why does Jow Forums hate rust so much?
Why does Jow Forums hate rust so much?
Jow Forums hates everything except a few select retarded things
I wouldn't know, but people say it's flooded with sjw and that makes the community shit. Primarily that.
Oh man, Rust is such a special language, too bad Jow Forums hates has an irrational hate for it.
You don't see this kind of hate when talking about Java... wait.
You don't see this kind of hate when talking about Go... I mean, JS, I mean, C++, I mean...
>Jow Forums is one person
I haven't really done much with Rust, but from the people I know who have I'm given to understand it's a hassle to work with. Also, the community is very toxic.
You will never be a women.
there are two (not mutually exclusive) groups on Jow Forums who hate rust
1. cniles who are too scared to step out of their caveman primitive language comfort zone
2. Jow Forumstards who don't know anything about the language but since some of the people who contributed to the project which is open source are trans, the language is exclusively for trans, somehow. don't ask.
>Go to web site
>First thing you see
>A language empowering everyone
Gets worse when you hit the CoC
performance gain by Borrow check don't matter for 99% programmers and 1% just want use full support C/C++ language.
>No stable ABI
>Forces cargo; makes it extremely painful to integrate with other languages
>Forces static-linking
>Extremely awkward in interfacing with common C idioms (callback + userdata)
>Bloated, yet useless standard library. Need a crate to do even really basic shit
>Micro dependencies
Imagine being in any official Rust communication channel and getting banned for calling this retard a retard. That's the problem, not who contributed what.
about the image, yeah, when pride month happened the community server got a little rainbow flair. this caused many spergs to sperg out and then they promptly got themself banned, unsurprisingly.
>empower, verb: make (someone) stronger and more confident
yeah, it's pretty fun to use once you get the hang of it.
the coc is a really verbose way of saying "don't be a dick". as long as you aren't a dick, you don't even need to read it. you just need to act the same as you would at any workplace lmao
probably it's about same couple of 50+ yo retired fags pretending to be 20 something who scream "tranny" and have their shitty opinions like "kek, dangling pointers? never had that problem with c++! data races? never had that problem with c++!"
they are fucking retards and should have been gassed already by Silicon Valley intelligence services
Your definition of not being a "dick." Not most people's definition. For normal people making a sexual joke or something like that is not "being a dick."
>yeah, it's pretty fun to use once you get the hang of it.
The fuck you saying man it reeks of SJW capital
At first i wanted to try it out.
But now i see its already dead in the water.
That's one of them
It's just dumb cniles or sepplets with Stockholm syndrome.
would you make sexual jokes to your coworkers? no because they'd think you're a creep. that'd be uncomfortable. unless it's like someone you're intimate with obviously but that's a different story lol
no you see i don't care who made it because i care about the language. if i cared about who made everything i couldn't use a computer because even shit like the linux kernel has those people contributing, but that doesn't affect me, i'm here to use the product. simple as that
>would you make sexual jokes to your coworkers?
Sure. But then again I don't live in puritan burgeristan, so that's not a problem or even uncommon here.
>that'd be uncomfortable
For your faggy sensibilities, sure.
This is better and fast, plus ARC instead of BC autism
Because it's politically-loaded and I want to stay as far away from politics as possible.
>no you see i don't care who made it because i care about the language
Sure sure.
But these people will Rust drag it to the ground.
Its like a city cant grow if you poison its well's.
But you will see in a year or 2.
>would you make sexual jokes to your coworkers?
Not to women cause you can't have a giggle/banter with them like with men.
come home white man
Must be sad to live in burger.
>plus ARC instead of BC autism
So it's slow as fuck.
>But you will see in a year or 2.
People have been saying that for years: "Just you wait, those people asking you not to be an asshole are going to ruin everything ANY MINUTE NOW"
let me remind you:
computer:~ user$ cat main.swift
let a:[Int] = [1] + [2] + [3] + [4] + [5] + [6] + [7]
computer:~ user$
computer:~ user$ time swiftc main.swift
main.swift:1:49: error: the compiler is unable to type-check this expression in reasonable time; try breaking up the expression into distinct sub-expressions
let a:[Int] = [1] + [2] + [3] + [4] + [5] + [6] + [7]
real 1m8.421s
user 1m5.992s
sys 0m2.252s
and no, swift is much slower, because of shit like using arc everywhere. arc is a runtime solution for something you can solve at compile time. rust took some of the good parts and became better. give up, macfag.
