Thermal Butter Comparisons

Put aside that silly Arctic silver 5 meme-paste. The Tensan TS88 is the best thermal butter available on the open market, and at inxridibly lowest, low price!
Providing greater heat dissipation than even the awe-inspiring Shezhen Bonyx HC-131 (which is vastly superior to the Arctic MX 4).

Proof of the latter part:

Attached: Thermal_Butter_Chart.png (800x600, 150K)

good post

is there some huge comparison on chinese pastes?

I can't believe it's not thermal butter

I have a couple giant plunger full of arctic ceramique. It might not be the best, but I'll still pass.

composé thermodissipateur

Attached: index.jpg (640x480, 23K)

>comparing against no compound
what the actual fuck was that garbage comparison. and did the retard only run prime95 for 1 minute? also just look at the dislike ratio for this dude's channel

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It dropped the temp by 30 degrees.

Attached: hellmans.webm (540x540, 392K)

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thats not the noctua paste, you fucking pleb

>thats not the noctua paste, you fucking pleb
lol thats not the noctua paste, you fucking pleb

I have a tube of Noctua NT-H1. It says use before 2 years storage. But I can't remember how long ago i bought it. It also says can use on CPU for up to 3 years which makes me question why I need to use it within 2 years? I think these Nords are pulling a fast one on me.

Because inside the unheated and porous tube it goes dry and turns to concrete.

No mention of ic diamond. Good cuz that shit is almost impossible to wipe off without scuffing out the laser engraving on the IHS.

>ic diamond. Good cuz that
lol ic diamond. Good cuz that

I have a tube of arctic silver 3 from the year 2000. Don't listen to any kike that tells you this stuff goes bad is.

I used that to cool of laser diodes.

Kryonaut chads assemble

+1 shekel

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as long as you apply it correctly it doesnt matter much what you use. differences are minuscule.

>Jow Forums already forgot the butterposter

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mayo is still price/performance king

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fuck off nazi

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