Girls like chad

>girls like chad
>traps like chad
>fags like other fags
>trannies want chad
>whores and manwhores will never love you as a whole
Keep beating your meat anons, it's the closest thing to love you'll ever experience in your life. Keep coping, there's no way out for losers like us.

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I'm physically incapable of experiencing love because my brain is fucked
I still have a gf tho so what I'm trying to say is
losers like you*

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Okay chad nobody gives a shit

that was kinda my point itfp

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If you're incapable of experiencing emotions it's an advantage for guys. The thing is no one wants to touch guys who express their emotions often with a ten foot pole unless they look like girls. Trap lovers are hypocrites.

I'm not incapable of experiencing emotions. Just love
And maybe one or two other related ones I don't give a shit about

Well shit, girls have tons of reasons to hook up with someone: looks, money, influence, you name it.

But what if i become chad?

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I have none of those

Just get a 3/10 and mentally abuse her to becoming your slave

You don't become chad
You're born chad

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Then she's just fucking with you

nigga you're clueless

Well i have some chad features does that count?

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Roasties only want full chads
Le butthurt normalfag who claims to be robot

I never claimed anything. Except for the fact that you're talking out of your ass

But if i work out i can become full chad r-right?

>le buttblasted nomalnigger who claims to claim I'm talking out of my ass
No. Genetics do the whole job.

whatever you say sonny. chads don't exist tho
the whole chad routine is nothing more than a temporary mask you put on
and the cold hard truth is claiming you can't do it is just you being a lazy little bitch fetching excuses

chad here ama

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I've literally had sex with 7 trillion women. You are wrong

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Well yes genetics are important but no guy is born a 10/10 sex god even Chad's have to work on their looks and personality so genetics and hard work make chad and my genetics are decent so a little bit of hard work could bring out my inner chad

Want some smash?

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Who let you out of the manlet pit?

>haha I never was in your shoes so my chadness doesn't exist and you're just lazy
Pic related
Hard work comes after genetics.

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Yeah that's my point genetics and hard work make Chad

Reading is for the weak . Slurp up bitch boi

stop being anorexic

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You can keep pushing hard in the denial kid. But my life was shit the decade when I was alone before I had her, and honestly my life is still shit now. I don't know your story and you don't know mine so you can stop pretending just as much as you're asking me to as well

I have my npc folder to find some respite. You can't hurt me.

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Tyrone is on its way rn you better keep an eye on her

I have been gaining wight but you can't gain height

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That's fine I'd love nothing more than to get rid of her tbqh
I got her just to see if I could but now I'm done with it

Acting superior due to height is almost as cringe as acting superior due to skin color

Kek the absolute state of privileged normalfags

Ok here is how to get women. Go buy a dinosaur costume, put it on. Get megaphone read das kapital in the middle of the night outide the nearest barnyard. Then women gonna swarm. Drowning in pussy ama reddip Bros . Living the American dream .

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Except no girls like manlets

I'm 4'3" and got 1billion gigaroms of pussy

Yes in your dreams

Girls like midgets because face in vagina. Take that tallies.

Just incapable of feeling love remember
Funny enough the realization and the diagnosis only came after I met her

Nope . Sorry bro , it's just that easy.

>Implying i'm not to superior to you because my racial heritage and height
Cope more swarthy manlet

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Are you asexual



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cringe post

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tl;dr you'll be fine as long as you work out and don't act like a total douche

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Your just jealous your not apart of the lofty Aryan master race

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anecdotal evidence
cope harder

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Alright chad/cyborg keep pretending you know what's it like
Tinder is enough evidence

while it's always good to see affirmation that tall niggers like me get a better dating pool i still need a source on that

That's exactly what I'm doing.
I keep pretending I know what it's like just enough to fool a girl

where’s the evidence from tinder

based post

I'm just stating the fact's bro

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Facts shouldn’t be possessive

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track is gay

The fact is that muttshley is a million times more aryan than you, if not by blood, then by action, and really, results are the only thing that counts, you eternal loser.

"swipe if you're below 6'0"


It doesn't matter what you think you have to be at least 5'11 for your opinion to be take seriously

I'm 182cm and I just tell chicks I'm 6 foot if they're that kind of retard. They never know the difference anyway.


That’s not solid evidence
You have to bench at least 1.5 pl8 for your opinion to be taken seriously since I knoe you can’t with those scrawny arms

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The fact that you've had at least one date or held a girl's hand in your life already makes you an alien to the likes of us

>eternal loser
You can't be a loser if you don't compete

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It doesn't have to be that way

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this isn't Jow Forums but I guess it might as well be

yeah that’s gonna be a based leaf from me

>bench at least 1.5 pl8
But i can

Do you think you're somehow not more of a loser because you didn't even try?
Allow me to correct that misconception.

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You can bench 180 pounds?

If you can prove this, I will never say anything bad about you ever again.

No, you can’t twink boi

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Are you guys legitimately unable to get a girl at all or are you doing the whole incel thing of 'they doth not be a virginal and also somehow a stacy, I shalt not waste mine seed on thou'?

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No but i'm just playing with you your alright in my book
Do you think i care what you think about me?

Too socially retarded to be outgoing

I don't care.

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Good then stop speaking to me

Man shut up pls you make me laugh. I'm the manliest guy on this board and you're just twink material.

shut the fuck up niggerboy

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I see your post but i see no words

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Well apparently you do care

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I'm 100% sure, none of you guys are going to get with a girl if you keep talking like this

I don't want a girl bud

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based post

>Responding with pics that don't even fit the situation
Ran out of original insults already?

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I'm quoting your retarded posts

post body

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Ok it's clear to me you have a iq around room temperature so i'm do with this interaction

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Then stop acting like a bitch and move on with your life