fell into the ocean
Our food would pollute the ecosystem. You don't want that.
>be british
>go to pub
>"oi, moight buy moiself a right bowl o snacks tonight"
>asks waiter what kind of food is avilable
>"yeah sir, we gat sam koinda fish-looken thing ova ere, it's probably edible"
>"it's oither that or th troiditional arabic food sir"
>guess I'll just get blackout drunk like every night
>eventually fall asleep because too many pints
>bar owner throws me to the sidewalk when they close
>get stabbed
>be canadian
you forgot
>get fined for unloicenced public bleeding
oh shid
pls gibe bak norn iron