Fuck liberals

fuck liberals

Attached: 1545598754781.jpg (539x960, 61K)

mental illness

santa is a muslim woman

Refuse to believe that's not a parody account. Just picked the ugliest balding numale they could find and say retarded shit for screenshots.

I thought it was Angelos Epithemiou.

i have left wing views, and I hate being cobbled up with people like this.

Don't worry about it. His wife will have a penis, so there won't be any future kids anyway.


Attached: 840B07D8-114E-4B08-B7DA-FE58F43ADE59.jpg (960x1280, 180K)

libtard paki cuck sjw npc

Attached: dab away.png (414x403, 6K)

Hello can somebody please check this FUCC COSBY id?

Attached: 220px-Bill_Cosby_crop.jpg (220x273, 20K)

>teaching your kids that Santa is a nigger that breaks into your house at night and steals their cookies and milk
Sounds pretty based to me.

Attached: 1510110497269.gif (355x225, 1.5M)

but liberals are centre, not left
holy shit, that's a fucking based id

Checked it

Attached: 8bc.jpg (750x606, 101K)

checking now

Yeah, that's nice.

Attached: 56843aeec08a80872f8b5147-750-511.jpg (750x511, 125K)

The ultimate redpill

the post and the pic appears to be fake, but the rest of it is correct
I believe the pic was made as a gesture of mocking the author due to his balding

this unironically


Black Santa Claus is actually good, he would advertise for chocolate companies and Coca Cola just like the mascots we used in the good ol' days, amirite fellow magapedes?

Attached: 124e2d83c82446e2d734829cb1d3dd49.png?e=1545695665&m=LRwkZMPQ_O_87taxNnmkvQ.png (580x568, 367K)

mother of dog

Attached: 1545611973384.png (255x216, 33K)