horrific typing goblin edition
/sqg/ - Stupid Questions General
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I may have downloaded a hentai game a while ago by accident. I deleted it off my computer, but then recently I saw they released an update for the game. I accidentally re-downloded it and re-unzipped the rar or whatever, but when I opened the game again something weird happened.
My saves were still there!!!!! How did this happen? why didn't they delete with the folder when I deleted that? I didn't install anything as far as I know
The saves are probably saved somewhere in local app data folder
Bear with me, I'm retarded.
I'm trying to set up Deluge to use a single port through my VPN [PIA]. I have a static IP between my computer and router, and I have another static IP from the PIA server of choice. I set up a firewall application exception (or whatever it's called under "NAT/Gaming") for the port I want. When the VPN is disabled, the active port passes Deluge's test. How do I get it to work with my VPN? I've already tried to enter both IP addresses in Deluge's "Interface" box, to no avail.
Anyone have any working knowledge about TPM architecture? Need to shuffle some values around for a Minecraft mod.
Also need the Realtek Ethernet firmware source code if anyone has it laying around
Why is am*zon telling me to choose another password after I set it to "JeffBezosEatsPoop69" ?
It's /sqt/, dumbass
How do I change the default destination for thumbnails from .cache/thumbnails to .thumbnails? Using ffmpegthumbnailer and GNOME if that matters
Where can I buy 500 GB SD cards in-store?
I tried ordering online once and they got stolen before they even got to my doorstep but of course they were marked as 'delivered' even though I waited by the door. I got my money back but now I'm afraid it's gonna happen again. The most I've seen in stores like Walmart or Best Buy is like 64-80 GB.
And 128 GB. That's the highest I've seen in person. Do 500 GB SD cards even exist? Are they just a scam by online retailers?
which simulator should i install for example if there are Android simulator 10.0, 10.2, 10.3.
are they different for testing your app? should i install all three? or are they all same with just bugfixes?
I want to make a Bash script of mine more accessible by porting it to another language. The obvious choice would be Python, but I just can't stand it. Now I'm not sure what to use. Should I perhaps look into Perl?
accessible by what exactly? every linux distro will support bash (or at least sh), macos has an old bash version but it's still bash, windows now supports bash on windows 10
with python you need a python interpreter which is mostly fine and it's about the best non-bash option but it's still not an out of the box solution for most things, perl would have been a fine choice 15+ years ago but perl on windows has always been aids, you could try writing it in go if you're feeling adventurous
I want to make a simple web based database or general list that can hold specific configurations of specific machines. I was considering using JS and PHP, but I'd like to know if there's an easier/more efficient way to do this.
>macos has an old bash version but it's still bash
I don't know all the changes introduced by Bash >4.0 by heart, but I might use some newer features that aren't supported.
>windows now supports bash on windows 10
You mean through WSL? Is it really that easy to setup?
It's not like it's anything grand, but when I have a chance to shill it, I don't want to make the user jump through hoops to run it (although it's a CLI tool anyway and undesirable for 99% of all people, so perhaps I'm just overthinking things).
I did the mistake of helping someone out with using office the non-legit way by using OfficeRTool a few months back. Now said person is having issues because apparently they need to reactivate this shit and I'd rather not have to deal with that computer physically again.
Is there any activation method that's braindead? I don't even recall which version of it I used other than it being recent by march on mdl. Should have been fine but if I'm getting a call it's because it's not so there goes its reliability. Would KMS_VL_ALL solve this problem? I mean shit's easier to outright install.
you could probably just provide it as a python script and users will figure it out, python has the most support for this sort of thing
they probably don't want you also using Jeff Bezos' password.
How do I get a clean ISO for Vista and 7? I checked the archive and I only found unavailable methods that don't work, need official serial or just links that redirect to an empty microsoft page.
>it's a CLI tool
keep in mind that even here, we get somebody every day who complains that youtube-dl "doesn't stay open"
anyone willing and able to use a cli tool can figure out how to get bash on their machine
Easy, just call PIA and tell them to open the port for you in their firewall, I'm sure they will understand.
Get a VPS or a seedbox retard.
Install Office 2007 next time, is the only version guaranteed to work after Win 10 updates, or switch to libreoffice.
