So can someone explain why linux would be useful...

So can someone explain why linux would be useful? Ive tried googling but it seems like all the articles i read of "why linux over windows" boils down to being able to use a bunch of useless terminal applications and being able to make an autistic desktop pic for the autistic desktop thread.

What am I missing?

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Well for starters it's free as in beer, so it should be everyone's default choice.

If you're a normie Linux has nothing to offer you.But to wizards it gives you a playground to play around.On a side note Microsoft is a very shitty company dev-wise.It's literally a garbage company.And finally the last good Windows was 7 which Microsoft will stop supporting it.Windows 10 is a Big Brother monstrosity which shouldn't even exist in an Archive called "How not to write an OS."
Also no viruses on Linux.

if you're not a developer and you just use your computer for browsing facebook and jerking off to hentai then linux offers little benefit to you (but also your choice of OS barely matters at all in that situation)

because it doesn't spy on you

Everything Microsoft has ever done is garbage.C# is garbage,Visual Basic Studio is garbage,Visual Basic is garbage,Their support is garbage,their cuck of a creator is garbage.They didn't even invent Windows they stole it from Gary Kildall.

If you don't immediately understand why you'd want a non-botnet OS that you can change as you please (yea, after getting the respective skills), I think Android is the OS you're looking for.

docker, k8s, Alpine and apk, KVM, envoy

your own website, email or whatever from the desktop you use only use to watch bl-ck-d porn right now
also runs on anything ie can still browse the web on a 20 yo toaster

You basically got it. You're not missing anything really. All these autists sperging out about it are upset that you insulted literally the only thing that they think makes them interesting.

I don't know OP, but networking on Loonix is a godgiven.

I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.

When I scroll past OP's image really fast it looks oddly green.

If you ever feel locked-in by Windows or hampered by its restrictions, or if otherwise you are looking for more freedom to play around with stuff, Linux will be a breath of fresh air.

It does come with a few drawbacks with are not acceptable to many people, most prominently the absence of MS Office products. Libreoffice gets most of it done but not all of it. If you want to co-author powerpoint stuff with others, just forget it. Oh, and games. Some work on Linux. Most don't. If you're an avid gamer, it's not for you. Both problems can be ameliorated if you keep a Windows partition. Most intsallation guides will cover that. Drivers can sometimes be a problem but these days that's rarely the case.

When I made the switch I already knew a lot of Linux users personally which made it easier. And Windows (which was XP at the time) had lots of stability issues. I kept a Windows partition for a couple of years but haven't had one in a long time.

I got into it because I wanted to learn about it, curiosity for curiosities sake... It's actually really fun to use and more pleasant once you learn your way around your distro of choise

If you're comfortable with your current OS user experience don't switch. Ignorance is bliss.

Great for servers, if you work in that sector and want to expand your skills.
Great for developers, native C compiler and a shit-ton of pre-installed programming langs.
If you're neither one of those things, go start a YouTube channel and get off Jow Forums

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*free as in free time

linux is good for servers. also if you're under 15, you can shitpost on Jow Forums how windows sucks, and all other linux distros too.

obviously you don't know what you're talking about.


shills working overtime for their master

I like Linux cuz I don’t like using a mouse

If you wanna develop anything, it's better to be on *nix, full stop.

Simplicity, speed, and ease of use are all at their highest when you use *nix and have a bit of experience.

Windows is best for the average consumer and home use for browsing/gayming, but your work machine better be *nix, or at least lanched on a *nix VM or PCF instance, etc.

From big things (like an infinitely better/more intuitive file system) to little things (vim line endings LF/CRLF) *nix does it better.

Oh, and it's FREE and without the bogged ad-ridden nonsense of modern Windows.

There is no reason for Linux on desktop after WSL, and this coming from absolute oldfag who has used Linux since Mandrake.

there's not a single point you're right about, but one could deduce that without reading, from the reddit spacing

brain cells


makes me look leet in the desktop threads

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The command line is so fast when you're used to it.

Makes you feel more productive, when you're infact wasting time on fixing issues that shouldn't be there in the first place.

yeah like today I was doing some shit and decided I didn't want my files to have spaces in the file names any more so
for f in *\ *; do mv "$f" "${f// /_}"; done and the spaces were replaced with _. Doing this in a regular file manager would have been super gay. The files were gpx gps info that I want to map and put on my personal website so I googled real quick and there's a tool for it named gpx2map and I literally just did
for i in *gpx; do gpx2map -o $i; done and bam html pages for each file were generated along with some images to show the elevation over time and shit too.
So easy and anything you need to do, well someone already did it.

