>2nd Edition
Rather interesting thread last time. There was DIY HEPA filters, e-scoots, water flossers, and bidets/butt sprayers. What other lifestyle gadgets are there?
Previous Edition
>2nd Edition
Rather interesting thread last time. There was DIY HEPA filters, e-scoots, water flossers, and bidets/butt sprayers. What other lifestyle gadgets are there?
Previous Edition
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Guns improve lives.
They let you kill those who drag down the entire community, they let the dregs of society kill each other to keep their own population low and they help the weaklings of society to rid themselves from the gene pool.
Are water filters any good? Thinking on buying one instead of bottled water, but not sure.
Mag-lite flashlight for self-defense. Hold the bulb end, swing the skinny end
>life improving
uh no
Radar Detector
Upgraded from the Uniden R3 to the R7
Can't wait for the Escort patent on GPS auto lockout to expire
I used to have one, but then I thought, why am I in such a damn hurry? I relaxed and took my foot off the gas.
Cheaper than a single ticket (after administration fees) and you assume that I want to minimize my time driving. Also my car's gearing is most efficient a bit more over the county's default limits than most would like
I have this plant
It's cool because it doesn't die
Somehow I managed to dry or starve even aloe vera, but this pointy nigga not only doesn't give a fuck, but manages to spread.
It's feeding off your life force
get your water tested to know what filter would be the best for you.
Many filter different particles than what you might need. Here we have lots of lead in the water, yet most filters domt filter that.
No, it isn't
It looks way too healthy
or you could just... go the speed limit. that's cheaper than a ticket or a radar detector.
Just buy a pentium
You don't need that i7
Just take your time on that compile
You don't need to play games
Just use your boring tool like you would your dishwasher. Press the button and walk away.
based and commute pilled
Speedfags dont get to their destination quicker, they're just first to the red light or traffic jam.
>but muh highway
Without fail, the cunt overtaking everyone and beelining into the distance is the one you see 10-30 minutes later pulled over by the side of the road by the cops losing all the time he gained.
I think the cops in at least my state are already using those laser speed guns. Some radar detectors can detect that but if they do, they've already timed you.
That's what laser shifters are for
Vornado Zippi desk fan
These little buggers are amazing. Silent except for the air rushing around. I keep one running by my bed at night instead of air conditioning.
They need you to maintain speed for a few seconds to get a lock. If you are accelerating or slowing they can't actually clock you.
Don't most cops use lidar now?
K, KA band Radar
New stuff is MRCD and is harder to detect, but needs to be mounted in the grill of something big usually like a pickup truck
Laser is also used but it takes longer to get a solid signal reading and is federally legal to jam the signal unlike radar
Legit ergo chairs aren't as expensive as people think and will save your spine. After having to pay $3k just to have a doctor give me a pamphlet on stretching, I started gave chairs a serious look. You can get $1000+ chairs for half price or less at office furniture liquidators. I got a ~$1200 srp leather Allsteel Acuity new with tags/manuals/cover for $450. It had been assembled and just sat in storage as backup overflow seating. My place had tons of other models from the most popular brands, some Aerons as low as $350.
This is true. Better to buy a real ergo - Humanscale, Hermann Miller, Steelcase etc.. from a furniture/office reseller if you're on a budget, vs putting $400+ into buying a "racer gamer" chair instead.
Yes, natively real ergo chairs are over $1000, but there are lots of businesses that either upgrade, fold, or just plain change colors in their meeting rooms or some shit, so they haul off expensive top of the line stuff for resale. I've seen $1K+ Steelcase Leap V2s sold for $200-ish! I've seen maxed out $1K+ Humanscale Freedom Headrests sold for $400-ish!
Though I have to admit, the very best ergo chair I've seen - aside from 5-figure recumbent workstations or other crazy setups etc - is the Lifeform Chairs Ultimate Executive. All Lifeform chairs are awesome, and a Lifeform UE will cost you about 2K+ fully configured, but they're amazing, beyond all "big name" ergo chairs in terms of comfort, health, and features I've found. They're made by a small Canadian company boutique style, so they take about 2 months from order to shipment. but its so worth it!
If you want a gamer chair, go to the junkyard and buy a sports car seat with decent side bolsters. Mount the base to plywood and the plywood to the base of some shitty office chair.
Sports car seats are designed to keep your posture good for the inevitable crash
I have a feeling my preference for always reclining and never sitting up military ramrod straight like you're always told to will turn any seat I use into an ergonomocist's nightmare
This is an option, but it will miss many ergo settings and things like arm adjustments unless the shitty office chair base had them included. Likewise, if you had a fancy luxury racing seat to get it to do even basic adjustments built in, you'll need to have it connected to powered features and whatnot which will add cash.
Ultimately, a chair made for driving a sports car isn't really made for sitting at a desk, so its better to get a real ergo chair
This is just a random image I found, but footrests exist. I like mine.
A good rocking/adjustable footrest is worth it to go with your ergo chair. Really helps things way more than most would think!
Some car seats can, I've slept in my old Prelude comfortably because the seat lays back almost horizontal
Listen here you cunt, you don’t own the fucking road, driving is not a right it is a privilege.
Either that or you could sit on a stool and not let your back muscles atrophy.
ya, exercise balls and open floorplan for everywunnn
Look at this lazy shit, not using a standing desk
If it's good enough for a pianist...
I once borrowed pic related from a coworker. It was amazingly comfy to use.
I'm semi-interested in those, but typing in that position seems completely unnatural.
I googled mousetrapper and it just looks like an external trackpad?
It's mesh that moves in all directions, it moves along with your finger instead of your finger sliding over it.
Here is a video showcasing it: youtube.com
I mainly used it with my thumbs so I could jump quickly between typing a using my mouse.
Replace the bulb with extra bright led and use it to blind that cunt before attacking
They sell ones with LEDs now
How good is this plant at oxygen production?
I keep reading about it but the evidence seems anecdotal at best. I just want to know the most efficient oxygen producing plants, but all I get are these dumb top 10 listings with dubious proofs.
Oxygen isn't really the focus.
Umidifier or Dehhumidifier according to what higrometer says
You wouldn't notice the change in oxygen from any sanely-sized houseplant.
Average human consumes about 0.8kg of oxygen per day.
Molar mass of CO2 is 44 g/mol, O2 is 32 g/mol, so a plant has to fix 12/44 g of carbon to emit 32 g of oxygen.
A plant that would satisfy half of your daily oxygen would need to increase in dry mass by 100g/day. And most plants have about 90% water, so you'd expect 1kg/day.
Unless your plant is packing on pounds like a woman on honeymoon, it isn't producing enough oxygen for you to notice.
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I'm afraid I don't understand this language.
How does this correspond to ph of the post and the color of its pill?
They need to make standing keyboards.
>Speedfags dont get to their destination quicker, they're just first to the red light or traffic jam.
Based bros. These niggers are just going nowhere, fast.