Talking to a friend who works in an IT company here in poland

>talking to a friend who works in an IT company here in poland
>tells me that every time they put up a job offer for a front-end developer they get about 100 offers

front-end development/web development is a meme and the market is completely saturated. what are some tech careers that normies haven't thought of yet?

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As far as I know, at least 90 of those applicants don't pass the CV filter and out of the 10 remaining, at least 7 can't even write fizzbuzz.

That's exactly the career they choose after failing to learn to code, my whole class did it... Me and my friend were something god-like in their eyes, just because we could go beyond reading in a goddamn file.

Not gonna lie, I don't know if I could pass fizzbuzz either. I'm a maths graduate who learned how to do all of my programming for the sake of science shit. Replacing numbers with text is something that I've never needed. Out of both of the languages that I know, Java and R, I don't know how to print messages to the console in either of them.

programmer youtubers

Firmware developer
Driver developer
Anything to do with low end C or assembly

info sec - shit is still fresh and filter out the normies

>the market is completely saturated.
No shit, there has been a huge need for web developers 10-20 years back, but now everyone is a fucking web developer.
Plus, I've been doing front-end as a hobby in my spare time and I have to say; this shit is easy. Anyone can do front-end, and I mean ANYONE

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Holy fuck it took me 35 minutes to pass Fizzbuzz.

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-07-10 14-26-44.png (375x302, 22K)

Of course the get 100vapplicants. Of those about 5 are even remotely qualified and only 1 or 2 will be good enough to even pass the whiteboard

"""Cloud arcitech"""

Now add a case where is the number is divisible by 4 it prints pop

What if it's divisible by 3 and 4? Or 3, 4, and 5?

Web developer here
Lmao get gud faggot

Attached: 21E4F9B2FF2343978E09FCFA0E535DB2.png (644x800, 198K)

>tells me that every time they put up a job offer for a front-end developer they get about 100 offers
>front-end development/web development is a meme and the market is completely saturated.
Were those job offers for entry level? Because I bet they were. My company currently has two senior software engineer/architect positions open

Except a bunch of normie army fags are getting into it

>i%%3 == 0 && i%%5 == 0


3 and 4: fizzpop
3,4,5: fizzbuzzpop


3,4,5: fizzpopbuzz

become a lisp alien. When the world is in total destruction, you'll save us all. (also, not too many people know lisp. You might find a nice job at nasa or some shit).

100 APPLICANTS is nothing strange. You'll get like 80 people who just apply to any job that comes online. 100 OFFERS is ridiculous. How do you give 100 people 1 job, Indians?

>>talking to a friend who works in an IT company here in poland
>>tells me that every time they put up a job offer for a front-end developer they get about 100 offers

what I see people doing here is hire people as full stack and then make them do front end.

so there's actually a functional shortage of front end developers in every company

>required: 5 years experience with spring microservices
>what you'll actually do: fix stupid css problems

Embedded systems engineer here. Can confirm
Based and redpilled

non meme answer:

accounting automation

Its just using basic 90's era VBA/QuickBooks/Excel/SQL and the demand is near infinite because every small business runs like shit.

The problem is software people don't even understand the basics of accounting and the accountants don't know how to code.

There won’t be any more sysadmins in 5 years. Cloud engineering with devops philosophy is the future.

>what are some tech careers that normies haven't thought of yet?
Data Science. The only problem is that you need both at least a Master's in maths or stats and you need to be a god-tier programmer.

Implying any entitled small business owner would be willing to pay to improve their accounting process
>I’ve been doing it like this for 20 years

>company falls for the big data meme
>hires me as a "business intelligence analyst"
>no one asks for anything
>f5 Jow Forums all day
>make $80k/yr

Attached: 1540761832697.png (1277x719, 1.13M)

>pay you $5-10k or pay some retarded boomer $50k/yr plus bennies

Ask him how many of those offers are discarded immediately because their resumes shows they don't know what they are doing.
Then ask him how many go to the interview and they discarded because they don't know what they are doing.
Ask him how many are actually hired and later fired because they don't know what they are doing.

>be me, wanting to get in to programming job because I'm trained as a statistician but you can't do stats without programming
>read thread
>realise that I'm shit at programming
>tfw I know I'll be a NEET
Thanks guys. I thought that I was qualified, but now I know that I can't programme my way out of a wet paper bag.

Here in Czech republic no one even applies because there's so few of these cunts.

wtf is this what it's like to have a

print("I now know how to print to the console in R")

fizzbuzz = as.character(1:100)
fizzbuzz[1:100 %% 3 == 0] = "fizz"
fizzbuzz[1:100 %% 5 == 0] = "buzz"
fizzbuzz[1:100 %% 15 == 0] = "fizzbuzz"

Congratulations, you are now a data scientist

anything as long as you learn new stuff constantly

In lisp, this is just
#.(loop for i from 1 to 100 do
(format t "~:[~:[~a~;Buzz~]~;Fizz~:[~;Buzz~]~]~%~@*" (= 0 (mod i 3)) (= 0 (mod i 5)) i))

Literally almost everyone is going into computers these days, including normies, autists like you, and foreigners. Its completely saturated and unless you're actually very talented with an established background you're not going to make it. You'd be better off establishing yourself by applying your knowledge towards your own websites and services and using your success independently to land jobs.

Being a codemonkey especially for easy entry level shit is new age burgerflipping. Before long front end developing is going to be something you do on Amazon Mturk.

remember that in eastern europe we make pennies compared to muricans, even in programming

So yuu wew a code evangelist?

Buzzfizz got you, or what are you talking about?

>tfw learning web dev for months and seeing my future very dark
>fucking 30 years old

I guess how long It will take me to become a bum.

if everyone lies on their resume so hard that fizzbuzz is the filter then what the fuck is the point of even filtering by resume

give up

This + optimization problems, e.g. shift scheduling for employees or industrial machines

My company uses a hil climbing algorithm to assign shifts to employees automatically and ensures that limits of labour law aren't broken, every wagie works about the same, get about as many days off etc.

Everyone just wants to work for these big ass tech firms without realizing there is so much money lying around in small to mid sized businesses that badly need some process automation. Our system is used by 100 stores now, each story has about 50 employees, that's 25000 € / month for our team of 3 for doing nothing but basic maintenance work (ofc we are also growing the business)

Din't come to California, its a competitive field.

>Thanks guys. I thought that I was qualified, but now I know that I can't programme my way out of a wet paper bag.

Just start writing small scripts, keeping in mind decent enough coding practices, and go improve from there. It's nothing that patience and work won't help.

I'll admit, that one took me a while.

>Just start writing small scripts,
How and what for?

>keeping in mind decent enough coding practices
I know none of these.

>t's nothing that patience and work won't help.
You're right.

A Lengyel istenedet, szevasz!
>only done 2 semesters so far in business informatics
>already have a job for the summer as webdev at a comfy place with good pay

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1. Learn Python and automate tasks on your dayjob/daily life.

2. Google it. That's a skill crucial for getting gud... But here's a breadcrumb:

In the case of script writing, think of Unix philosophy. In particular, write scripts that do one thing and do it well and write them in a way that they can be composed.

With good enough programming skills, you should be able to leverage your stats background and programming skills to try to breakthrough data related jobs, like data analyst or data scientist.