does anyone else feel this weird disconnect when seeing their own posts?
if i see a post I made even if I remember making it and choosing an Image for it it still doesn't really feel like i made it
I just see some words on a screen
it's just so surreal talking to people online , like reading a book you have no influence of despite the fact you clearly do
on a different note, only attention whoring while drunk so i can use that as some sort of excuse for being an obnoxious cunt and only following my innate desires while drunk seems like a good way to develop en extremely problematic an irresponsible attitude to alcohol and forma an unhealthy habit if not a straight up addiction
I'm not gonna stop though lole
/AOI/ Avatarfagging Only while Intoxiacted
Other urls found in this thread:
What was that?
I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to convey
>does anyone else feel this weird disconnect when seeing their own posts?
Not usually. My posts are always pretty distinctly mine, I think. It's a rare and pleasant surprise to see someone else post something I would post.
>it's just so surreal talking to people online , like reading a book you have no influence of despite the fact you clearly do
I don't really think so. It feels like a more convenient form of conversation. I always find it easier to remember someones words when reading them than hearing them.
>does anyone else feel this weird disconnect when seeing their own posts?
Not usually. My posts are always pretty distinctly mine, I think. It's a rare and pleasant surprise to see someone else post something I would post.
>it's just so surreal talking to people online , like reading a book you have no influence of despite the fact you clearly do
I don't really think so. It feels like a more convenient form of conversation. I always find it easier to remember someones words when reading them than hearing them.
Can I help you?
dumb double poster
you just don't get it
does seeing yourself reduced to anonymous words on an Imageboard not make you feel like you're not a real person?
you might as well be a bot
how could you even tell that I'm a real person with a history emotions goal and just from a couple of letters shared via ones and zeros?
our online personas are artificial as fuck, only presenting ourselves in a way we want to viewed
all of us might as well just be fictional charters
I carefully re-phrased THIS POST AS MUCH AS i WANT I , I'm merely and idealized representation of who I wish I was
too many words !
I just found this post interesting and speaking truth, so I upvoted it by preaching it onward and using it as an obvious quotation.
well excuse me for not being able to articulate myself properly while drunk and typing like some pseudo-intellectual redditfag
you dumb full-time avatarfag phoneposter
stop being rood ! !
I didn't double post.
>does seeing yourself reduced to anonymous words on an Imageboard not make you feel like you're not a real person?
My words stand for themselves. I require no identity. I don't see any bots saying things I would say.
>how could you even tell that I'm a real person with a history emotions goal and just from a couple of letters shared via ones and zeros?
Your lack of personality isn't something I'm concerned about.
>our online personas are artificial as fuck, only presenting ourselves in a way we want to viewed
Au contraire, I think anonymity provides a more raw presentation. People are artificial as fuck in real life, and with better reason: there are higher stakes to how they're viewed.
Although this isn't relevant to me personally, beyond my enjoyment of image boards. I have difficulty with dishonesty, because, to oversimplify, being untrue to own convictions and principles, which are at odds with artificiality, cause me feelings of extreme guilt that disrupt my life, and the loss to my quality of life is far greater than anything I could hope to gain through deceptive personas.
>I'm merely and idealized representation of who I wish I was
There's nothing wrong with aspiring to an ideal. Having a clear idea of who you want to be is a helpful step in becoming that ideal. Even if it's never reached, the aspiration, the journey, the struggle at not reaching it, the suffering of coming short of it is to live.
And maybe you're not too serious about becoming that ideal. But I'll forgive your indulgence in roleplaying. Such artificiality is raw in its own way.
uhh clearly (you) are the rude one in this scenario
mocking a pathetic drunk attention whore who's not even that drunk actually
thank god for cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy so I don't realize I'm everything i hate in a person
Please prioritize answering my questions over writing defensive redditorials
no I said there is too many words and there is ! too many words !
also where is ur avatar ?
What’s the purpose of avatarbroing if you use a trip
To post akari
unless alcohol suddenly causes straight up hallucination I don't think you didn't double post
just because the facade you put up IRL is fake doesn't mean the one you put up online is real
in fact it's way easier to lie online, I wouldn't have the guts to be this antagonistic to people face to face
I'm a spineless coward afraid of offending people, bending backwards to be as non-threatening g as possible in reality yet i have the courage to be needles hostile online
It's so easy to lie and misrepresent yourself in such a consequence free environment
"anonymously even a rat is a lion "
It's hard to remember to attach an unrelated image ok?
like i said I only use an avatar while drunk
no fucking idea
If i knew why I'm like this I would fix myself, but i don't
tHaT deFeAtS thE pUrpOsE oF aN aVaTaR
I just like posting akari
Can you help me go to sleep?
but u said u aren’t super drunk
>unless alcohol suddenly causes straight up hallucination I don't think you didn't double post
I think you're probably more drunk than you think you are. The second post was made by a Pole. I'm Canadian.
