What is your excuse for not dressing fashionable and not a slob?

What is your excuse for not dressing fashionable and not a slob?

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that guy looks like a faggot

Americans have no sense of style

Apparently, neither do Canadians

I don't want to give people the impression I know what I'm doing.

Can't say I'm all that concerned with how other people view me.

Because dressing nice makes you look like that one fag from High School and that Fedora from college because you're literally the only one doing it.

i'm fat so i just look like i'm roleplaying

My attitude is so slovenly that people are shocked I have a GOAT fashion sense when it's required to dress nicely, especially my taste in shoes.

So you show up to a job interview looking like a pig? Outward appearance and aesthetics are vitally important.

Because I rarely ever leave my house except to work at a pizza place.
>leather gloves
They look like baseball gloves


I'm a fat slob so dressing like a slob is me being authentic.

Americans and fashion does not go well together, you all dress like shit.

Not everyone has a millionaire daddy who can buy them wardrobes full of suits, ties, shoes, etc.

It’s too darn hot

Not everyone lives in the city and has a clean tidy job friend

I do.

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I am heterosexual.

I dress mostly is chinos and t shirts or shirts, mostly for comfort, wearing a suit and tie is a bit overboard I think.

because dressing like pic related is a lot easier and appealing to women in 2018, not just thots either. nothing worse than a dude that is blatantly trying too hard or living in the past. simplicity/clean dressing is key. people who dress like OP in 2018 are usually faggot elliott rodger types with 0 self-awareness

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There's nothing wrong with being formal for formal events.

agreed. everyone over the age of 20 should own a suit for such events

also, if you're a man and you wear skinny jeans/pants, you look ridiculous. j/s

I stopped wearing skinny jeans a while back. Feels strange wearing normal jeans now. Must be the blood returning to my balls.

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t boomer