Post your income history, my fellow paid techboys

Post your income history, my fellow paid techboys

>2015 40k as intern
>2016 70k
>2017 quit back to school, 30k from crypto gains
>2018 67k graduated
>2019 85k job hop
>2019 130k job hop

Attached: posting.jpg (640x640, 44K)

I am nothing.

49 dollars this year, from my change jar and picking up change on the street


1300 usd a year

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1 million dollal

28k first year as a draftsman in east germany

5,902.97 USD per fucking year. God, I fucking hate myself and this shithole.

>2016-18 40k as an intern
>2018-present 80k remote web dev
Can't complain as a college drop out.

>40k intern 2016
>53k intern 2017
>85k post grad 2018

Been here a year and bout to ask for a raise.

>2012-2014 500€ Minecraft Server
>2015 100€ for very small webdev work
>2017 300€ Crypto, 100€ GPU sale
>2018 100€ insurance plus after smartphone stolen
>2019 (projected) 300€ from amd stock
I sure am going to make it fellas.

>Been here a year and bout to ask for a raise.

I only got a raise when I got a competing offer. Start applying to other places

>30k 2016
>job hop to switzerland
>110k 2019

>30k from crypto gains
I really miss those times and the old Jow Forums
What the fuck happened?

>Jow Forums's job history spans 4 years

First year as a junior sysadmin (looking at Veeam backups and updating shit all the day)

28k~ as a summer intern

high school dropout don't judge

2010 85 USD
2011 ~2,000 USD
2012 ~4,300 USD
2013 ~11,900 USD
2014 ~10,000 USD
2015 ~65,200 USD
2016 ~73,000 USD
2017 ~75,700 USD
2018 249,114.86 USD
2019 projected ~262,500 USD

just move to some big city in United States and apply at some zoomer startups or big multinationals with promotion potential

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40k in autismbux

> diploma in dhtml
> any job I want
> 40k starting

Whats the source of the extremely specific amount?

>2017: 23 yo -$18 an hour as a Data Analyst intern
>2018: 24 yo -$22 an hour as a full time Data analyst
>2019: 25 yo -$22.33 an hour as Data Analyst
I wish I made more money

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>2019 70k fresh out of college

>2012 - $51k a year, unionized construction drone. 60 hour work weeks (great benefits tho)
>2013-current - $150k a year, same union, but I'm now a skyscraper crane operator.

I have a master's degree in Network admin/Network Security and several certs involving Redhat, Linux as a whole, etc. Current job paid for them. Don't use them because too comfy to leave current job.


2018: 55k web dev
2019: 120k “senior” ruby engineer
At the end of the day though, I’m only able to sock away 3k each month.

Curious, how much do you guys have each month after paying rent, food, expenses, etc?

15k a year in neetbucks

Skyscraper crane operator here. My monthly expenses for everything come out to around $2800. I put away maybe $5000 a month or so? It'll be closer to $6500 a month when I'm done paying off my house. Have my eye on my neighbor's lot though. I have 50 acres, he has 230 acres, my land bleeds into his. Gonna see if he's willing to take $250k for the land because he's looking to move to Florida. Setup my own Shooting range and justify owning a Barrett .50 BMG.

wherefrom, user?

about 500 bucks, gf insists we live in a penthouse apartment and go on vacation every couple months

>letting your gf (not even your wife) determine where you live AND how much/where you spend you money
holy shit. Do you also ask permission to use the bathroom? All of that for what? Pussy?

damn dude thats awesome. how much did you save before going in on your current house?

I was living in some little sub 1000 sq. ft. studio apartment before to the tune of $600/month in rent because it was in the city. Cost of living as a whole is really cheap in Montana. Even when I was only making $51k a year, I was putting away at least $1000 a month for years. Then got the crane job and I already had about $50k in the bank.

Walked into buying land with close to $200k in the bank. Had a house built for me rather than buying a pre-built. I'm down to $30k on my mortgage and would have long been done paying it off had I not started throwing money around on other stuff. (outside lifting center, 4 car detached garage, new car(s), project car, new guns, gun mods, enough ammo to make the local police department jealous).

My work history:

2012 - summer intern making 60k yearly rate
2013 - summer intern making 65k yearly rate
2014 - summer intern making 70k yearly rate + 9k stipend
*graduated from gradschool*
2015 - 105k
2016 - 130k
2017 - 145k
2018 - 190k
2019 - projected around 250k

I currently work as a dev / manager at a prop trading firm and my compensation has been becoming more and more bonus based over time.