Anyway, whatever facade you put up online, assuming you do, is one you want to put up, not one that's useful to put up. And to me, that's more real. Not to mention that I think people are more likely to express themselves more honestly lacking the same degree of consequences such honesty can afford them in real life.
>I wouldn't have the guts to be this antagonistic to people face to face
I'm a spineless coward afraid of offending people
My point exactly.
>"anonymously even a rat is a lion "
Would that all rats were lions.
Would you like a lullaby?
dumb zoomer dead meme poster
the decision to avatarfag was a spontaneous one because I used images of Aoi two times in a row for my drunkposting threads
the custom trip just take the obnoxiousness to the next level , or dare i say MAX
Aoi actually just happened to be a a perfect fit since she is an immature edgelord with a superiority complex just like me
>Can you help me go to sleep?
just drink lole
well 180 ml of whiskey isn't a lot for an actual alcoholic but it sure feel that way to a lightweight manlet such asmyself
I still have this masterpiece
Alright, I will just lie down and close my eyes.
Good night and thanks for the help~
I drank about 4 L of water today, I think that's enough.
are you guys just trying to bully me since I can't tell what's going on?
I don’t know am I
then why did you suddenly switch to posting an inkling?
I's not even an Ashley inkling
Where did my free (You)s from the attention whoring kraut go?
This is bullshit.
I don’t understand what you’re talking about
maybe if you want me to reply to your post you should also reply to mine?
neither do I
I did.
oh shit I completely missed that post
well then why did a pole copy your post verbatim?
just to fuck with me? because it worked
>Would that all rats were lions.
that line doesn't make any sense but maybe that's just because of the booze
i fail to see how that would prove me wrong
reducing all communication to just text makes it way easier to deceive because not only do you have a lot more time to phrase your reply it also completely eliminates all forms of non-verbal communication, and non-verbal communication accounts for like 80% of communication
>well then why did a pole copy your post verbatim?
He explained why >that line doesn't make any sense but maybe that's just because of the booze
It's not in contradiction. I'm just saying it would be nice if all metaphoric rats were metaphoric lions.
>reducing all communication to just text makes it way easier to deceive because not only do you have a lot more time to phrase your reply
I'm not so sure. I think it also lets people express themselves more fully and precisely whereas ordinarily it might not be reasonable to do so.
>non-verbal communication accounts for like 80% of communication
90% of all internet statistics are made up
>He explained why
shit maybe you're right about me being more drunk then I realize
I don't recognize any of those posts
>90% of all internet statistics are made up
I'm pretty sure i heard that statistics IRL from some teacher
self-bumping with this one vidya game song I really like
Namefags rise up
but I'm not a namefag?
I feel very connected to my posts. I actually feel more disconnected to how I act in real life. Im very shy and will let people walk all over me for fear of confrontation. But online, I'd never act like that.
don't you see the contradiction?
you're not yourself online, you are what you wish you were on the internet
I think I may have found the reason as to why I feel this way
I often daydream about having conversations and since most of my interaction with other people takes place on imageboards so do these conversations
for ecapmle, i came up with the acronym in the op while taking a shower this morning
so sine i mostly just look for opportunists to regurgitate in phrases i already concocted in my head, conversation don't feel real
what does any of this have to do with gabitalism?
ur mum
are you just fucking with me because I'm basically retarded right now?
I'm not THAT drunk Logan
I can tell you're just trying to confuse me
there is no escape from the ET
are you drunk too or just being a [s4s]fag?
I don't do any drugs. I just get hyperactive and start shitposting
>I don't do any drugs
why not?
dugs r bRAAAP
don't knock it 'till you try it
I'm going to sleep now
see you all tomorrow
god i wish i had more then one image of aoi sleeping
ok I'm sober now and i feel the need to better explain what I was trying to say
if i am reading back a post i made even if it's immediately after i hit post said it just feels like it wasn't me that made it
I think this might be related to that feeling i get that i'm powerless and have no influence over my surrounding so the idea that my post actually made people reply to me seems of
that could also explain the attentionwhoring maybe i feel the need to have my existance validated?
i know the way i phrased this makes me sound insane but someone must know what I'm talking about right?
this board is full of actual nutjobs I'm sure at least one of you can relate
yo I get this all the time
mostly because I'll get about 3 hours of sleep
and then you wake up in a half-conscious state and just stay like that the whole day
and nothing you do feels real until you inevitably fall asleep again late at night