The official gay-scale, from least to most:

>The official gay-scale, from least to most:

Liking females, normally
Likes to be sub to female
Likes Futa
Likes Traps
Likes to be pegged
Literally gay

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Russians never get past the third last one

You forgot the ultimate form of heterosexuality. Raping lesbians.
Women are always a little bit gay, since they like guys and that's kinda gay. Raping lesbians is peak straight.

can you split literally gay into likes cute guys and likes bears and shit
i don't want to be maximum gay

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Yeah actually I just went ahead and fixed the whole chart for you

Raping lesbians
Liking females, normally
Likes Traps
Likes Futa
Likes to be pegged
Literally gay
Likes to be sub to female

Just embrace the gay Putting sub to female over literally gay and bisexual
You realize gay and bi means wanting to be fucked by a guy right? You can't actually get more gay than that

>Likes Traps
>Likes to be sub to female
not gay

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>You can't actually get more gay than that
Yes you can, as shown

Okay let's pretend you're right in sub to female being more gay than the others.

How is being pegged less gay than being sub to female, since that is just being sub to female + buttsex?

Being literally gay is not gay change my mind
Bisluts are 100% gay though

Power bottom

You all forgot
>putting this much thought into it
It goes right at the bottom.

I don't think you understand how the chart is meant to work...

owo id get

dumb homo

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Liking any unfiltered kind of gay (twink, bear, etc) is still liking a normal male. That's gei my dude.

who the fuck thinks futa is less gay than traps

Futa is some kind of strange girl/boy hybrid, so like some kind of semi-gender. Trap is straight up male.

Prove it

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but traps are also guys
clearly liking some guts is gayer than liking others

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Which of the 57 original genders is it between?

discord thread

I understand how I want the chart to work, and that works for me.

Traps are one of the few categories of guys that don't look like guys, things like twinks and bears all look clearly like guys.

I'm not talking about bullshit SJW gender, I'm referring to it being some kind of freak half-and-half

me on the bottom

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>boohoo i like feminine guys so I'm not gay
Cope harder faggot
Wtf i hate homos now

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but bears look manlier than twinks, who look manlier than traps
surely liking manlier men makes you gayer

I don't think I could maintain an erection while fucking a man, but if I had to do it I'd rather fuck a masculine man than an effeminate one. There's a kind of dominance in fucking, and a sense of enjoyment and accomplishment to be had in asserting yourself over the greater than over the weaker.
Fucking an effeminate guy is basically bottom of the barrel shit. I do imagine their softness would be better for cuddling, though, but i have my doubts that any man could have the kind of softness and subtlety to the flesh that can be found in women.

Literally no cope, I'm a bisexual faggot and I'm completely aware and accepting of how fucking gay that makes me.

that post made no sense
you have biggest of gays

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t. psychopath


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I like traps:(

Yeh people who like traps are the ones who cope the hardest. "Girls don't want to pound me so I'll settle for a guy who looks like a girl lole" literally the ultimate cope.


Attached: fuggg off gay ass leaf.gif (540x300, 934K)

its awright buddy, here on r/banter you`ll fit right in together with your fellow psychos :^)

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Odd, considering that you're infinitely more psychopathic than me, and I don't fit in with you at all.

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Are you seriously calling me a psycho

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yes yes yes yes yes
why would you want to fugg ultra masculine men? i don't geddit

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>why would you want to fugg ultra masculine men?
I don't, and I never said I did.

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Oh my god hong kogn is right lamo

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prove it
maybe i do

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Which part?

*rather than a twink or something
if you like women, why not fugg the closest thing to femal?

hmm? whatt?

Attached: waat.png (640x720, 301K)

I don't see twinks as close to females.

but don't they have more feminine qualities than a manlierer maen?
in cinclusion; ur gay and i sleep now

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the part about me being more psychopathic than you

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If I were really a psycho or a sociopath I wouldn't feel loneliness in the slightest, I wouldn't even know what guilt is like. The closest I'd feel would be boredom, but alas I wasn't born a passive and soulless dreg nor I see any chances of becoming one soon.
That every human being never has any realistic standards. It feels fucking retarded to be the only one on the planet who wants to settle down with an autist like me to avoid confronting life.

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I possess no psychopathic traits. You are dishonest and manipulative.
They don't have any feminine qualities that are important to me, and moreover they lack important feminine qualities and offer nothing in return

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i like "normal" guys desu and i'm not delusional enough to think i deserve some perfect bf
i just didn't understand his train of thought

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>I possess no psychopathic traits
>There's a kind of dominance in fucking, and a sense of enjoyment and accomplishment to be had in asserting yourself over the greater than over the weaker.
Also, when did i ever manipulated anyone?