He probably has tax info for 2018 on hand since tax season just passed in USA

2014 - $5.50/hr
2015 - $7.25/hr
2017 - $10/hr
2017 - $32/hr, $95k/yr TC
2018 - $42/hr, ~$110k/yr TC


If you work for gdc fuck you

>2016 lifeguard £4.8k
>2017 job hop to IT support, drop out of University £4.8/18k
>2018 job hop to PA £18k/25k
>2019 job hop to EA £25/50k
>2020 will try for university scholarship, if not then royal marines.

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I have this and I have never worked a day in my life.

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Jesuschrist user. Are you guys at least good at your field? Like, which country so I know where to subcontract work to since that's nuts

So do you do shit beyond entering data?

do you still feel empty with all that stuff

2015 - $10k for 1 semester as a university teaching assistant
2016 - smelly neet
2017 - $25/hr tutoring
2018 - $26/hr tutoring
2019 - ~$4.5k/mo software developer

nah. I learned early in life to make due with what I have and be happy that it's better than having nothing. More money just allowed me to get stuff that I wished I could have. Don't derive your happiness from materialistic things user. It never works out well. Be happy on your own, or with someone if that's your cup of tea, and make yourself(s) happy with things on top of that.

Rather a smiling pauper than a dead inside rich man looking for a building to jump off of.

that is not a badge you should wear with any amount of pride.

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>2 Mill straight of highschool literally running google from the shadows.

Shit around all day throwing pennies at pajeets and interns to dance for my amusement

Are you implying inheritance is bad

Now post your face

why crane operator? I'm a journeyman scaffolder and have worked alongside cranes my entire career. always wondered how you guys deal with the incredible amount of pressure and responsibility bestowed upon you. I know you're trained for it and all, but I've also seen gargantuan lifts, both success and failure.

It's nothing to brag about

I'm saying never having worked a day in your life (not for someone, just in general) is terrible. I imagine that lack of work ethic bleeds into other facets of your life and likely makes you a shittier person overall.

Okay I will clarify, I have never wagecucked a day in my life.

what makes the number go up
whats the comfy neet life like

Have your social skills suffered due to not being forced to socialize through the act of working?

I put 12% into my 401k, company does 6% then a EOY 19% profit sharing into it as a bonus. So in terms of 401k I probably save 15k-25k/yr right now in there.

Every month after everything I try to put away at least 1.2k into my savings every month or whatever is leftover after expenses for the month.

wanted the money. I was friendly with the current crane operator because he said I wasn't an idiot unlike the majority of others. Said me going to school showed I wanted bigger and better things. Current operator put the right words into the right persons ears and before I knew it, I was approached asking if I wanted a chance at training to become a crane operator. Fast forward, operator before me has now retired.

Pressure, of course. But it's like any other heavy machinery. Risk involved with everything. Ever see one of those gigantic dump trucks get flipped over? I have. I would consider that high risk as well.

yeah, spent a lot of time in ft mcmurray in oilberta. sure you've heard of it being in montana. seen my fair share of shit up there.

good on you. I wanted to become a crane op 10 years ago or so because it seemed so easy, aside from the pressure.

I’m not the tripfag, in fact I’m a lowly wagecuck doing my best to climb the ladder just like (I’m guessing) you are. But I think that you should let go of the obvious jealousy you are obviously coping with by coming up with reason why actually, inheritance user actually has a worse life than you. I’m sure he has an awesome life and yes, he is probably lacking some of the life experience you and I have but he also probably has a lot that we don’t. Like the crane operator champ said, don’t derive your happiness from things or money or status. And especially don’t try to validate yourself by coming up with reasons why someone else’s life is actually worse than yours. It won’t lead anywhere good.

In short, cope

I don’t enter data. I wrote cripts, query databases, make dashboards, automate processes for other people

>$60k 15/16
>$300K 16/17
>$4.5 million 17/18
>$24 million in 18/19
God bless trump and Vietnam/Afghanistan. I'll try and make a billion before I off myself at 39.

I travel a lot now because most people would rather just get an accomplished crane operator with a record than test someone new. Away from home and living in a hotel room more often than not it feels. Buddy trying to convince me to go to NYC because their skyscraper crane operators make like $300k because of having to operate within a clustered city with buildings all around. But fuck NY and their aids infested city.

What the Fuck do you do?


""Blackmail"" transportation.

