Why are you using DDG?
Why are you using DDG?
because fuck google, honestly
For me, it's Qwant
But also
I'm not.
running away from a jew search engine
just to use another
the go yim never learns
DDG doesn't do shit like this.
stop being misogynistic
Results are mostly okay.
!g exists when they aren't.
Bangs are useful in general.
because every searx instance i try breaks when google blocks them
Because it's good enough and it's the default in my browser. Not sure how good startpage is these days but that would be the next place to look. I'd never use raw google.
better search results
Can you go back to your containment dumpster
qwant is a cryptojew censoring nigger-tier site
Because Google dropped their motto for a reason
Yeah and I !banged youre mom kiddo
Created by: (((Gabriel Weinberg)))
wow dude, you are so edgy. Go back to pol you dumb 12 year old.
It gives good results and isn't Google. Also, it doesn't remove DMCA'd links.
>t. seething söy drinking cultural marxist
Shouldn't you be using Leddit or Discord instead of Jow Forums?
>pretending that duckduckgo is some redpilled bastion of freedom web search engine
Nah. They are just earlier in the process. Give them some time and if they will catch up to Google.