Friendly reminder that you should remove & reapply your thermal paste every 5 years at the minimum, and immediately remove the shitty factory paste when you buy a new laptop and put on a proper thermal pasting.
When's the last time you repasted, user? Your computer will thank you!
my laptop is glued shut, which is annoying because i've taken a faulty one apart before to fix and sell online, i put kryonaut in it and the temps went down 8c and the laptop was faster. shame
Evan Howard
if there's ihs doesn't matter, for direct die cooling spread manually
Jose Green
The Die is covered. What exactly is the issue here?
X or spread manually. Any nigger that cries "muh air bubbles" is retarded.
OEM thermal paste is always shit. Use arctic silver 5, baby
Ian Moore
Fanless laptop so pointless.
Luis Robinson
>tfw when my computer was power cycling because I didn't change the paste for 8 years and it dried out and cemented the cooler to the CPU Never again
Ayden Perry
Squirt some alcohol
Ian Fisher
>being this stupid
>being this noob
The absolute STATE of nu-Jow Forums.
Tyler Garcia
Ricer bullshit, oem thermal paste is more than adequate for the life of the chip. Show me one reputable study that says otherwise
Jace Turner
It's not purely about killing the chip, it's about keeping temperatures in check. Less heat = less fanspin = less strain on the overall computer
You sound like a bitch boy who throws out a laptop after three years
James Nelson
And I'm telling you to show me evidence that applying your own thermal paste actually makes a single fucking difference in temp.
Gabriel Walker
do you guys realize you can see your cpu temperature very easily and you dont need to blindly replace something thats working perfectly fine?
Justin Peterson
Fucking this Anything OEM is considered shit quality because it’s not from some custom PC brand they know An “enlightened” PC builder will say straight to your face that some 80+ bronze PSU from their favorite manufacturer is better quality than what someone like Dell would put in their systems in reality the Dell PSU has more safety listings and may even be rated higher on the 80+ scale
Lucas Mitchell
I just put enough until it squirts out the sides and use a cotton swap to wipe the excess.
Lucas Perez
If the temperatures are fine then they're fine.
Andrew Foster
>every 5 years. I do it every 6 months. 1 year at max.
Brody Stewart
>sperg ITT thinks some bored to death Chink on an assembly line applying thousands of beads of thermal compound or thermal pads per day does so with the care and precision of an end user reapplying compound themselves LMAO
Brody Young
>chip manufacturer >uses human labor to apply a fucking dot of paste ???
Daniel Brown
"chip manufacturer" user, your laptop with an AMD or intel CPU isn't getting fucking assembled by them. Your Dell, Apple, Asus, Gigabyte, whatever computer is being assembled in China or Taiwan in a facility that still uses a lot of human labor in assembly and QA. Your thermal compound and heat sink/cooling pipe is going to be placed by hand.
Jaxson Parker
I do it after 6 months of a new device. 9/10 factory paste is shit or applied wrong.
>needing precision for thermal paste Even gaymers nexus admits that thermal paste application doesn’t matter too much as long as it’s there on the chip The chink would have to outright miss for him/her to fuck up applying paste
Ryder Stewart
Dominic Fisher
I literally repasted yesterday and immediately my idles went down 7 degrees celsius. Shit works