I will prove you that everything is a Despacito reference

I will prove you that everything is a Despacito reference.

Just say anything and I will tell you about how it connects to Despacito.

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luis fonsi

anything and I will tell you about how it connects to Despacito.

this fruit bowl

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Sans from Sans's Undertale


> Fonsi comes from Puerto Rico
> Rico now belongs to US
> was originally made out of 13 English colonies
>English is also a name of a language
>English derives from England
>England was invaded by the French
>French is a Romance language
>Spanish is also a Romance language
>Spanish is spoken in Spain
>Puerto Rico used to belong to Spain
>Puerto Rico is where Louis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee come from and they made Despacito

Despacito reference confirmed

>Fruit comes from Trees
>Trees grow in Puerto Rico
>Puerto Rico is where Louis Consisting and Daddy Yankee come from and they made Despacito

Despacito reference confirmed

thats interesting

>Despacito is slowly in Spanish
>Spanish is spoken is Spain
>Puerto Rico used to be a Spanish colony
>Puerto Rico is where Louis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee come from and they made Despacito

Despacito reference confirmed

this guy

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>Sans comes from Undertale
>Undertale is made by Toby Fox
>Foxes live in Europe
>Spain is an European country
>Puerto Rico used to be a Spanish colony
>Puerto Rico is where Louis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee come from

Despacito reference confirmed

>Life is when things are living
>Louis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee are living and they made Despacito

Despacito reference confirmed

>Wiggel is a mistyping of the word Wiggle
>Wiggle is song with Snoop Dogg
>Despacito is also a song

Despacito reference confirmed

>It has the word Despacito in it

Despacito reference confirmed

>He's dead

Despacito reference confirmed

the vampire formerly known as kiss-shot acerola-orion heart-under-blade

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>Vampires became popular because of Dracula
>Nosferatu is an unofficial adaptation of Dracula
>Nosferatu was in SpongeBob
>SpongeBob is an American cartoon
>USA owns Puerto Rico
>Puerto Rico is where Louis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee come from and they made Despacito

Despacito reference confirmed

Muh dik

that's bullshit but I believe it

>Considering you have it you are a man
>Louis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee are also men and they made Despacito

Despacito reference confirmed

>You believe in something
>Christians also believe in something
>Latin America is considered very Christian
>Puerto Rico is considered Latin America
>Puerto Rico is where Louis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee come from and they made Despacito

Despacito reference confirmed

the thing and spider-man havin' a little smooch

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My wife Cirno

patchouli knowledge

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the holocaust or god or jews