>be me
>graduated HS in may
>just accepted a $62k/yr developer job
why are you still a neet user? just learn to code
>be me
>graduated HS in may
>just accepted a $62k/yr developer job
why are you still a neet user? just learn to code
>only $62k/yr
I just wanted to say congratulations! I hope your work situation is great, and if it's not, learn all you can while you're there before moving on. Way to go, OP!
no debt though
and by the time i would've been done with college i'll have 4 years of experience and a much higher salary
thank u wholesome user
Well, I graduated with MSc (5 years total, since I'm from Europe and there it's usually 3.5+1.5) half a year ago, and when I graduated I had 3 years of experience and a job offer at $140k (even though it's outside of the US) a few months later. And no debt because free universities lmao, though that's not your fault that you would need to pay for college.
But arguing about the usefulness of college aside, good job, there are lots of people who won't see that kind of money in their entire lives.
What language did you learn?
>there are lots of people who won't see that kind of money in their entire lives.
Which country?
Zimbabwe dollars btw, forgot to mention
I hope you didn't negotiate that. That's enjoy earning less than 1k a week after tax...
post resume or you are larping
>in before nepotism
>tfw neet
Fuck work for real fuck that 9-5 shit. I'll enjoy waking up whenever I want, watching however many anime I want, working out whenever I want, showering whenever I want, travelling to japan and eating Kobe beef whenever I want, relaxing in hot springs whenever I want, seducing older Japanese and Russian women whenever I want.
FUCK the time parasite known as work.
work a year or two then go to college
God I wish that were me
(the girl)
You forgot
>be american
Why are you here underage retard?
based Michael Cera poster
I didn't go to college and went straight to work. Mid 30's and earning about $150k. I've definitely hit the ceiling for the area I live in. Small town in UK.
thats cool but got a 115k job in mcol area with bachelors and i have no debt. ur a bitch