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That's just a normal male trait.
>Also, when did i ever manipulated anyone?

Well, normal is already a big stretch.

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Normal males dont fantasize about raping the weak though
How come?

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Who said anything about rape? Assuming he meant rape is assuming that all dom/sub situations are inherently rape.

>Normal males dont fantasize about raping the weak though
And neither do I, nor did I say anything to indicate that I do. Rather, I indicated the contrary, that not fantasizing about, but dominating the strong affords a sense of accomplishment, in contrast to dominating the weak.
>How come?
Apologizing for your knavish words to receive my forgiveness and then continuing to spew them.
I'm not really big on BDSM either, I'm just acknowledging that male sexuality is inherently dominant to a degree.

okay i'm stop being dumb now sorry for bothering you

anything taken to the extreme normally isn't great but he doesn't have to be that normal
most people are a bit odd in one way or another

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>most people

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I am unbothered, and I doubt being dumb is something you're able to stop.
But that's okay.

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Oh yes, it seems like i misread it this time.
Well, forcefully making someone admit your dominance over him isnt really that far from the rape i guess.
>Assuming he meant rape is assuming that all dom/sub situations are inherently rape.
It is rape, although to a lesser degree (whats toxic patriarchy durrr)
>Apologizing for your knavish words
the winning condition in case you won was me apologising, not feeling remorse
>to receive my forgiveness
thats hardly anything i care about

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Apologizing is worthless if you don't mean it. Insincere apologies are a psychopathic trademark.
>thats hardly anything i care about
Yeah, really selling that non-psychopathy hard there.

>most gay
common mistake, that's only half gay.
easy mistake to make.

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i just meant that everyone has their flaws
but posting images like that isn't really helping

i'm not dumb i can stop whevever i want you dumb leaf

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Prove it.

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what did hong kong say

As someone who is literally bisexual, I know where bisexuality should be rated. I don't like females half as much as anyone else does (or males, for that matter). I like males as much as someone who is gay, I just ALSO like females.

>Unironically thinking dom/sub situations are rape.
You're either stupid or a troll.

There, stop fighting. I'll give you a few hints. He can't feel solitude nor seems to be care about his surroundings. These traits might classify him as a sociopath but I'm not a doctor and judging people isn't my speed. On the other hand I could be a borderline but again I'm not dumb enough to come to any solid conclusions.

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I guess we just wasted our time playing touhou street fighter for nothing then

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He's not a psychopath. He's just a jackass.

Eh it's not like he'll bite you or something
Leave the poor guy alone

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my brain is very big and smart and i do big smart braine things

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I would, and normally do, but he keeps responding to my posts with stupid bullshit despite requests that he fuck off and go bother someone else.

This post reeks of the gay.
So does this one.

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Then stop replying you absolute retard

blah blah blah punch me

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This, just ignore lole

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I understand that you really, really want me to be gay on account of my unbridled charisma, boundless love, and incredibly sexy body, but it's just not going to happen.
I can post whatever I want faggot.

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I would punch the shit out of you if it would stir some emotion but I'm afraid I'll just end up being punched back

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>on account of my unbridled charisma, boundless love, and incredibly sexy body
Narcissism - checked
Psychopathy confirmed?
Id probably collapse and cry desu, keep in mind i never really participated in any physical activities throughout my life

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stop bulli

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Oh dear that's awful even though I'd get to see what i want to. If there's a chance we'll ever meet irl I'd like to hang out with you a lot desu.

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>Oh dear that's awful even though I'd get to see what i want to.
In that case its not that awful, is it?
>If there's a chance we'll ever meet irl I'd like to hang out with you a lot desu.
Doubt that would ever happen desu

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It's awful because it's not an appropriate way to accomplish something
>Doubt that would ever happen desu
Hell, I might choose a Russian location for my Erasmus project but i doubt that would change anything

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>Hell, I might choose a Russian location for my Erasmus project but i doubt that would change anything
That still wont change anything since i live in a pretty backwater-ish area

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No im not that faggot

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But somewhere in the vast Siberia, yes?

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That's sad. Why can't you just come over here and be my wife (male)?

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Obviously because im poor

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Not because of any other particular reason?

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North, South, East, or West in the areas west of the Urals?

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Like what? Im not too sure i would be able to hold a relationship that close with someone anyways desu.

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Anyone notice how almost all the pics in this thread are of anime?

Yes anime makes you gay.

This thread is proof.

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You don't know if you don't try dear...

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I don't know, I never really thought of those areas as poor.