What's the best textbook for learning python?

what's the best textbook for learning python?

and yes I want to use a textbook to learn it and not some shitty youtube tutorials made by pajeets

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Automate the Boring Stuff and then Fluent Python
Learn Python the Hard Way is fucking ass and you're better off watching Sandeep Gupta's Learn Python Easy Tutorial Free 100% 2019 Must Watch

fluent python is pretty fucking advanced, most people aren't going to get much out of that book until they've been coding python for like a year or two

If you REALLY want to, read one textbook for basic syntax and functionality. After that just look up projects that other people have made with different libraries, or look up documentation. To be honest, reading more than one book on Python was a big waste of my time.

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Delete this.

Thats me when it comes to figuring out what translations of classic works to read. At this autistic rate I'll live another 60 years never reading War and Peace or the Iliad.

doers will forever dunk on high inhibition planners

h-how do i delete someone else's post

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I'm currently doing this but with Unity instead of Python.
I spend days coming up with an ENTERPRISE TURNKEY SOLUTION to a trivial problem, then end up hacking it anyway.

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>programming practices
you absolute fucking retard, just make a game. games dont have to use ENTERPRISE LEVEL ARCHITECTURES or whatever
you unbelievable moron

the best explanation of anxiety.

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i have this problem with things other than programming too.

the internet has somehow paradoxically made it harder for me to learn things rather than easier. i need to get away from this cursed place and disconnect entirely to be more productive

That's a MTF tranny with their makeup disguise eliminated.

we need more apps to make roasties seethe

t. gamelet nodev

I've seen and decompiled games that got so shat up with crap their development turned into autistic gimmicks because any meaningful change would be too hard.

Here's a great free one: The official tutorial.

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Or, you know, you can just make a 'good enough' solution based on your intuition of your theory of computer science.

Or just see the problem, think 'Oh, I can map it to this problem where I have an optimal solution for it!' and then just use the polynomial time function to map the problem. Usually these 'converters' are O(1) if you state the problem correctly, (as in your data structures are good).

Seriously, why can't people just like make program?

higher iq = higher inhibition = more likely to get into analysis paralysis

Oh so it's just because my understanding is beyond that of mortals

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where's your game

unironically sort of yes. it's one of the main drawbacks of high iq. higher iq correlates strongly with higher inhib. but if somebody has both high iq and low inhib they basically have the golden ticket to success.

they do if youre actually making a well made game and not some pixel art platformer indie shit

is it worth getting a python certification? from wherever

yes sir it is very worth

don't learn fucking python you fucking retard.

Why not, you fucking woman?

>he needs a book to learn this shitty language
low iq poster

The absolute state of /djt/

t. brainlet

learnxiny the basics then make some shit
you'll never retain anything you read in a book. just make stuff and you'll get better

t. pythonfag

sorry prajeet I won't like and subscribe to your shitty tutorials

>based machines already triggering the femoids

i unironically got really good at python by learning C.