/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Do not dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% -h/--help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>Which web browser performs best on GNU/Linux?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: Previous thread:

Attached: Saint IGNUcius.jpg (3500x2334, 779K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Install Debian 10 (while it's still fresh)

>my benis is very huge.jpg

4 u

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>I have a headache this big, and it has GNU written all over it

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>"Arch is superior."
*Pacman bites xorg.conf*
>*Xorg.conf error, Archtank cant load i3"
>I-I will fix it in no time
>*Drivers sucessfuly loaded, Mintank now activates DE*
>"HA--HA Priopertiary drivers"
>*Cinnamon DE activated, Mintank ready to operate*
>"ArchTank meets unknown error, KERNEL PANIC ACTIVATED"

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Tech illiterates trying to understand tech through memes generated by tech illiterates leads to further tech illiteracy.

How do we stop this vicious cycle? Should we ban the memes?

What's the best Linux equivalent of:


In about a week after release I think, assuming your sources.list points to testing, not buster

>mpd + npcpcmcmcpcncnpmc
>feh, viewnior or ImageMagick (builtin viewer is called display)
>mupdf (the backend of sumatra) or xreader


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I asked on the last thread but no one answered, let's try again.

How do you guys update your LaTeX packages on Linux? I have installed TeXLive and a lot of packages but I can't update them using apt, and I even searched on Internet how to do this, but I can't make the commands work. Any help is appreciated, I don't want to download a ton of .sty everytime I have to make a document

>responding to shite pasta

Linux is just a kernel. You probably mean GNU.

find and add unofficial repos that has those packages and keep them up to date (comes with a trust factor) or write your own script to keep them up to date

Shouldn't Mint push Snaps since it is Ubuntu-based?

GNU is just a compilation of applications, he probably didn't since Xorg/Wayland is not GNU.

GNU is an operating system.

I wished people would fuck off already with their flat.exe.appimage.snap.shit and use the fucking package manager or use nix and guix. Fucking newfags.


I wouldn't call GNU an operating system when you run Linux with systemd.

>use nix and guix
Will never happen.

The only way to make tech illiterates use good things is to force them, which means abolishing flatsnapimages. Since shitters like Canonical care more about market share then anything, this means stop recommending Ubuntu. Easy peasy. If anyone asks, show them the Amazon and telemetry memes.

Thanks, lad. Time to investigate again.

I wouldn't call Linux an operating system when you can't even boot it nor operate with it.

Ah, to be so naive, ignorant and stupid as this.

Who's gonna force them? You? Nix and Guix have no major support or backing from anyone besides 4chin retards. These are literally projects of basement dwellers for basement dwellers, they will be forgotten before they are widely known.

At least Linux has some involvement in the question.

Linux is just a kernel. He probably meant GNU.

GNU is just a collection of rather outdated software. Systemd is holding it all together, so he probably meant Systemd/Linux.

Why so you post like a retard?

GNU is a operating system. Operating systems usually have many programs.

>GNU is a operating system

>everyone is a liar except me

Is Adobe an operating system too?

Adobe is a company. You shouldn't use their software since it is proprietary.


This mqy be sqt material but: What is the best distro?

It depends on your needs.

>literally lie so people don't use the most supported distro


Literally spread truth*

>the most supported distro
Every distro is the same you dumb corporate sucking twat. If sonething runs on Noobuntu, it will also run on Arsch Linux.

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>calls user dumb corporate sucking twat
>posts dumb corporate sucking twat

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>it will also run on Arsch Linux.
Until it breaks. Go back to your basement.

Any good free note-taking tools with sync and encryption.
I was thinking about using pass with the tomb extenstion and git repo on gitlab, but I don't think pass git integration works with tomb, so I'm looking for other ideas.


the majority of the linux community has a job and uses well supported distros that just werk, while basement dwellers like arch, gentoo and guix losers shitpost 24/7 about le ebin freedumbs and muh obscure distro shit
you're minors, you're not the linux community, it's YOU who should fuck off back to your footcheese reddits

>reeeeeeee freetards leave the free software community
OK, kid

What are some cool terminal commands?

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are u 12

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mogrify -strip *.jpg
Removes the botnet from your memes.

Fat legs

>9/10, would not bang

nc dict.org 2628

Anyone are to share some really good rare Stallman pictures? I need them for something.