Yea diversity hires feels bad man.
They can't even program too.
Again, normal human interaction outside of your bible group isn't "being an asshole."
>Try finding a job with Rust
It's been proven time and time again the simple saying of 'go woke get broke', this meme language will die off with all the trannys.
just like how you'll die off in a few years, boomer.
says the rusties
>comfort zone
Is that what you pedophiles like to call it?
>Jow Forumstards
You'll die even sooner tranny.
It’s becoming pretty popular for greenfield projects that require better performance than java can provide. If you have a hot section that you need to optimize yourself, its easier to do so safely in Rust than C++.
>constantly misgendered
>seen as unlovable, unfuckable, disgusting by most people
>even the most 'woke' people cringe a little when they see you
>anything you do gets critiqued and put under a microscope
>have to stick to more stringent gender roles than cis women or else you're 'faking'
these are all society's problems, not problems with any individual. you'd wanna kys too if that was your life
>Again, normal human interaction outside of your bible group isn't "being an asshole."
Have you never had to interact with other people in a community more formal than Jow Forums?
Stuff like "Please avoid using overtly sexual aliases or other nicknames that might detract from a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all." are not weird or unusual rules.
They use JNI or JNA to interface with c++.
And java is mostly used for backend microservices.
And even if they need embedded, again c++ due to JNI, JNA option...
>all dat sjw lingo in one post
Go suffocate on multiple BBC fagget.
oof Jow Forumstard, did i hit a nerve? what are you gonna do, continue to post on your thai basket weaving imageboard about how much of an irredeemable shitbag you are?
>i do not understand what this means but i have heard people i do not agree with use that word therefore it must be their tongue
Even though you're an SJW faggot who codes in a shitty language, if we met in real life I would hug the horrible things out of you. You can cry as we embrace and I will squeeze hard on you.
You'd like it too. You homo.
Stop shilling your shitty language.
>Please avoid using overtly sexual aliases or other nicknames that might detract from a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all
Adults don't like to be spoken down to like this you absolute retard.
Yes I have. What you need to realize is that most of the world haven't sunk into the particular puritan madness you've cultivated over there. Women aren't dainty little creatures that can't handle the bants, they like risque humor as much as anyone else. Faggots can have self-irony over their faggotry just like anyone else. Teasing each-other, dark humor and expressive language is a form of bonding for normal humans. It's natural and it's no problem. Here in Norway this is common and no one bats an eye, and we don't have much problems with people not being treated equally either. In reality it's your enforced "niceness" that's extremely toxic and creates repressed, passive aggressive people. Any sensible person stays away from a culture that acts that way.
>Be mentally ill fag
>Promote mentally ill behavior cause it must be society not reality
>Reality still doesn't check in with my weird reality
>Repeat back to 0
Geez i wonder why they are depressed.
You mean it's a problem that solves itself? Good to know.
do not squeeze too hard i need to be able to breathe
I'm not that user, but I genuinely want to know, what's wrong with the language?
It doesn't really solve any problems, except all the imagined problems by Mozilla "programmers" who can't stop leaking memory and dereferencing null pointers.
>it doesn't solve any problems
yeah compile time memory safety especially in multithreaded contexts solves nothing.
Nothing. It just doesn't improve things enough to warrant switching away from C or C++ for most businesses or projects currently using C or C++.
You get a bunch of suits in a conference room considering the switch and the conversation goes:
>what projects use it?
One currently failing web browser and one hobbyist operating system
>how many programmers know it?
Not many, the talent pool is shallow
>can we still do things with C or C++?
Any manager will see those answers and see switching to Rust as a risky, expensive and ultimately unproductive move. These are also the reasons for why you probably wouldn't start a new project with Rust either, if you already have a team of C or C++ programmers.
Yeah, it's almost like the language is still under development and is new.
it's not compile time memory safety, but more like static analyzer that enforces you to use certain (retarded) patterns when you write code.
rust is very opinionated about how you should write code. and it gets even worse with multi threading.
Speaking of compile times, also takes forever.
C++ is also under development. Next year, C++20 is going to be new.
What's your excuse now?
>but more like static analyzer that enforces you to use certain (retarded) patterns when you write code.
Exactly this.
>rust is very opinionated about how you should write code. and it gets even worse with multi threading.
It becomes down right UNUSABLE in multi threading.
under development != is updated
C++ has been around for decades, shit argument.
>shit argument
>Thinks there's a single C++
C++ standards are generally backwards compatible but each one is like a new language.
