Look pic. If on first glance you think its woman then its woman. Reality is its man...

Look pic. If on first glance you think its woman then its woman. Reality is its man. If you like him it means your head is at heterosexual levels and you are pulled to women appearance. Thats why traps arent gay. Its the confirmation for heterosexual. Its in heterosexual man genes to fuck anyone that looks like woman

Attached: 43985937_185913598987460_5071220585571798486_n.jpg (320x343, 23K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Nice try, that's clearly a woman, retard

That's it. Show me the genitals.

>If you like him it means your head is at heterosexual levels and you are pulled to women appearance. Thats why traps arent gay.

logical fallacy

Except that's an actual woman with woman hips, retard.

Attached: chrome_2018-12-24_00-15-27.png (417x426, 325K)

Ahahahah ok you are confirming what im saying

Attached: realeduardas2_1542458236299768523_467372646.jpg (1080x1350, 122K)

Let's see her penis then.

Its heterosexual to fuck vaginas.
If I pull down her pants and look at her peener, how am I supposed to proceed?

I admit she looks like a girl and I find her attractive, but what am I supposed to do if there is no vagoo?
Anal sex is not heterosexual, and besides, any honest gay man its going to tell you its a healthy practice.

Did you spank one out to a tranny and are now trying to deal with the guilt?
Traps are gay and so are the men who fuck them.

Estonia is home to goat fuckers apparently.

I already showed his name in pic name google it he doesnt have nudes

>If I pull down her pants and look at her peener, how am I supposed to proceed?
Drop to your knees

>Let's see her penis then.
ah, so you really are a faggot then. thanks for confirming.

Are Estonian's branching out?
There's that one Estonian that thinks Nigresses aren't fat lardasses.
Are you the new Estonian Trap apologist?

If a trap passes, it isn’t gay to find him sexually attractive, I’ll give you that. It’s gay if you jack off to him or fuck him though.


there, now you can wank over that penis you so desired.

Its not heterosexual of me, fren.

>projecting this hard


When a man has degraded himself so much he makes other men think hes woman then it puts your head at level where its ok to fuck him. Its not man anymore


I disagree that anal sex is healthy. I am not going to fuck anyone in the ass because its unethical.
thank you.

We are mixed

This, retarded people don't understand how you can be attracted to something at first glance and not want to fuck it when you realize it has a penis

This aint a man OP, you have no evidence

it's ok, you're obviously attracted to women with penises - as proven (thinking that's a woman) and (wanting to see "her" penis) lol.

Ahahahah yes it is google realeduardas2 trans conversion or somethjng he has youtube video. Good you proving point and thats why i made this thread

It is over.

Ok you are free to do anything nobody is forcing but im saying its ok if u feel like need to empty balls

You're a faggot.

Sp what you're saying is the man in your pic is lying to get straight men to sleep with him? Really makes me think

Traps are, in fact, gay.

Its not okay. Its unethical. Look up injuries from anal sex, how can it be ok?

Nope, still a fan of vaginas

Im not gay but id love to suck a huge load from a big fat fem penis

you would-nt lol if you knew how good fem benis taste like, infact you would shoke. yup.

Fucking anything that is infertile is gay.

well, this girl doesn't have a vagina, lad. she's got a penis. and according to you, she passes as a female.


Its not gay if she has a feminine penis

Emptying balls doesnt necessarily mean fucking someone in ass

Because that logic makes no sense.
If you see an attractive woman, (actual genetic female) and find out she has a huge scarred gash for a vaginia because of a railroad explosion freak accident, you won't go, "oh her vag is fucked, I can't fuck her", you'll go "hmm.... I think I can work with this"

Why dont you kys you stupid faggot

This is normal user. Blissful experience.

Thought the hips look messed up before reading your post. Guys that like traps are like the dumb sperm that swims the wrong way

shut up biatch

She may be a woman but she looks like a trap

Friend, what else can a girl with a penis do beside a handjob?
Do you have any idea how much bacteria you expose your penis to when you have oral sex?

