I can imagine my life improving so much after buying this

I can imagine my life improving so much after buying this.

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good for you. fuck off

I bet I'd be really productive if I bought it.

Hi! My name's Demetrious and I'll be your Apple service provider today!

Got one for free from work. Thing is great

iPad purchase regret is 90% certain to happen.
Tablets are the most worthless meme gadget there is


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Eh, a watch is still a watch. Smart watch actually has many uses in my opinion. Tablets don’t do anything that you can’t already do on your phone or laptop.

HIV is not healthy, user.

Disagree to an extent.

Phones *can* do much of the same stuff a tablet can, but it's way more comfortable in a tablet. Netflix? Books? Web browsing? Hell even if you're typing stuff. It's just better with the extra screen retail estate.

I'm going into teaching. Planning to use a tablet (connected wirelessly to a projector) for delivering presentations so I'm not fucking glued to my desk.

Not for normies. IPads are great for bored house wives and even better (nice and intuitive) for old people who never learnt how to use a desktop environment.
I never had much use for tablets myself other than testing my own software or watching netflix at the dinner table though.

I would say that about all the previous ones, but this one is a step up I feel.

Congratulations on coming out of the closet.

>Makes a stylus with 9 ms latency
>Creates Sidecar, which makes it into an cheap exclusive graphics tablet for macs.
ou can suck my dick Wacom.

Don't Wacoms have 1024 pressure? Think Apple Pencil only has 256.

Gen 3 might improve that though.

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ipads are the ultimate consumer computer, they're purpose built for mindless consumption and to be used by the lowest iq simpletons

I like having a tablet on the coffee table in case I want to read an article or Google something. Couldn't use it as a main device though.

Whats the problem with that?

I dont think I put a judgement on it, but I did describe what they're good for accurately

>ipads are the ultimate consumer computer, they're purpose built for mindless consumption and to be used by the lowest iq simpletons
They're awesome for studying. People use laptops for taking notes in lectures etc and it's woefully inefficient. You hear the high pitch ticker tacker of 20 butterfly keyboards verbatim transcribing lecturers; notes they convince themselves they'll use, but they won't. It's just something to faun over, to fidget with in the moment. It soon detracts into mindless facebook browsing.

No, I preferred to have iPad on the desk next to my notebook. I could write my notes, view digital copies of (my otherwise very heavy) textbooks, watch any videos recommended by lecturers, and view the powerpoint slides easily at my own leisure. They might be 'mindless consumption' devices, but it's still all about application and personal use.

nah. real paper beats ipad every time.

Yeah, that's why I used both. I used the iPad for content like textbooks etc, slides, pdfs.. wrote my notes in my notebook. They're very space efficient.

>reading of any kind on an LCD/LED screen

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>He said, posting on an internet forum of all things.

spamming nigger

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tablets are great for reading books or watching Netflix. that's it.
Maybe you can use your Ipad to wagecuck harder with the connection to your mac or draw with some Photoshop Lite app but nobody ever does it. Apple has been saying the Ipad does everything your mac does (and costs about the same) since the Ipad 1 ten years ago.

Keep in mind what it's for and you won't regret it

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op here, im not the spammer

i can imagine your life improving so much after buying this

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