Meanwhile Rust fags have to cope with nightly breakages.
you can download an old version of rust. noone's stopping you, and rustup makes it piss easy to. but you'd be stupid to - just like how you'd be stupid to not use the latest C++.
>you can download an old version of rust
>oh but now you can't use the crates required to use rust
>oh but now you won't get support for when rustc shits the bed
>why does Jow Forums hate rust so much?
I would like to keep my dick intact thanks.
It doesn't have a good way in. The way things are going, it's going to be another D.
Consider how new web dev languages became popular. Javascript broke into the backend by dominating front end, then pushing its way in. Python and ruby replaced a whole lot of PHP, Java and Perl because of PHP's non-OO-and-general-shittiness, Java's getting stuck behind pay-to-play certifications and Perl's... syntax probably.
C and C++ are nice enough. There's nothing glaringly obviously better about Rust that makes enough developers want to learn it. It's not doing the Javascript worm-in-from-somewhere-else approach. So how's it going to get in? Spamming Jow Forums until you reach a critical mass of neet developers?
>crates "required to use rust"
no such thing
>no such thing
That's not what the other rust faggots say.
>Can't make doubly linked lists without unsafe
>Oh just use a crate!
>So how's it going to get in?
By shaming people for using C and C++, they think.
the only reason someone might say that is because a dedicated crate would be more tested than what you come up with in 2 seconds. writing a DLL is not hard unless you're fucking braindead
I can tell by the way you talk that you're a fucking chick or a very effeminate man.
there are no girls on Jow Forums, silly boy
>Adults don't like to be spoken down to like this you absolute retard.
Adults generally don't need "don't be an asshole" explaining to them. Lots of programmers do.
>What you need to realize is that most of the world haven't sunk into the particular puritan madness you've cultivated over there.
How is any of that "puritan madness"?
>Women aren't dainty little creatures that can't handle the bants, they like risque humor as much as anyone else. Faggots can have self-irony over their faggotry just like anyone else. Teasing each-other, dark humor and expressive language is a form of bonding for normal humans. It's natural and it's no problem.
It's not able being able to "handle the bants", it's about time and place. You don't tell dick jokes in job interviews, and if you're trying to build a productive community with lots of strangers you need to enforce a minimum level of conduct.
>Meanwhile Rust fags have to cope with nightly breakages.
If you don't want to deal with breakages, use the stable branch.
>Can't make doubly linked lists without unsafe
Unsafe is a language feature. There's no "unsafe goblin" who pulls out your teeth if your program contains two lines of unsafe code, you just have to check those lines carefully to make sure they're correct.
using unsafe is enough of the pain in the ass to discourage writing rust seeing as how you can't write any useful data structures without it
file scope unsafe blocks would probably fix this
>just write everything from scratch, don't use libraries, your time isn't valuable
this explains the rustfag
The syntax looks like an absolute clusterfuck. When any non-rustacean sees the fucking Ok((())) or string bullshit they'll mock it 1000% of the time. No non-rustard has ever looked at "impl
>Unsafe is a language feature
>Entire point of the language is it's "safe"[TM]
>Adults generally don't need "don't be an asshole" explaining to them. Lots of programmers do.
Thanks for admitting that you people hate programmers.
>You don't tell dick jokes in job interviews
No one does, except in your foul mind. Get lost you disgusting social terrorist.
>How is any of that "puritan madness"?
What sort of people fuss about this muh proper social etiquette shit? It's christcuck housewives and SJW trannies.
>You don't tell dick jokes in job interviews
See, in your mind this is an impossibility because you can't see outside the moralfag cultural substrate you live in. Like I'm trying to tell you, this is not the norm in the world, and judging from experience it's not even the norm in burger. I have never in real life met a person who reacted to me saying something is "retarded" in any way, something that would get me banned for "ableistism" or whatever the fuck in your trannie communities.
Meanwhile my boss, who is a woman, makes sex jokes all the time.
> if you're trying to build a productive community with lots of strangers you need to enforce a minimum level of conduct.
There have been productive communities aplenty since the computerized age began, none of them with any CoC's up their ass. In fact, it would seem to me that these CoC based communities seem less productive to me in total.
not to mention the mut& a = 56?; everywhere
>In fact, it would seem to me that these CoC based communities seem less productive to me in total.
Because no one can relax around people like this
>using unsafe is enough of the pain in the ass to discourage writing rust
How? Other than needing to pay attention to what you're doing, it doesn't take any extra effort.
