There are many things which might qualify you as an autist but there's one simple thing that singles you out when you...

There are many things which might qualify you as an autist but there's one simple thing that singles you out when you make a post on this subreddit: KOT rolls. When you type three letters and hit enter as the light of the screen flashes across your face and the text "post successful" appears on your monitor, you distinguish yourself as an absolute retard and lose all the respect you gained before reawakening this dead and unfunny meme from its graveyard. When you type KOT your IQ drops to the point of being on par with a mentally disabled person. When you post KOT you're instantly expressing with a bland shitpost that you're too mentally challenged to make sense of what OP is speaking about. You might believe that spamming this soulless shit face of a cat as you chuckle inwardly is a form of mockery toward users who take this board too seriously, but the only one who's being mocked is you.

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That really explains autism of the russian posters for they are ones who type and write this word from the late childhood.

I knew it was you guys. If it isn't the Americans it's always you. It's an unwritten rule.

This word is just so comfy and familiar to us, you know. It reminds us babushka and warm-colored photos of celebrations in an old panel's flat. Almost in every family there's a кoт or кoшкa, so this creatures are associated with home and safety.


>Jow Forums
>home and safety

Warm colours and lack of nsfw make this board pretty much comfy. Imagine if they're also кoтs in a such place. Ultracomfyness.

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S4s tho

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>lack of nsfw

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We are really far from the amounts of /the second letter of the alphabet/

This is now a KOT thread

well that is fair to say.

what board r u talking about ?

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All the decent russians are sleeping now. And I think I also should thought.

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tl;dr anyway KOT ID ROLL

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