How the fuck do you shave your balls without almost neutering yourself
How the fuck do you shave your balls without almost neutering yourself
with lighter
that sounds crazy enough that it might work
very carefully
i'm terrified of slicing balle when shaving
just do it
I'm already bleeding
don't use an actual blade just use a trimmer my man
fuggg big bleed or little bleed?
little drops
baby waffles are still an option as long as I don't fuck it up further
sounds legit
won't help me today but I have to try getting my hands on one
If you can't shave your own balls, you should try growing some.
you aren't supposed to shave your genitals the hair protects them and it'll just itch more
Your foreskin has fuck all to do with shaving your big assed hairy bollocks tho
"I've got balls of steel" -Duke Nukem.
On a serious note, get a bloody trimmer and shave regularly.
Protects them from what? Being sucked by a woman?
Logic at last
you know what fuck it if you wanna potentially castrate yourself just for the sake of your fetish by all means go ahead so you don't breed
Done. #FeelsGoodMan
I dunno
I use a razor and I never bleed, but I think my ball skin is pretty stronk
>hong kong
>knee-length pubis
Checks out.
Honestly I have an electric razor/trimmer combo but it's probably too coarse which is why I got nicked
But I really need to get this shit done now so I guess I'll try the manual approach
Pray for my balls lads
Seems normal and based
God Bless Your Balls user
please be careful
Only pussy faggots shave their balls
Stop being a bitch. He'll be fine, give or take a testical
no u motombo
You have to chop them off and boil the hair off. You can screw them back in trust me
Don't fall for that! like my brother did back in the 40s
I use razors like these to shave my balls and it seems to work fine. Haven't cut myself shaving them in a while.
buy an electric razor
barber's scissors, blunted.