Linux as a Workstation gives you the same exact environment as a server would, so you can mess around with programming on there and it would work nearly exactly the same as it would when deploying to production.

Linux workstations are made by developers (implicitly) for developers, and so most mainstream distros will make it as easy as possible to set up an environment to develop your applications on, e.g. its software centers, which has been around longer than the Windows Store, to easily grab the software you need without going to multiple sites.

Outside of that, I can't list much more advantages outside its ability to configure for power-users, or your ability to break it and see how things work and how systems are put together.

I love those nights

>useless terminal applications

I'm not a massive terminal guy, but the consistency of terminal commands makes solving things easier. Ultimately, I think most of the reason why we use Linux is because we enjoy it

>sane access management
>similarity to server
>software repos

The shell is total trash in windows.

You can only use windows for security work if you have a very powerful system and are ok with nuking your ability to use the system casually because windows defender WILL Delete your files from any security tool you have because it's "malicious code"

But honestly, if you want to learn about coding, switching to linux helped me a lot. I want to be a sys admin and i'm working as an intern, and one thing that impressed the CEO was that i was navigating my computer with CLI tools instead of gui, and i said it's simple and went through one of my trivia bits and bam. Using linux also gives you an edge for jobs with lots of freedom because as long as you have 2 HDDs or SSDs you will be fine

oh and just saying

keeping a spare windows laptop for gaming is a great idea and costs 500 dollars for a good entry level 15.6 inch screen.

If you really loved your games you would get them running on linux because linux runs emulated windows programs faster then windows because it's more efficent then the windows system

another benefit to linux is it's much better for shitty computers that are old or not as active as they once were. i've got 4gb of ram on an i3, single channel, and i haven't had time to get a new one

See >If you're a normie Linux has nothing to offer you

If you're an autist that uses the computer a lot you'll end up doing a lot of things that, on Windows, require you to download a bloated GUI whereas on Linux you can just RTFM and throw together a script in a few minutes.

I'm not a developer, I basically use my computer to watch Youtube, shit post here and twitter, and basic internet browsing. I have been using Linux for about 8 years, and for the last 5 years exclusively. I have always used a LTS version of Ubuntu. This is what I have found different than using windows (which I used exclusively from windows 3.1 to windows vista).

First, I like having control, of what's on my system. No bloat-wear, no forced updates, no mystery processes running in the background. I have and older laptop, from 2012, and it runs great without having security issues etc.
Second, no worry of viruses, or need for Anti-virus software. This honestly could be number one for me. I was so frustrated by Norton taking up system resources constantly, plus I back in the bad old days of P2P file share like limewire and Kazaa, I frequently had issues with viruses. No longer.
Third, programs or free, as in beer. I a not a graphic designer, but occasionally want to modify and image or something. GIMP works great and is free. Same thing with Libreoffice, I don't need a super feature rich word processor, just to be able to write a regular document. I honestly can't think of when I was looking for a specific program and could find an open source equivalent that fir my use case just fine. That being said, I don't game.
Lastly, I feel like I have learnt a lot about computers from using Linux. Again, I don't pretend to be a programmer, but from time to time, I will modify something in the Terminal or edit code in a program to make some small change. All just following instructions I find elsewhere, but still I feel like I understand file systems, and how programs work better now than I did a few years back. i certainly plan on sticking with Linux.

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Open source Unix system. The only viable alternatives are MacOS or BSD, which MacOS is proprietary, and BSD doesn't have nearly the same amount of package support linux does.
Genuinely it's one of those questions where if you have to ask why then it's probably not for you.

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This is your brain on Linux.
Don't do it, kids.

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Free as in free me from life.

My reason to start using Linux over Windows was performance. On my old laptop, running Win 7 from the hard drive was slower than running Arch Linux from a USB stick (over USB 2.0). This wasn't just about booting, but also programs: Firefox took about a minute to open on Windows, but only 20 seconds on Linux.
When I got a faster computer, I had already fallen in love with the customizability.

