Gnome is for pajeets

>> 2k19 still can't handle RAM
>> laggy as fuck
>> developed by the most autistic gay guys
>> made by jews

Why the fuck do you use this?

Attached: Gnomelogo.svg.png (1200x1457, 52K)

>Why the fuck do you use this?
Because I don't?

It's comfy.

Because I use KDE

> >>

Attached: 1556442510812.png (436x536, 143K)

Nice workflow, default focus on keyboard usage and it requires almost no tweaking.

>default focus on keyboard usage
this is really lacking on other DEs. there's nothing between tiling wms and gnome

who uses gnome anyway? how buys redhat and uses gnome on it? and why don't they use xfce/kde that are much closer to the XP clerks are used to?

because it's not 2009 anymore. Nowadays every pleb can afford 8GB ram machine.

> forced to use fedora with gnome on new job
> used WM for the last 10yrs
> mfw GNOME just werks and is comfy

because i have a job

you can use some tiling window managers inside desktop environments

Imagine unironically using a single-threaded javascript desktop that basically needs nearly a decade of development before it becomes nearly tolerable.

dat cpp markdown

extremely nice DE, but KDE is also nice... its almost like you can choose what you like, wow!

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-07-10 11-36-28.png (1600x900, 279K)

Come home white man

Attached: Screenshot-18.png (1366x768, 1.07M)

>still can't handle RAM
What did OP mean by this?

Why do you have 10+ screenshots saved on your desktop

It came from an Ubuntu guide, he was taking screenshots during the install to post a guide.

Why can't they switch Caja for Nemo?

Just tell to SJW's that GNOME is offensive for the height impaired POC.

See it all tumble down.

Because the other desktop with any real polish is chink crap

Just werks on my Clear Linux machine

I will try mate again once they finish their wayland implementation. It was merged this week. I heard it's already running but dunno how usable it is rn.

>every time you open the "activities" view your ram usage goes up by some

Who are you quoting?

because it works and doesn't have literally bloated UI and weird widget shit
it also doesn't Krash as often

>Why the fuck do you use this?
Because I don't. I use KDE, because my sanity is expensive.

If you needed something that just works, you could've used MATE or Xfce.

While I agree it's still not optimised as well as it could potentially be, the laggy statement isn't true anymore since 3.32, especially if you have an all AMD system. I used to use Budgie specifically to escape the stuttering but now even on regular XOrg it's just as smooth without the regression bugs that Budgie carried with when leaving Solus upstream. Otherwise I mostly agree with you but I simply use it because I don't like fiddling with DEs and want an ecosystem that works in harmony with each other, or I'd use KDE easily if I had that drive, no disrespect intended.

Normal people use xfce or mate. Anything else is garbage.

you made me try GNOME after 2 years w/o using it to see its status, and damn is confy.

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-07-10 19-19-11.png (1920x1080, 1.03M)