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1. How to find out the IP of devices on my network, assuming it doesn't uses the regular 192.168.xx.xx IP range?
2. How to find the IP of device that's connected to Ethernet port, and uses IP something like it however serving HTTP server on that IP.
What I'm trying to ask is if there's a tool/command that can give the IP of the network including the gateway?

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Confiscate or make you late, you you
Alife my larder, Alife my larder

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This is the only one I have

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Are there any benefits for me as an user in using Arch instead of Manjaro?

It depends on your needs.

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I mostly need to do some programming work, text editing work, maybe run some software like mathemathica, and being able to customize the DE would be nice. Speed is important, too. Oh, and being able to install some old games every once in a while would be nice. Is this something better suited for Arch, or will a debloated Manjaro suffice?

Both would fit just fine. Roll a dice.

I have a laptop with an Intel integratedshit "GPU" running Ubuntu on it, I want to know if Vulkan works, even to a small degree, how would I test this?
Any basic-shit games that have a Vulkan renderer?

Just buy a super nintendo.

Fuck you, answer me

Install vulkan-tools and run vulkaninfo


I have already set both Fedora and Windows as a dualboot option. After that I went to bios and disabled Secure boot (I am using a thinkpad t460s). When I save settings and restarted pc I came to Boot Menu with just HHD ata partition to select but it does not register any of OSes installed. Now I am not able to boot to any of partions. Is there anyway to return all that back without changing bios to its default settings and not saving the Fedora boot partion?

>and not saving the Fedora boot partions
I meant not removing..

Nevermind I have already figure it out.

it's some months that i'm dual booting win 10 with manjaro and i only use manjaro even for gaming but there are some bugs with proton and some games i wanna play just does not work

so i'm considering installing win 10 for gaming and using a linux distro in a virtual machine for my desktop needs, is this practical?

How is budgie DE? anyone use it?

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Actually they get a fair amount of backing from people who actually have the need for it. Guix gets donations from them, I think it even got nearly $1mil from a single source a while back.
The Nix and Guix projects are HUGE improvements to the field of DevOps. They are here to stay and there's no doubt about that (or at least some derivative of them using the same technology will be here to stay). There is literally no contest, and they even reproduce the job of Docker but in a much more elegant way and without sacrificing anything.

You don't always have to hate things you don't need or understand, or go around saying they're doomed to failure, you know?
You can like it (or at least just accept it) even if it's not something you personally use.

I know anons saying stuff like this aren't helping, and I wish they'd stop being aggressive about it too.
Guix doesn't need anyone pushing people into using it. It's doing just find on its own and is still under heavy development.

These are the breaks.

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Hi /fglt/, I'm learning how 2 bash and how 2 UNIX CLI tools. I asked last thread about stuff regarding sed, awk, tr, etc.

After benchmarking, I noticed that these three commands are ranked this way, from fastest to slowest
>ls | tr '\n' ' '
>ls | sed -z 's/\n/ /g'
>ls | awk 1 ORS=' '

Why is awk slower in this case?

An user posted the following loop:
I just want to make sure I understand what it's doing. I skipped

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sudo apt-get install hotdogs

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Stop using unix.

That doesn't look like stallman

Stop piping 'ls'.

what should I do instead?

Everything's fine.

find and shell globs

please explain, great wizard
What's wrong in piping 'ls'?
Could you provide an example of but done right?

Install shellcheck, senpai. It's a true gift from God for your GNU command line needs.

It doesn't really matter. Not piping ls is a hot new meme right now

It's in the same vein as not using cat to print the output of files because "it wasn't meant to be used that way".
But we're hackers. Using things in ways they weren't meant to be used is what it's all about.

I'll pipe to grep if I want regex matching and don't feel like typing out find's -maxdepth all the time.

He probably refers to mywiki.wooledge.org/ParsingLs - ls id scripts is generally the wrong way to do it but for your tests it doesn't matter.

>not using cat to print the output of files because "it wasn't meant to be used that way"
What the heck is it meant to be used for then? Not even memeing, I've always used cat for that.

>doing it wrong is fine, it's called hacking
Can't argue with this. 10/10.

>Not piping ls is a hot new meme right now
You're telling me there's an underground neckbear community that decides what's "in" or "out" in the fashion of bash scripts? Where are these people?

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It's for "concatenating" files. Meaning joining multiple files together and outputting the result.
Some consider the fact that you can provide a single argument and have it "concatenate" with nothing to be a flaw I guess. I say it's a feature.
They're closer than you might think. They may even be living in a basement near you