Check NixOS.
you can probably use xdg homedir spec if the program supports it
try a reputable photography store if you have one near you, they might have to order one in for you, it might also be more expensive than scammy amazon stuff so be sure to get a price before committing to anything
for windows 7 you can try to download 'untouched' isos from torrent sites and compare the file hashes to a hash you can find on a microsoft page, the most difficult part will be trying to find a legitimate hash since they keep 404ing pages with them on or putting them behind paywalls
no idea for vista but it should be the same in principle
That's what I did with a previous script (which is why I know that I can't stand Python).
Yeah, you're probably right. Thanks for the help.
I remember there was a pastebin that redirected you to a german page with lots of torrent links for win ISOs. Do you have that pastebin for a chance?
I want to write a python script which adds together three numerical variables and if their value is greater than say 1k or so displays the result of said addition in a corresponding pre-defined unit of measure which gets assigned as soon as the value exceeds that number, how to achieve this?
unfortunately not, there is windowsiso.net and I've used it once but I can't say whether it's legit or not (if you're checking sha256 hashes in the first place it shouldn't matter)
This tool looks shady but it works. It will pull the official iso of Microsoft's servers. No Vista though.
DS lite or 3DS XL for portable handheld console?
Assuming I'd use digital copies of the ROMs, and maybe emulating GBA/SNES as well.
>get PSP-3000/PSP-Go
I already have one, I'm looking to play DS titles and some of the SNES games that didn't run well on PSP though it's not important.
Thanks. Now I only need the ISO for Vista. I just need it for the BIOS boot-mode that my computer only detects on earlier than Win7 ISOs.
Something like this?
import sys
if a+b+c > 1000:
print(a+b+c, "unit")
$ python test.py 100 200 700
$ python test.py 100 200 701
1001 unit
I blocked some categories like porn, in pfSense with squid. Trying to access "Jow Forums.org", for example, is blocked, but if I accessing with https or from a link (which redirects to https), the site loads. What is the correct way to block content in pfSense?
Supercard DSTwo is okay for GBA and SNES emulation but 3DS with injected roms is even better in mist cases. I use a modded 3DS with a DSTwo
No idea if any better cards have been made but at the time this was the only way to get GBA emulation on DS
Can't you run DS games on 3DS from sd card twilightmenu?
I blocked mobile data usage for YouTube on my phone a while ago, now that I have a better contract I want to re-enable it but changing the settings isn't working, what do
Oneplus 5 running Android 9
Is it possible to extract the images from an .int file? What software should I use to do this?
I dont know much about Python but the guy wants me to have the variable result displayed as Ohm if the result is below 1k and as mega ohm if over 1 million
Basically a dynamic unit calculator
Not a stupid question:
I had 2 SSDs
The Boot Manager or something was installed in SSD 1 but later on installed again windows in SSD 2.
The Boot Manager was still in SSD 1 but had to remove SSD 1 and now SSD 2 (in which my latest window installation is) cannot boot because supposedly the bootmanager is still in SSD 1.
How do I make the SSD 2 (the one that doesn't have the boot manager) boot up.
I guess what I have to do is to install the boot manager in SSD 2, but I'm not sure how.
Did you try fixing Windows within the "installation" setup?
yeah, didn't work
Its actually /sqc/, silly querries central
I realized this morning that I’ve been setting my steamy cup of coffee right in front my pc’s vent every morning. Its been sucking in steam every day for like 4 weeks is it going to break
Is mullvad gud?
How do youse store and categorize your music? I want to rebuild my library but I still want to use services like YT and spotify. I guarantee I'm gonna be completely autistic about this but I don't even know what angle to take this
I have two windows versions on two seperate HDDs
Can I use the antivirus on one to scan the other efficiently?
I have asked this before but didn't get an answer.
What can I do to make webms and pictures load faster? Sometimes they load without problem but 9 time out of 10 I can barely load any webm.
This happens accross all boards.
blow into the ethernet cable
I am trying to organize my doujin folder and change the default way W10 shows folders, with this retarded ass "take 3 random pictures and have them slanted sideways so you can't actually see what's in it", but it absolutely refuses to change from this. I have gone through multiple times and went into the properties tab for each and every individual folder and changed it so that it changes the pictures showing just the cover so I can actually see what it is, but without fail in less than a week it just trashes that and goes back to the stupid system of viewing and it's driving me mad.
