Youtube-dl is dead

What should we replace it yet? The devs broke perfectly good software and have no interest in fixing it. Ironically, youtube is the only site it doesn't work on for me.

>inb4 werks on mi masheen

Fuck off faggot.

Attached: le.png (920x550, 13K)

Other urls found in this thread:

werks for me

$ youtube-dl --version
works fine here, tech illiterate.

dude its a youtube downloader theres millions of them out there

Works on my machine.

>its a youtube downloader
Shut the fuck up.

>bug report from April 24th

Kill yourself back to Jow Forumsubuntu

Firefox version 52 ESR + Flashgot does not have this problem.

Attached: 4k file.png (514x31, 2K)

op could just update the program instead of being a useless cunt? but no, being a useless cunt is all op knows.

>it's dead
It works for me.

Pip install --upgrade youtube-dl


youtube-dl --version

I updated it and it works now. Why the hell doesn't it update with the rest of my apps? Why do I have to run a special pip command just for it? So homosexual.

pip-review -a

Attached: 12a43c2ff5df44090096f70ac4e364a8.jpg (888x768, 83K)

because you're using a shit distro

Because you are a dumb computer illiterate toddler. Kys

OP is degenerate mongoloid who doesn't know how to update his software and started screaming like a girl in hysterics instead.

>Why the hell doesn't it update with the rest of my apps?
err.. no idea how you're updating your python applications, but sometimes youtube-dl will just stop working, so a quick update will get it going again, as seen here: ..i usually know i have to update when i see the same error message or a similar message before the program dies.

youtube-dl often has to adapt to YT changes. Most distros don't update their packages frequently enough to keep up, that's why you're basically forced to install and update in manually. I don't know why you'd use pip though. Just follow their installation instructions (curl + chmod) and update with youtube-dl -U.

What happened there?

Attached: delet.png (500x896, 96K)

fucking retard.

>he doesn't have a cron job to check for ytdl updates

Attached: 1556506652756.jpg (250x223, 9K)

youtube-dl breaks constantly because YouTube changes their API constantly
linked issue is precisely that and is fixed in newer versions. OP is ceritified dumb retard
don't install it from distros' package manager because distros have delay on shipping the update. install from pip or its installer

youtube-dl itself says 'fucking update me with this option' when it fails like OP said. OP cannot read.

I would guess removed debug reports after the issue was closed

>that's why you're basically forced to install and update in manually
which is so super hard
>put it in ~/bin/
>chmod it

debian/ubuntu maintainers disabled the self-update ability of youtube-dl

Work for me roundeye!

Why not just pip install --user? This will install into your home directory with the binaries being in ~/.local/bin, then you can just add that directory to the $PATH variable and that's it

Then you can update with a single command pip install --upgrade packagename --user

This is understandable, but really they should remove it from the repos all together. yt-dl is simply not something you can reasonably package and expect a good user experience, even on bleeding edge distros.

That's normal for any packaged version of youtube-dl. Ever noticed how browsers like Firefox also without their normal an updater, when you install them via your package manager?

I was never a big fan of using pip outside of standalone python environments and since youtube-dl already comes with an in-built updater, I don't see why I shouldn't just use it.

>someone made a thread for this
>someone is actually arguing for them to put in some complicated autoupdate shit

just put a .bat file in your startup folder with -U in it

holy fuck


Unironically plus
If you use more than three pip reps it's a blessing to just install pip-review and place it in a cronjob.

youtube-dl --version
Gentoo doesn't have this problem

yeah haha MICROSHAFT WANGBLOWS amirite

Attached: 1488703572702.jpg (1200x797, 492K)


Its because you wasted that beautiful get

>Make sure you are using the latest version; see on how to update.
How did you not die as baby, considering that you were likely too stupid to find a tit to suck on?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-08 token parameter not in video info for unknown reason; · Issue #20758 · ytdl (760x642, 115K)

Why did I not have to do this from 2015 to 2018?

Because youtube made changes to how it works.
Christ, why do you fags need to be spoonfed this shit?


Bullshit. I've never had problems with YouTube-dl on Arch or OpenSuse. It works completely fine on rolling fistros this is entirely a problem with distros like Ubuntu.

There were some brief times where I got stuck between problems, but usually they updated right after and it worked. Installing this shit used to be hell

works on watashi no machine desu