Is Venus Hell?

>In Christian times, Lucifer, or "light-bringer," became known as the name of Satan before his fall. However, further observations of Venus in the space age show a very hellish environment. This makes Venus a very difficult planet to observe from up close, because spacecraft do not survive long on its surface.

>Venus is shrouded by an opaque layer of highly reflective clouds of sulfuric acid, preventing its surface from being seen from space in visible light. It may have had water oceans in the past,[16][17] but these would have vaporized as the temperature rose due to a runaway greenhouse effect.[18] The water has probably photodissociated, and the free hydrogen has been swept into interplanetary space by the solar wind because of the lack of a planetary magnetic field.[19] Venus's surface is a dry desertscape interspersed with slab-like rocks and is periodically resurfaced by volcanism.

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Would make sense that women are from Venus then

Venus is Earth 2, the planet most likely to be terraformed.


sure thing Buck Rogers

Not without a magnetic field, it won't.

No, it can be described as hell from the myths.

your information is very wrong.
lucifer was a human king of babylon.
it is not the fallen one.

venus is the planet of peace.
saturn is sheol.
jupiter is where the angels reside.

Hey guy from iceland, what's the (((diversity) situation over there like?

Visiting the planet Venus has cured my homosexuality.

no, russia is hell


Why would a magnetic field matter? Atmospheric erosion? Venus has a 90 bar armosphere, no erosion in 5 billion years.

Harmful space radiation and solar flares? That’s taken care off by the atmosphere, not so much by the magnetic field.

Isn't the surface pressure about equivalent to 3000' under water?

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Why is there a bear trap? Fake

That’s why you got to lower the temperature and allow CO2 to liquify/become solid.

looks like russia

earth is flat you cant visit other planets

'Hellish" is relative, and a human construct. If a sentient race evolved on Venus, they would see our planet as "hellish" (if they invented a concept of "hell", and by extension, religion), as oxygen would almost surely be corrosive and poison to them.

Further, the word "lucifer" comes from Latin, who named the planet the morning star. Christianity cribbed the name in the middle ages, to create the boogeyman known as "Satan", when the christian church changed from ministering peace and understanding, and adopted guilt and fear to control their congregation. There is no connection between the planet and sky fairies, it's a mish mash of Roman labels and religious babbling and mythology by pinheads like you.

Don't try to use religion to discuss science. It's pointless, and you just look like a retard.

>Why would a magnetic field matter?
It would be like explaining physics to a pig, to try and explain it to you.

How do you lower the temperature of a planet sized oven ?


It is grossly easier to cool a place off than add to it. Venus has nearly identical gravity to Earth and just needs cooled down. You can put a sun blocker out somewhere between Sol and Venus, don't imagine something planet sized it doens't have to be anywhere near that big, and just start taking heat energy from the sun away from the internal systems of the planet. Things start to change rapidly.

Meanwhile the amount of materials we'll have to bombard Mars with to turn it habitable will take thousands of years to apply, wait for cooling, apply again. And even then it has terrible gravity and other issues that would have to be artificially addressed like magnetic field generating satellites. We're much more like to simply build places, good places, on Mars while giving a serious eye to terraforming all of Venus.

There's also the environmental angle. If there's possibility of life still hanging on in the subsurface of Mars there'll be people arguing we don't touch the place. That seems extremely unlikely with Venus. Not that I'd be inclined to buy that argument regardless, the fucking environmentalists would pitch a fit if/when we started colonizing Antarctica for example.

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I have a strange feeling that it's not going to happen

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No you fucking retard
No it isn't, it's too hot and a lot of other problems.

It's actually Russia that took that photo. Russia is the only ones to have taken surface photo's of Venus, though their landers didn't survive long under the atmospheric pressure. I'm not a russian fanboy, but I give credit where it is due.

We are already in hell user

There's some species of AYYY LMAO that lives underground there, or possibly in some other dimension, according to some weirdos on the internet. I read it on the internet somewhere so it must be true.

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the majority of intelligent life lives on planets near the core of the planet for warmth & light, as well as protection from asteroids & other crap
Earth with surface life is an extremely rare type of planet with a very rare type of life code

All we need to do is wait for the temperature to drop to below 100ºC and then throw some ice rich asteroids/ comets at it to get some surface water

I want to believe...
...this is fake.

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...go on...

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I’ve always believed Mars was old earth, then over the years to due
Different kinds of space weather, it was stripped, here we are on earth and the same wthing will happen just has Venus becomes
Habitable for a very select few of us. Have you seen the old twighlight zone episode where a man and woman crash land on a habitable unknown planet? Basically Adam and Eve

Well in the universe the various unique polymorphic type coding/chain reactions we call "life" on planets is what most beings in the universe value like currency. A single plant from Earth has more value to some beings than anything. Like how we value gold, they value the more unique codes of life and the lifeforms based on it. Especially the longer it has been running. Forming more & more complex & unique living compounds.

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so would an unchanged shark be more valuable than that bug with the 10in probiscus paired with the flower with a 10in hole? Or is most all earth life unique? One of the co-founders of DNA suggested it's improbability of forming from a random protein to a fully dna strand within the 50,000yr span. Transpermiatation?

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This always bothered me. This is the location of Venus during Transit with Earth.

We keep planet hopping in the sweet spot.
Planets are formed when giant eruptions on the sun go off into space, these cool and start rotating around the sun. Everything rotating around the sun slowly goes further and further from the sun, cooling as it goes.
We used to live on Mars, then we had to move to Earth, and when Earth is almost inhabitable, we will move to Venus, which will sufficiently cooled by then.

>tfw the sun hocks a planet sized loogie directly at you
Can someone do the math on that?

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Read Immanuel Velikovsky.

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Fuck you janny

no it's jupiter you fucking mongoloid