Is it because it's on an external HDD?
stop using chrome with 50 tabs opened retard
google is not your friend btw
Multiple questions
-Should I format an external 1TB drive with a GPT partition table or MBR? What cluster size for NTFS (generally for ROMsets, downloaded games and music and maybe a few small sized files)
-Any decent place to upload unencrypted zip files quickly and share a direct link to them that does not mind shit that's false positive?
How can I configure VSCode to work like Visual Studio (C#):
>syntax highlight
>compile & run
>other basic stuff
I want the basic functionality of C# but I also want the customizablity of vscode.
I'm using firefox.
I have an SD card that keeps disconnecting and reconnecting whenever I try to read/write files. Tried so far:
>multiple card readers
>multiple devices (pc, laptop, phone)
>chkdsk fails after 2%
I really want to save the contents but it just keeps disconnecting no matter what I do. Even clicking Properties will disconnect it. It doesn't actually unmount from windows though.
Any ideas?
This is actually Jow Forums limiting your bandwidth so there's fuckall you can do about it. Sometimes webms take minutes to load even though I have 1gbps internet and never have any problems besides that.
Ask jew hiro about it.
Has anyone done an AMD RMA? They didn't mention how to pack the CPU, am I supposed to use the original packaging or will they throw it away?
Aisha is my waifu, say something nice about her.
She STARS in an excellent anime called Outlaw Star
just install the extensions in the picture, worked fine for me after that.
I should add, VSCode only supports .NET Core not the normal version.
Is there a program to download flac files from Tidal? I've just downloaded some "flacs" from deezloader and they are just a bunch of mp3 converted to flac, so fuck that shit.
damn, if that's true that sucks
but not gonna worry about it then
Is there a way to save all the thumbnails of images in a folder with their original filenames as separate images?
The easiest solution would be to format the input to have a scientific notation and then use the exponent to determine the prefix via a dictionary (as Python doesn't offer a case/switch statment).
>I dont know much about Python
Me neither. That's why my solution feels convoluted as hell. But here you go.
import sys
from decimal import Decimal
def format_number(in_number):
prefix_list = { -9: "n",
-6: "μ",
-3: "m",
0: "",
3: "k",
6: "M",
9: "G" }
# Change input to scientific notation and split to get exponent
# Floor exponents to multiples of 3 (e.g. 5 -> 3)
# Adjust numbers to the new exponent (e.g. 1*10^5 -> 100*10^3)
# Fixed decimal number not optimal
# Avoids ugly output though (e.g. 1000000.023 -> 1.0000000230000001 MΩ)
return "{:.3f} ".format(out_number)+prefix_list[exponent]+unit
They're all in a folder called music. Then music is broken up into Albums, Anime, Classical, Doujin, Film and Game.
Within Albums are normal bands and within their folders are their albums.
Within Anime is a list of Anime folders, within them are any relevant music released for the show/series.
Within Classical, Classical/Contemporary/Indian, then within those, the albums.
etc etc, though the sorting doesn't really matter most of the time. Use a utility like mp3tag to quickly set overarching genres for swathes of your music (Metal, Game, J-Pop, Instrumental, etc), then sort by genre in foobar or whatever program you use.
I've just built a PC with new parts and every now and then there's a sound that sounds kind of like an HDD under load, however I only have an m.2 SSD in it. What could be the source of the noise? I've got a case that's a PITA to open so figured I'd ask here.
where are some good places to look for remote pentesting job offers? places like indeed don't really have much to offer as far as I can tell.
Do you just post your qualifications on linkedin and hope for some recruiter to find you?
my upload doesn't work at all and refuses to upload even the tiniest image.
Whats going on?
Is spybot search and destroy still be best anti malware software.
Maybe a power supply fan.
It's coil whine
My laptop despite having only an SSD will emit a faint sound that is exactly like an HDD seeking
It was said that it was caused by the CPU being at low clockrates when the CPU downclocks to save power
Coil while can come from all sorts of places, GPU, SSD, PSU, motherboard, basically anywhere there is a coil
It's generally regarded as nothing to worry about
I had an internet-problem.
In my net-log it says "Illegal - Dropped INPUT packet: "
What does this actually mean?
Please guys, my life literally depends on this:
How do I mail merge MS Excel data into Word, BUT THEN have that personalised Word letter be a pdf attachment in a personalised email to contacts from the same Excel data?
Maybe I can skip the pdf conversion, but I still need to have it be a personalised attachment in a personalised email
What IDE/Text Editors do you use?