This is an advertising general for a shitty mpv front-end, if you're looking for mpv the real general is .
Jeremiah Martinez
Jesus christ, will you fuck off already?
Juan Collins
t. fag butt blasted that he spent days configuring mpv to pretend he was epic and unique and now everyone using all the best features in 1 simple click with the settings menu
>copy paste some lines off a wiki >d-days!! Oh dear, you might just be a retard.
Mason Sanders
>clicks button on GUI Heh, nothing personnel kid
Michael Williams
>5 vs 6 seconds Wow, what a worthwhile debate.
Brayden Hughes
Cant wait for the CAS user-script.
Lucas Phillips
jeeb stop wasting time on an imageboard and merge my PR already.
Asher Jones
Done, now what?
Levi Davis
Softpedia in the OP. Holy shit, this guy has been so butthurted for months to the point of showing off in such a pathetic way which reflects he's probably wasting his life.
I just hope you can redo your life in the future, user, you're leaving behind the best years of your life.
Jonathan Robinson
>going wild
Charles Adams
Does support all the same config options in mpv.conf as standalone mpv? Can I use GLSL shaders like FSRCNNX and SSimDownscalar?
Kevin Jenkins
Yes, and yes. Standard mpv conf is linked in the OP.
>uses a hud, not a real interface >is clunky, unstable & buggy >is the kazaa of movie players the main idea is good but the execution less stellar. unironically; celluloid has a better interface that
Michael Harris
Why don't they just unironically copy MPC's interface?
Chase Lopez
There was a project that aimed at that, but the dev rage quit and deleted the repo.
He will never change the OSD. That would require actual work and skill.
Easton Sanchez
Don't underestimate stax76.
Liam Hernandez
>some settings like colors didn't work because enclosing quotes were missing >there was a crash happening when the player is minimized in the taskbar >there was a bug causing an exception if both the input editor and config editor is opened >there was a bug that caused underscores beeing removed from input like MBTN_LEFT_DBL >there was a crash when no script folder existed in the conf folder I don't think I do.
Austin Williams
most of those issues were already fixed. stax has proven to be able to fix bugs in his front-end, with the exception being an actual mpv bug.
Julian Ortiz
>it's an accomplishment to fix embarrassing bugs after pushing out releases without properly testing them
James Baker
>im to retarded to read code, this botnet says its a virus
Jack Anderson
Eli Cooper
can't test for every scenario possible on your own.
Oliver Bell
Yes, you couldn't possible test if minimizing works or bare bones folder structures or opening two menus at once.
Aaron Rivera
stay butthurt, shill
Carter Long
Keep bumping the thread dear ;)
David Miller
old enough to know that is a better frontend than smplayer.
Ayden Rogers
Are you old enough to know mpv doesn't need a frontend?
Jack Diaz
Nathan Gray
>4k comparison >1080p image
Aaron Parker
>minimize iina >next file starts >crash >2 years in development
Noah Peterson
>hurr durr gooey bad
Nathaniel Edwards
STAAAAAAAAAX! New build, when?
Benjamin Harris
There is a test build available. If you are patient, he will release the new build later today or tomorrow.
Nathaniel Barnes
its gee you eye you fucking subhuman
Dominic Nelson
>using a proprietary "OS" pffffftt >using a media player that is not designed for it oh nonononoNO >because can't into minimalism, start using the same media player with an UI written in the bloatiest, shittiest and pajeetest framework in the known history of man aghahaha *pig sounds* >it still doesn't have UI buttons for panning, rotating, zooming or moving the video inside the window frame implemented AHAHHAHAHHAHAHHA
Carter Kelly
>retardation, the post
Alexander Kelly
Evan Jenkins
t. non-developer
Nicholas Rogers
t. lazy dev, who tries to sell fixing his broken code as an accomplishment
Adam Walker
>not available on chocolatey Eh
Landon Richardson
Just download it from github like everyone else.
Isaiah Collins
t. entitled user that does not even report the issues
Nathaniel Jenkins
Luke Sullivan
>poor man' attempt at a package manager Use scoop, faggot
Carson Rodriguez
chocolatey is just a meme placebo, just live with the fact that windows is a mess that werks
>implying If you want a proper GUI or good HDR support than MPC-HC + madVR. If you want a powerful standalone player with a minimalistic UI than mpv. is the bastard child of those two ideas, that manages to do neither well.
Jack King
>remember-height was replaced with start-size, when start-size is set to video the main video starts directly with the native video size, before it was starting with the autofit size first and was only afterwards resized to the native video size So does it adjust the window size to the native resolution only for the first video or for every video in a playlist?
Jordan Torres
request that feature on the project's github then.