What is the official bant verdict on chips with mayonnaise?

what is the official bant verdict on chips with mayonnaise?

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british chips with mayo are kinda good
american chips with mayo, and you must be out of your mind

nyaruko is my cute wife

(left is me)

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never tried it, the concept has never occurred to me.

american chips aren't chips
shite wife lad
i like it. i prefer it to vinegar or ketchup
i'd rate it a decent 7.5 / 10

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ur gross
mayo is yum. it doesn't have the horrible vinegary taste of alternative chip condiments

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don't call my wife shit you stupid britoid

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your shit taste is showing in both food and anime girls

Eating chips without mayonnaise should be a crime

your wife is gay and semi sentient at best
what do you put on your chips then?
vERY based
20 years minimum for such a terrible crime

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>mayo is yum
mayo is cum
horrible white filth you should keep away from your mouth

what chips are we talking about desu

but it has a delicious yet subtle creamy taste which perfectly compliments the slight saltiness of the chips

the ones made from wedges of potato
not crisps or whatever americans call them

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It's okay. I'm not too big of a fan but I find it edible at the very least

Why is there baked beans in the clock?

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1kg unpeeled shrimp, or peeled equivalent
75g caviar
1dl mayo
1dl creme fraiche
2tbsp chopped dill
2tbsp chopped red onion
2tsp lemon
pinches of salt, pepper

Thaw and peel shrimp and pour off any liquid.
Chop shrimp and put in a bowl.
Chop dill and onions, put in bowl.
Apply mayo, creme fraice and caviar to bowl.
Mix the fuckers.
Apply salt, pepper, lemons to taste.

Put on your fried potatoes or toasted bread.

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sh-shes already going pretty fast
i don't think this is safe

sounds good
i will try this sometime

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>sh-shes already going pretty fast
i don't think this is safe


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please stop what are you doing we can't go any faster

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stophp sjhjut it doewn

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beans in the clock b-beans in the clock
beans in the clock b-beans in the clock
bitches ain’t shit and they ain’t saying nothing
a hundred mothafuckas can’t tell me nothing

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Even faster

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Wow, now that's fast.

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it is too fast please stop this is getting out of hand

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they aight


If Vegan, is a GO!
If not, It's a NO!

Remember Bant is a VeganBoard

you the gay brit or are you new? I've been gone for a while

Anyone involved with mayo in anyway deserves eternal damnation if you want my opinion

but is mayo the best thing to put on your chips or do you prefer something else?

why? it tastes good on pretty much everything

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I hate british but I specially hate fags

i'm not a fag

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n o u

Whaterever, it's not like I care
I am not talking with you amerifat


Hi NewFag. I'm PinkyBong.


El que tiene hambre, en piensa

Nigga I ain't new

either of these mean anything to y'all or have I been forgotten? It ain't my fault the jap IP banned my entire town

then why?

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why what? Why I hate you? Is that your question?

You have fun trips.

thanks but I'm sad everyone forgot about me. What happened to the Cornish guy? What about king of Jow Forums?

yeah why not

you made risk threads didn't you?

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I'm full of hate

Abe's still around and there's the one with the African flag or something too. Both declare kingdom.

that is sad

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I did a lot of other shit too to be fair, I spoke to all the big boys. I assume normies still gone?
I actually liked him even if no one else did.

Didn't even know abe that well where my niggas at man

Abe is prince, not king. And King of Jow Forums posts under South African flag.
Normie's still around.
t. GayFag

holy shit my real nigga is back

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last I heard he was just doing gay shit, seemed to have given up speaking to everyone else.

>Nigga I ain't new

Still a FaggotNigga tho?

also glad the king is still with us

I mean nah but if you want

The "King of Bant" is at the Top of the Bant Tree.

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He's working 3 jobs at 20hrs per day to make ends meet and it's only barely enough, though his hours got cut back.
>given up speaking to everyone else
Not really his fault when Jow Forums's gone to shite.
t. newfag
Yeah, although he's worried that he might not be around next year
>next year all whites wil be dead in south africa , so you are talking to a dead man ,which is me

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Nah man, I'm like Pac. I don't roll like "that"

Don't make me.

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Is that a face reveal? I've missed a lot.

He's sensationalising, if everyone white in south africa is getting executed or something I'm pretty sure I'd hear about it before like Ben Shapiro and Info Wars and shit.

So you ain't that one gay communist dude? Fair. I've stopped with this bicurious shit anyway I got too many gay dudes tryna fuck me, gotta at least pretend to be fully straight so I ain't got these weird fuckers on my dick.

oi what do you think you're doing posting in this thread without telling me your opinion on chips with mayonnaise

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That face was revealed around the same time that 400 people took his name.

When abouts time wise? I've been range banned since September. I'm only here now because I'm at my dad's

Buy my passu filth gaijin.

It was actually over 9000

Not long ago, end of november I think.


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oh yeah I wouldn't've been there for that then

fuck the jap, 2 nukes wasn't enough. I think its because its real rural and we're on satellite internet but fuck that dude man

Discord thread

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>Banned since September

hahahahahaha What a load of shit!

You accusing me of actually being new?

no lewd

fuck off i just wanted to know about mayonnaise

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ᵗʰᵉʸ ˢᵘᶜᵏ

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you suck pennis amd oyu gay

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waffles are gross and stinky and they taste bad

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Try ones that aren't blue.

holy shit now you've done it
I call pistols by dawn

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nah i'm busy tomorrow maybe some other time

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It's not bad, but it's not my go to condiment

what is your condiment of choice?

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