Here is a challenge Jow Forums

Try your best not to be racist.

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>try to not scream as i cut you

Woah, that is one fat shit! Why’d you crap in the sink, OP?


Challenge accepted faggot

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oops i failed

Cute baby, his father must be very proud.

awww that baby is 2cute4me :3

Looks like a baby in a sink, hope it doesn't grow up to be a nigger.

Honestly that baby is cute.

That baby is not in africa

Who took a shit in that sink

Is that babby?
How babby formed?

Aww what a cute little jigaboo

cute baby

This post is based on a caricature of the fascist worldview. I don't believe as I do because I think that people of other other races have no human value. I believe as I do because I think that other races are fundamentally different from me... and want a world that is mutually exclusive from the world that I want.

So yea... that's a sweet, and cute little nigger baby you have there. Unfortunately, he will grow up to be an adult who identifies with victimhood and papa-government over individual excellence and timeless truth.


congrats, you failed

Is that the world's biggest poo? In a sink no-less.


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>OP's wife's son

Was that racist?

Oh what a cute little nigglet.


Explain to me how fascism isn't inherently pro big-government.

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Define fascism

Nah, I think I'm just gonna say the N-word.

Adorable baby. Nothing racist enters the mind for a second. Only true animals would see that baby as anything but cute.

stupid fucking disgusting nigger baby
i would drown it and feel no remorse

What a cute little niglet. He looks like a happy pile of chocolate!

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He's so cute who could be racist against a baby

Allowing some sovereign leader and his advisors or party members to make decisions for you:
>your culture
>how you dress
>what companies you're allowed to do business with
>who you're allowed to marry

It's not very big on personal freedoms.

I hope you drown in a fire with a thousand dicks in your mouth

They’re cute until they become criminals

You missed the loo

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>Try your best not to be racist.
A cute little angel, straight from the gates of heaven. What happens when he gets older though?

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That baby is ugly. Oh what, it's a niglet. It's always ugly

Yeah cut baby!

Oh wait. Damnit

Is this April Ryan behind the scenes of CNN?

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Wow, babies can be cute. Who'd have guessed it?? Unfortunately, he'll grow up to hate you and oppose everything in your interest... just like his mother, his father, and all of their friends.

every nigger in the world knows his moms number.

That's a weird toilet.


It's just a clump of cells though?

Stinky Bubbles!

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I think this is a very poor definition of fascism but i'll bite.
Can you name "fascist regeimes that did these things?
>your culture
>how you dress
>what companies you're allowed to do business with

>who you're allowed to marry
Why don't you support this? Are you okay with race mixing? Many of the more diverse US states had antimiscegination laws? Does that make them fascist?

So how long before the mom beats this kid to death?

This. O.P. is clearly a psychopath. How silly is he?

Coolest monkey in the jungle.

Thanks for sharing OP!


future inmate


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

why would someone shit in a sink?

Who shat in the sink?

He has that look in his eyes. That optimism and positive outlook. He doesn't look like he can speak yet, but from the look of his face I can tell he *enjoys* life and loves his mommy.

>If he only knew how bad things really are

And I am not talking about politics shit, I am talking about growing up and losing that innocence and optimism we all had when we were kids.

Missed the toilet by a mile.

Nazi Germany expelled Jews and other undesirables while promoting a certain culture and national identity for Germans.

Maybe not culture but certain businesses and people being banned from doing business is inherent to fascism. Fascists aren't very apt to the idea of a free-market.

>Why don't you support this
I support parts of fascism. As a whole I think it's a pretty bad political idea for us alt-righters to rally behind. Why can't our countries be ethno-nationalist whilst still relatively free like SK & Japan?

look at that big beautiful black baby


that actually looks like a poop

>Nazi Germany expelled Jews and other undesirables

Yes though I think that's really only unique the the german manifestation of fascism. Other fascist governments in italy and romania didn't do that.

>while promoting a certain culture and national identity for Germans.

Literally all nations do this.

>but certain businesses and people being banned from doing business is inherent to fascism
Is this to do with jews and undesirables again? I'm pretty sure the ultimate goal was to have a homogenous society in which this wouldn't be nescissary.

>Fascists aren't very apt to the idea of a free-market

This isn't really true. But they are generally against the idea of free trade.

>Why can't our countries be ethno-nationalist whilst still relatively free like SK

Yeah I agree but really the term fascism is pretty vague. It doesn't really have one meaning at this point. Most people I talk to would consider ethnonationalism to be inherently fascistic even if it was a monarchy or democracy or pursued a policy of markets in everything.

>is it to do [...]
Not particularly. Fascism stems from Italian corporatism which dictates which companies are allowed to do business depending on how much they agree with the standards of the regime. In this sense, fascism constructs artificial forms of culture. Also, the state owns most of the media and churns out NK tier levels of propaganda. They're scared to allow culture to bubble by itself.
>pretty vague

Ignore the flag, I was shitposting

Poor baby, probably fell into a coal mine
I hope the tar gets washed off

Who shit in the sink?

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slide thread sage

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That baby looks like OJ

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I think you over watered the plant

Well boys let’s 86 it

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Babies are innocent. He's just a happy little kid.

Active duty soldier here. Were all pissed cheeto man fired Mattis and thats he's pulling out of the Middle East. Literally handing a victory to ISIS, taliban, Russian and Iran.

My friends died for nothing if he is truly going through with this.

Truly a dark day for our armed forces. Ill take Mattis over president cheeto anyday

>for nothing
They died for greater Israel goy and don’t you forget it

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that spacing....

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Top kek

Cute baby.
I still hate niggers though.
I didn't choose this.
Maybe when they can think rationally and follow the law we can get along.


Aww look a Vaseline bath in the sink

Based Cheka poster.

I hope he ends up having a wonderful life

>Mattis served in the Persian Gulf War, Afghanistan, and Iraq.
We need more endless wars in the middle east that only benefit Israel, flood Europe with immigrants and lose any moral authority America ever had, it's what's best for the US. How dare any president try to pull out of a country 6000 miles away? It's white Americas duty to go die in countries they've never heard of to benefit foreign countries that despise them

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I'm not racist, I'm specieist.
Fuck niggers.

stale pasta faggot

the baby has more chances to fuck a 10/10 white girl than many in here

Is that your photo as a baby, nigger?

I'd Comet the fuck outta that sink. It removes greasy residue lickety split.

who shit in the bathroom sink?

I dont understand why you responded to me.
If you're white, have more kids. If you dont, then dont complain.

I hope your mom dies at sleep, (((mod)))

But it literally looks like a piece of shit and it’ll grow up to be a criminal

>ignore the demographic decline of white people in the west and the problems that have been caused by anti white propaganda hahahahaha just have more kids lol