Anal sex is unethical.
Oral sex is dirty

The only ethical choice is a handjob.


burn assclowns united shoah jew people


How many couples use condoms or some other birthcontrol.
Are they all gay

If she has a penis, there's nothing for me to fuck, I'm not a sodomite

Only thing oral sex can give is herpes.

Active duty soldier here. Were all pissed cheeto man fired Mattis and thats he's pulling out of the Middle East. Literally handing a victory to ISIS, taliban, Russian and Iran.

My friends died for nothing if he is truly going through with this.

Truly a dark day for our armed forces. Ill take Mattis over president cheeto anyday

You're a huge homo

God, the amount of trickery going on in this photo is absolutely criminal. Alright guys, I'm a
>t. pageant and modelfag

I've been around this shit for nearly a decade now thanks to having a slightly batshit mother who insisted on stuffing my younger sister into every pageant system she could, and stuffed me into modeling gigs as well. As a result, I've spent a lot of time around this shit and I know how the poses work, so here's what's going on:

>baggy shirt to hide shoulders. The positioning of the arms is important to the illusion, as it obfuscates them further
>shoulders angled approx 20 degrees to the camera reference frame to give impression of curve in specific side of waist
>arm holding the phone is intentionally drawn inwards to hide the requisite dearth of curve in opposing side as caused by pose
>phone hiding jawline except for the very barest hint of curve, tricking the eye into believing that's where the chin ends, rather than starts
>standing leaning well forward, approx. 15 degrees. look at the stance
>Stuffing the buttocks as far back as possible to accentuate curvature of waist. This helps mitigate the shoulders problem as well, but any asymmetry is incredibly easy to pick out by the human eye
>back is arched as hard as physically possible to further accentuate buttocks and tighten up any flab or muscle, without showing tone

The amount of time and effort that went into setting up this shot, the amount of training and practice and patience, this is easily $5-10k of good pageant instruction from a renowned tutor, or $2k-4k from a less-good tutor. This is what the new swimsuit competition for Miss Universe and Miss America will look like, mark my words and screencap

you got TRAPPED

Attached: 123.jpg (324x438, 24K)

Look up tucking if you want to be absolutely terrified

Depends on if I want a family or not. If I want a family, then fuck no I won't be with her unless I'm well past my prime. She can't have kids.

Sateverywhere.gots everywhere.

Hail Saturn, feed from the orgasm only produced through sodomy. May the freshness of the virginal ass bring greater glory unto us, for we are forever but cogs destined to assist in the turning of the great wheel.

Listen to yourself
>only herpes
Thats a yikes from me.

But that's not even the kind of bacteria I am talking about. And this bacteria talk goes both ways. Its all unethical to have her put your penis in her mouth. Unless you use a condom, which I doubt because you said you only fear herpes.

Oral sex is potentially humiliating and degrading for your partner, you would have to really ask for her consent and use a condom to make it ethical.

Not gonna lie though. I had a dream about this woman in which she had a huge dick and was showing it off, comparing it with guys' dicks.

Attached: 1522901675772.jpg (873x1200, 170K)

Oh, and I should also point out that I dated a Jewish stripper thot from Key West for a year, which is another place I learned a lot of this shit

It's a man that's spent untold amounts of money to imitate the appearance of a woman. It's still a man. To be attracted to the appearance of a woman is heterosexual, to try and have sex with it still knowing it is a man is gay. Therefore going ahead with fapping to or having sex with a trap knowing it is a man is gay.

There's no room for interpretation here, you're just trying to justify fucking men.

Attached: 1471820388412.png (429x410, 11K)

What if the trap has a vagina and u dont know its a trap

>Were all pissed cheeto man fired Mattis and thats he's pulling out of the Middle East. Literally handing a victory to ISIS, taliban, Russian and Iran.

Start a bread partner, we can talk over there.

Trying to look for approval huh?

Ignore him, it's pasta

Could be but he has other pics aswell

Traps are fucking gay, faggot


If at first glance a stickbug looks like a stick that doesn't mean it's still a stick.
A good imposter is still just an imposter. Get close enough and give it a poke then you will see the truth the creature tries to hide.