>What am I missing?
Nothing, it's just a operating system.

>free as in beer
So not free at all.

It seems you're struggling to even like Linux. If you have no use for Linux, then don't install it, it's as simple as that.
You don't have to be an ass about it just because you don't like Linux.

u goyums think bill gates kno my browsin histroy hyek hyek

no ssrsly
i use tor
but i'm still scared
this account is atached to my outlook
wh and chrome and my
altrenate emails

oh fuck

>no viruses on linux

>What am I missing?
Reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.

For a regular user it's more of a "why not" case with the added benefit of more security.
ile" approach makes it really easy

>BSD doesn't have nearly the same amount of package support linux does.
Yeah, but that's wrong. You can run Linux binaries directly on FreeBSD.

>So can someone explain why linux would be useful?
It doesn't force you to use one of the shittiest filesystems ever created (NTFS)
Linux doesn't constantly make small writes to the disk like Windows does, which requires you to use an SSD for Windows to be usable at all even if you're performing basic tasks
Package management isn't buttfuckingly retarded as long as you're not using apt
Not sending every keystroke you make including credit card numbers, social security numbers, medical records, sensitive chatlogs and more to three letter agencies
You can use any desktop environment or window manager you desire and experience radically different or comfortingly familiar graphical environments
UNIX philosophy generally speaking
Runs on old hardware well
Doesn't require regular reinstalls or defrags
Software is often written by people with a vested interest in using it
Free and easily available
More eyes on it's source code at all times than any other piece of software in the world, making it thoroughly audited for your own peace of mind.
It's max comfy overall
FreeBSD is fucking terrible though. The developers don't even run it on bare metal. NetBSD on the other hand is making real strides in this department.

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Installing takes about as long as a windows update. Afterwards, you don't invest time anymore (if not using arch, gentoo, void, etc.)

what a bunch of nonsense

>what a bunch of nonsense
If you believe it to be nonsense, you should cite and refute it instead of spewing canned rhetoric.

If you cannot figure out how Linux can be useful, then it is not for you.

Don't forget that scumbag Satya Natella who is running the company into the ground with his dreams of having everything in the cloud.

If you still don't get it, then it isn't for you.

If you only use your computer for childish non-work things browsing 4channel and playing games, then Linux is tied with windows in functionality.
If you have technical work (programming and software development) then the Unix-like environment on gnu/Linux is a great option.

Don't ask to be convinced into using something you don't need, dumbass.

viruses are an inevitability,imo. The second linux gets any significant userbase the hackers are going to sudo rm -rf the shit out of your box.

>C# is garbage
cope better, brainlet

ubuntu would like to digress

>absence of office products
pirate office 2010 and run it with wine -desu?

>useless terminal applications
The computers went wrong when you made them for niggers. That's when it went wrong. It's like how many people, it's like, "Ugh it's a command line.." Ah, fuck you man. White people don't mind it, ok? The white people are like, "Yeah it's a command line. So what's your point?" The niggers are all like, "Nooo! We don't like the command line!" Here's the difference in a white person and a nigger: Do you like the command line? Ok, you're a nigger. Fuck you. Get the fuck out.

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More customization. Can make your desktop run any way you want. Non intrusive updates. Better more sleeker mac-like ui at this point. Better at multi-tasking as you can do things like separate out workspaces then switch between them seamlessly. Easier to install most programs. Less spyware presumably. Some of its unique software is very useful for development. Many development things are not for windows.
It's a very useful development environment. The only reason to use windows is some software which most developers (and people) do not need.
Still shit compared to TempleOS though.

I like the desktop environment more and I like the development environment more.

What firewall does Linux have?

>So can someone explain why linux would be useful?
it's useful for developers

You should learn how to read (more). That OP made you sound like an idiot.

Windows/macOS is the best choice for the average user. Linux still sucks shit on the Desktop.

Under the hood it's the VERY powerful and VERY fast iptables/nftables plus related stuff.

If you don't want to work with this directly, shorewall is really nice. It's like a dialect / wrapper to the aforementioned with a more structured / less arcane syntax. I guess it depends on your mindset which syntax makes more sense, to me it's shorewall's.

ufw/firewalld and such are AFAIK also popular but I don't know them well.

>Package management isn't buttfuckingly retarded as long as you're not using apt
There is absolutely nothing wrong with apt.