>file scope unsafe blocks would probably fix this
The whole point of unsafe blocks is that they should be as limited as possible.
>Unsafe is a language feature
>Entire point of the language is it's "safe"[TM]
Something doesn't need to be universal to be beneficial.
If 0.2% of your program is in unsafe blocks, then that's 99.8% of your code where you don't need to worry so much about memory safety.
>If 0.2% of your program is in unsafe blocks
so what you're saying is the language is entirely useless because to do what you need to, you have to bypass the borrow checker.
Annoying rust shills do a great job making us hate it.
"Ok((()))" or "mut& a = 56?;" are not valid nor do they resemble anything meaningful.
It adds additional syntax cruft in a language that's already overstuffed with it
If I'm defining a straightforward data structure but all its operations are unsafe, I want to put them in a block. I don't want to waste my time obscuring my program with all these microannotations.
It goes beyond relaxing. If you've ever interacted with any such community you'll find that they are extremely unpleasant and passive aggressive. Everyone is just bursting at the seams to be a bit negative about shit, which is a normal human interaction that's as important as any. And then they take it out in these faggy, sneaky ways instead of being honest about it. When you deny humanity in your community it becomes inhuman.
>If you've ever interacted with any such community you'll find that they are extremely unpleasant and passive aggressive
Yeah I saw that slowly happen to Freenode on IRC, so I stopped going there.
It seems to me like being a social justice warrior hall monitor is the modern version of being a passive aggressive bully.
so you're saying say you want to declare a function but everything in it is unsafe? great, watch:
unsafe fn foo() {
// you can put anything unsafe here
there isn't a joke, you don't understand the language so its quirks obviously confuse you. instead of trying to understand you just shit on it.
>unsafe blocks don't bypass the borrow checker
Name one example where an unsafe block is used which isn't to do exactly that. C calls don't count.
Go on, I'll wait.
>If I'm defining a straightforward data structure but all its operations are unsafe, I want to put them in a block.
If every single line of your program is juggling raw memory and referencing raw pointers, you've done something spectacularly wrong.
>I don't think you got the joke.
Complaining about the syntax of a language when you clearly don't KNOW the syntax makes you just look foolish.
>Complaining about the syntax of a language when you clearly don't KNOW the syntax makes you just look foolish.
>there isn't a joke, you don't understand the language
If you come on Jow Forums, out of your reddit-spaced hole, you should at least try and understand the memes here.
Look closely at the number and then the mut. Rust retards are invasive species.
Well like I said, I compare it to the classic burger moralfag, which is nothing new. Everyone knows this shit seeps out of their culture once in a while like clockwork. Prohibition movements, abstinence, movements now this victimhood movement. I blame the puritan religious roots in burger, but that's just an assumption. But whatever the fuck it is, it's fucking cancer.
But yeah, it's a sort of very effeminate bullying and dominance assertion.
>faggot flags
The fucking absolute state
Sure, glad you asked since I actually use the language. A common usage is when you need to do an operation like a cast of a data type where the cast can fail, but you already know that it cannot, (say, str::from_utf8_unchecked), or indexing a collection where you already have the index from a reliable source so it doesn't need to be checked (slice::get_unchecked) or needing to use a type like Pin where you can move data by mutating (mutable) references. The BC model works fine with unsafe code, too.
I don't use reddit, it's quite a disgusting place, not that this is much better. Apparently it's a Jow Forums meme, and you're shitposting on a Rust thread. What a surprise.
>No one does, except in your foul mind. Get lost you disgusting social terrorist.
My point is that acceptable behaviour depends on the context, and that's not because some people are "too fragile for naughty words".
>What sort of people fuss about this muh proper social etiquette shit? It's christcuck housewives and SJW trannies.
Anyone who has to deal with an even vaguely professional environment. The entire world doesn't talk like Jow Forums.
>Like I'm trying to tell you, this is not the norm in the world, and judging from experience it's not even the norm in burger.
Where are you where giving people you work with "overtly sexual aliases" is normal?
>There have been productive communities aplenty since the computerized age began, none of them with any CoC's up their ass.
No, most of those communities DO have "don't be an ass" rules. Functional communities who call each other cumgoblins are the exception, not the norm.
that's literally anywhere on the internet
>Jow Forumsgarbage tells a programmer to get off the technology board, because they didn't recognise dumb Jow Forums memes.
What a surprise. I'm utterly shocked.
>t. 56% mut