Attached: 1526949595660.jpg (560x510, 106K)

>Woman hips
>French cut panties
user, I...


Kill yourself you ignorant faggot

>hurr you're gay if you think someone that looks like a woman is a woman

I love posts like this

And I can guarantee most of them follow that rule. Poses, ducklips, all of that shit is to hide actual facial features, and once you understand how each piece fits into the greater puzzle, you start seeing shit for what it really is. Lies.

That creature should be gased

Attached: IMG_2326.jpg (235x212, 12K)

Hey man, when you have an area of expertise it's fun to use it every once in a while. When you've been surrounded by thots from modeling gigs, pageants, ballet, you end up yearning for a 5/10 debt-free virgin who doesn't wear makeup and has a nice laugh. That's the real beautiful girl.

>using the .00000000001% to justify an argument
Why do Leftists do this?

Spics are gross.
If you are attracted to shitskins, you're a nigger.

Single digit iq

Because postmodernism states quite clearly that the only objective truth is subjective feelings, and that the only way to prove a trend is to use outlying examples. Though I should point out that what you think OP is saying isn't what he's actually saying.

i'd maybe fuck her once if it's not too bad but i wouldn't spend the rest of my life with her

I love you user. Please do trap/whore photo analysis more often. People need to learn.

know all about it, still prefer girls wirh bulges.

I've been considering getting threads going of analysis with slides to include, Professor Kafhir style. I'll need to assemble my curriculum.

Even if men are visual animals, in reality is another thing.
This man will not secrete female pheromones, will not have a pussy, will have weird voice, and a lot of turnoffs.
If you still fuck it knowing it's a man, then you're gay.

fuck off retard it's a female


it's not a proper troll if it's not actually a trap

Active duty soldier here. Were all pissed cheeto man fired Mattis and thats he's pulling out of the Middle East. Literally handing a victory to ISIS, taliban, Russian and Iran.

My friends died for nothing if he is truly going through with this.

Truly a dark day for our armed forces. Ill take Mattis over president cheeto anyday

>t. a bunch of faggots who don't know what a woman looks like
Holy shit you guys are fucking retarded
It's a literal female instathot named Maria Eduarda
Searching OP's photo gives the incorrect name of a different instathot who I am unable to tell if it's a man or a woman.
God Jow Forums sometimes you guys are magnificently retarded
those titties are fake tho

Lol, you’re gonna have to try harder than that

Not trolling and its trap fucking retard swede do some research

Then thats the day I will be made a fool. Especially when you are an incel loser without much vagoo experience.

But even still, its not cool to make these people go through surgery. What these surgeons on Thailand do is borderline criminal. Its barely based on good medical practices and everyone has to go to Thailand because medics at their home countries won't do what the Thais do.

Its ultimately the traps choice, but traps are rarely satisfied with the final result.


miss me with that gay shit
they are are the same, so its better they come into thicc 10/10 format.
Gigantic tits and gigantic ass.
I don't even look at a girl if she is less than 6 foot 4 inches tall and weighs less than 250 pounds.
Pic related.

Attached: 6f7in bae.jpg (955x1189, 399K)

Have you seen any cute traps in Estonia?

> Its in heterosexual man genes to fuck anyone that looks like woman
Yes, as long as you stop being attracted when you see the penis... that is the defining line.

>implying I said ANYTHING about that being a man or a woman

I made no such value judgement, I was simply pointing out the tricks involved in making "it" appear more feminine to the camera. A thot is a thot, man or woman.

>Educational threads on how to identify and avoid the pitfalls of modern degeneracy
A new hero of Jow Forums in the making. Godspeed user.

Attached: 1507782814753.jpg (720x408, 36K)

It's gay when it's confirmed a man but you still lust for it.

Sorry, didn't mean to be anti-Semitic...

I would also like to add that searching this photo gives another incorrect name of a tranny pornstar.
It took me like 5 seconds to figure this shit out, come on guys you can do better than this.

Maria Eduarda Vieria and its a male. If you simply google her name and put trans to end you will see. He also has conversion vid

Sorry m8 you must have been mistakenly caught in my anger-fueled mass-reply clicking spree.