Counter-arguments? Oh sorry, I guess Windows decided to update just when you were about to give them. So see you in couple of hours.

So can someone explain why windows would be useful? Ive tried googling but it seems like all the articles i read of "why windows over os x" boils down to being able to use a bunch of useless shareware trash applications and being able to do updates for you automatically.

What am I missing?

Nothing, that's all: software. Updates point is ridiculous so I won't even comment on it.
A few months ago I made a thread asking Winfags to give arguments in support of using Windows over Linux without using muh software. 200+ replies and only one guy said that Wine can't load some Japanese font for a VN game he was playing. That's it.

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gnutard cope
software is the entire point of using a computer

So can someone explain why os x would be useful? Ive tried googling but it seems like all the articles i read of "why os x over linux" boils down to being able to have cool looking hardware and a certified UNIX system.

What am I missing?

Fair point, but some people don't use their computers to only play games user.
And since you do, I suggest you consider pic related after going back to .

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Windows can't even handle USB thumb disquettes with multiple partitions. I will never understand how people unironically use that piece of shit OS (except for muh gaymes of course).

linux is not a viable desktop os, and if you try to make it one you’ll end up frustrated , or deluding yourself into thinking that you’re having a comfortable experience , the vast majority of applications are made for windows, and they’ll never be ported to linux, and their implementation by freetards is always pitiful, this has always and forever will be the case, i have a desktop computer with gaymer specs running windows, and two slackware hosts and a freebsd host running on my rack servers, if i want to use them ill rdp or ssh in, this is the ideal solution.

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opinion discarded

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I agree with you except with C#, I like it because its a better version of Java without the bullshit its has.

You believe in the year of the Linux desktop? Anyone who has heard of it will tell you that it's just flat out too niche to work. Unless both Mac and Windows get completely BTFO there is absolutely no chance that Linux will gain mainstream prominence. Little Johnny would rather use scripts to hack thousands of people, not tens.

it ultilize hardware better.

I will take your advice when stop referring to Linux users as 'wizards' and you learn how to use periods.

>So can someone explain why linux would be useful?
composable command-line with an evolved set of tools and scripting languages that just make getting work done much easier and more pleasant. Linux has a focus on text files and command-line which is a far more pleasant experience than having to cram everything into a retarded UI. (Although increasingly and unfortunately this is being abandoned with web APIs and users living in their preferred-language ecosystems (or fucking docker) without ever learning the OS fundamentals).

I use windows 7 for my main desktop OS despite its shortcomings for a variety of reasons, but use Cygwin heavily (cygwin is posix for windows).

Attached: 1024px-Cygwin_logo.svg.png (1024x1024, 23K)

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there i not a day that passes where i don't miss him

checked and also there was never a single problem with linux lol

>autistic desktop pic for the autistic desktop thread

Don't limit yourself to one operating system. They're just tools. Use the one you need at the time to get the task done.

sudo apt purge apport whoopsie avahi

wew lad that was hard

Its faster than windows with higher quality drivers and doesn't control you like pajeetdos or plebOS. Zero reason to use anything else unless you have pro apps you need for work.

>why linux useful.
It's an invaluable component of the GNU operating system.

>There is absolutely nothing wrong with apt.
There is absolutely everything wrong with apt. It is the worst package manager ever devised and it has broken a multitude of systems to prove it.

>Implying most people use anything that needs windows or macOS.

Games when you're too retarded to use wine or steamplay or some pro apps are the only exception.

Your computer does what you tell it to and not what Microsoft or Apple tells it to. It is more lightweight than Windows or iOS so if you don't have a premium pc you are REALLY going to feel the difference. Customizable which is gonna feel more important the more you use it. You will still be able to run a lot of Windows apps if you need, but the more time goes on the less you are gonna need them, because Linus has a lot of good software. It is FREE.

If you care about none of this, it still could be a nice experience to try something new.

>Unless both Mac and Windows get comoletely BTFO
Only Windows needs to fuck itself, Mac has too large of an upfront cost to get a majority marketshare. Microsoft WILL fuck up at some point, whether it’s turning Windows into a subscription service or something else. Linux will take the reins, it is becoming more idiot-proof every day and more software and hardware is supported on it than ever. It’s inevitable.

And not a single counter point.