2012-2014 waiter: 29k/yr
2014-2018 retail management 32k/yr
2018 sole backend developer for startup 19k/yr lol
2019 back in retail management, currently have two interviews lined up for infosec/red team jobs at 69-122k/yr depending on which position and negotiations
periodically working on university as well, almost have my AA
I save about 6-800 a month

Currently working as an intern making $14.74 an hour, working 40 hour weeks.
It's a decent gig, my coworkers are nice and the office is close to my mom's house (uni student here, staying with her for the summer).
My job is translating this semi-retired guy's old web scraping perl scripts to python, and adding documentation. Fairly easy, and I'm learning a good bit, which is arguably the most important thing as an intern.
7/10 job, I'll be returning next summer.

nice try cia niggers.

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> 2014 Graduate University- 0k
> 2015 Digital microscope sales engineer- 72k
> 2016 Digital microscope sales engineer- 85k
> 2017 Digital microscope sales engineer- 99k
> 2018 Digital microscope sales engineer- 99k
> 2018 job change, RPA consultant- 150k

Basically made the switch of my life thanks to a random recruiter call.

only job I've ever worked

12k at a grocery store
>tfw u know what your portfolio needs so companies wont ignore your job applications but you're just to lazy to do them.

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working is for goys. I take a 1% withdrawal of my investments and live a frugal but enjoyable life currently working on software trying to setup more passive income streams. I highly recommend you setup some sort of passive income and then just do whatever the fuck you want. Most high salary jobs are high responsibility and high stress. Why fucking work so hard if it will put you in a grave fast?

>2016-2017 25K new grad
>2017-2018 30K still shitty job
>2018-present moved to SF, 130K

40k third worlder slave for an american company
just fuck my shit up

Plus $60,000 between my 401k and HSA.

Attached: 1561253588.png (1186x362, 26K)

2016 - 70k software eng intern
2017 - school
2018 - 105k software eng
2019 - 115k software eng

All in CAD

What godforsaken shithole do you live in that data analysts are paid under $100k/y?

Partly depends on what it buys you. I'm a MS Excel monkey barely making rent in my city. I saw a job offer in another city that had literally my current job description, but with a 50% higher salary. I looked up the cost of living in that area. It was well over 50% higher. If I got that job and moved I would basically be taking a pay cut, even though the salary is higher dollar-wise.

Then again, I'd rather be a regular guy in New York, New York than have with a big house in Nowhere, Nowheresland. So I guess that factors into it.

>OP image
>not sguil.jpg

>2015 8.50/hr lifeguard
>2016 9.00/hr head lifeguard
>2017 10.00/hr swimming pool service tech
>2018 11.00/hr swimming pool service manager
>2019 15.36/hr water plant operator

You really like water or something man?

>2019, 50K software engineer intern
Thinking of DevOps but not sure if data science, data security or blockchain engineering would be more fun and better paid

toronto or hongcouver?

I didn’t but now I do, just turns out water chemistry is something I’m really good at. Water plant is great for me because I’m doing something important, it’s also something I love doing and great benefits and security.

$9k web developer. It's funny given that I have a CE degree but it's worthless where I live. Fuck this countryside shithole of a third world country, been trying to leave for a while, wish me luck guys.

where is that?

nice offtopic datamining thread


>2018: 80$ from xss security bug I reported
>2019: 0.044 cents from google admob

almost as if the cost of living is lower in poorer countries wow who would've thought you braindead american

>tech jobs
Spot the bitter NEET/guy with a McJob.

Nice. I'm a construction bro too. Aside from having to shit in a bucket, crane operators are peak comfy. Boss has to climb his fat ass up the ladder to get in your face, but realistically your clients on the ground are your bosses.

God I love a good crane operator. Makes the difference in the world on a fast paced site.

Chicago Union Carpenter fag here. I take home around $110k -$150k depending on OT, but love working outside with real men. No drama. Very little politics. Decent exercise.

I thought I was the only one on Jow Forums who didn't work in tech.

>2017 20k help desk
>2018 45k sysadmin
>2019 15k unemployment
not great money but I want to die a bit less now. I'll probably still off myself when unemployment runs out

I'm the opposite. I hate NYC (fun to visit, not live). I want a big house in a city of 80k-180k is ideal, not in a big metro area

>2017 $6k doing research during summer (REU)
>2018 $20/hr contracting for small company as intern
>2019 $70k/yr full time for company (finally graduated)

> 2017: $26,000 in shitty South Africa
> 2019: put on big boy pants and move the freedom land, now earn $92,000

Feels good man

based europoor

>tax season just passed in USA
taxes are due mid april in america

Every fucking time
>make $3750/month
>spend $1750, save $2000
>make $14500/month
>spend $6000, save $8500
How much you rather have saved at the end of the year, $24000 or $102000?
And chances are you're directly or indirectly just an outsourced cheap labor for some corporation from USA anyway.

>It's all about money
retard alert
USA is a shit hole race baiting country.

keep your $$ Pedro